3.2.9 Practice - Complete Your Assignment (Practice) PDF

Title 3.2.9 Practice - Complete Your Assignment (Practice)
Course Negotiations and Relationship Management
Institution Clarkson University
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3.2.9 Practice: Complete Your Assignment Practice British Literature and Composition Sem 1 Name:Mina Haydari Date:9/18/21

Continue working with a partner to annotate and analyze Shakespeare's The Tempest. You will select one scene from the play and provide annotations that explain Shakespeare's use of figurative language. Then you will examine your partner's scene and write a paragraph that explains how details from the scene, including the figurative language, reveal Shakespeare's attitudes toward colonialism and imperialism. Your assignment should include the following elements:  At least 12 annotations about the figurative language in a scene from The Tempest  Annotations that cover at least three different types of figurative language  A paragraph about your partner's scene that analyzes Shakespeare's message about colonialism and imperialism in The Tempest  Evidence from the scene to support your analysis

You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one. If you haven't done so, go back and complete that activity now. No partner? If you're studying in a solo classroom, you may be able to analyze and annotate the same scene. See your teacher for guidance on how to adapt this assignment to work without a partner.

Working in a low-tech environment? If you don't have access to a word processing program that allows you to cut, paste, and add footnotes to a text, see your teacher for guidance about how to create your annotations. If nothing else, you can always write out your footnotes on a separate sheet of paper.

Ask yourself these questions as you revise:  Did I create at least 12 annotations explaining the figurative language in a scene from The Tempest?  Did I use appropriate academic terminology (e.g., words like metaphor and personification) to describe the figurative language?  Did I read and study the annotations my partner wrote?  Did I write a paragraph analyzing Shakespeare's views on colonialism or imperialism in my partner's scene?  Did I back up the ideas in my paragraph with evidence from the text?

Use this rubric to determine how well you're meeting the criteria for the assignment.


The figurative languages used by Shakespeare in "the Tempest" are Hyperbole: "Your tale, Sir, would cure deafness." Metaphor: "My library is dukedom large enough" Personification: "This movie crept by me upon the waters allaying both their fury and my passion." Paradox: "What is past is prologue." Simile: "Then all admire with me, the King's son, Ferdinand, with her hair upstarting. Metaphor:" No sweet aspersions shall the heavens let fall to make the contract grow." TheTempes tex ami nest hei mper i al i s t i ct i est hatbi ndEngl andandAmer i c a,buti t doess oi nt hecont ex tofapar t i c ul arhumanbondbet weent hepr ot agoni s t s . Bec aus eoft hec oncepti nt heGr eatChai nofBei ngandt hesev ent eent hcent ur y bei nganageofe xpl or at i on,t hei s l andpr ov i desnewc omer sas ens eofendl es s pos s i bi l i t i es ,s uchasc l ai mi ngt hel andf ort hems el v es .Thepr os pectofr ul i nga c ol onyent i cedmanypeopl ei nt obel i ev i ngt hatt heycoul dwi el ds uc hi nfl uenceov era l ar gegr oupofpeopl e. Pr os per o,t hemai nc har act er ,hasami nds ets i mi l art ot hatofac ol oni sts i nce, des pi t et hef actt hathel andedont hei s l anduni nt ent i onal l y ,heac t sasi fhei sbet t er t hant hel oc al sands eest hei s l andass omet hi nghec anbenefi tf r om.Pr os per oi s unl i k el yt obec l as s i fi edasani mper i al i s ti nv aderbec aus ehear r i v edont hei s l andas af ugi t i v eanddi dnotneces s ar i l yl aunc hafi ghtwi t ht hel oc al s .Des pi t et hi s ,he s eek st or ecl ai m hi sduk edom bymani pul at i ngt hos ear oundhi m.Mi r anda,hi s daught er ,i sk eptnai v eandi nnoc entbyhi m. Heal s oempl oy smagi conFer di nand,whobec omesMi r anda' sl ov ei nt er es t ,bef or e ens l av i nghi m.Pr os per ousesAr i elt oc ar r youtmos tofhi spl ansbyconv i nci nghi m t hatobedi enc ewi l lgr anthi mf r eedom. EXPLANATI ON: Bet r ay al ,magi c ,andf or gi v enes sar eal lt hemesi nTheTempes t .Pr os per oi sagr eat magi c i anwhoconj ur esupat empes ti nor dert os ett hes t agef ort hepl ay .The ev ent st hatf ol l owi nc l udeapl ott oas s as si nat et heKi ngofNapl es ,adr unk enpl ott o k i l l Pr os per o,andMi r anda' scour t shi pwi t ht heKi ng' ss on,Fer di nand.Fi nal l y , ev er y onei sf or gi v en,andt heyar eal l r eadyt or et ur nhome.

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