347711198 world religion note catcher PDF

Title 347711198 world religion note catcher
Author Avi Kerendian
Course World Religions
Institution University of Houston
Pages 12
File Size 255.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 47
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coursework summary on World Religion textbook + lecture notes ...


7th Grade Social Studies

World Religions Note Catcher Name ________________________________________ Period ________

Monotheistic Religions (one god)

Polytheistic Religions (more than one god)



Sacred Texts:

Sacred Texts:



How it Started:

How it Started:

Core Beliefs:

Core Beliefs:


Symbol: Buddhism

Christianity Sacred Texts:

Sacred Texts:



How it Started:

How it Started:

Core Beliefs:

Core Beliefs:


Symbol: Islam

Sacred Texts: Geography: How it Started: Core Beliefs: Symbol:

Project Description: Research

In this project, you will research five main religions of the world. This will include finding out the origin, concepts, and spread of each religion.  Interactive Glossary  Primary Source Analysis  Cornell Notes


In this project, you will pick one of the five religions to research further. Your focus will be current events involving your religion. You will pick one of the three assessment options and create a product.

#1 Newspaper Article or News Broadcast Script

Pick Your Assessment #2 Essay

#3 Historical/Contemporary Fiction

Project Must Haves: Religion Explanation

Current Event

Challenges Possible Solutions

          

Origin of religion Main beliefs Sacred texts Geography (origin and current day) Location Who is involved? What is happening? How are people’s reactions affected by their religion? What historical relationships are involved? One possible solution Potential compromises

Judaism Glossary

Interactive Glossary Part A – Pick 5 words from the glossary and redefine each in your own words. Word Definition 1 2 3 4 5 Part B – Pick 2 words from the glossary and use each in a sentence. Word Sentence 1 2 Part C – Pick 1 word from the glossary and create a visual representation. Word Visual 1

Judaism – the world’s first religion that believes in one god; followers are known as Jews Israel & Judea – a small area of land in the Middle East next to the Mediterranean Sea; this is where the 12 tribes of Israel, also known as the Israelites, lived Jerusalem – the holy city of the Jews located in the Judean hills Abraham – a Jewish prophet who led his people from the city of Ur to an area called Canaan Canaan – the coastal area of land next to the Mediterranean Sea in 1250 BCE; today this area includes Israel and Lebanon Covenant – a binding agreement that cannot be broken Exodus – the escape of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt

Religious Text: Primary Source Analysis Analysis – Read the religious text and state the main idea. “Have no other gods besides Me, and do not make idols and worship them.” - text from the 3rd Commandment; Exodus 20:4 from the Torah Source Main Idea of Document

Moses – a Jewish prophet who led the Israelites out of Egypt and received the 10 Commandments from God 10 Commandments – the ten orders from God to the Jewish people Torah – the Jewish holy text with 5 books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy

(Blank pages to be replaced with Cornell Notes pages)

Christianity Glossary

Interactive Glossary Part A – Pick 5 words from the glossary and redefine each in your own words. Word Definition 1

Christianity – a religion that believes in one god and the teaching of Jesus Christ; followers are known as Christians Jesus – a Jewish man that Christians believe is the messiah and the son of God

2 Messiah – savior

3 4 5 Part B – Pick 2 words from the glossary and use each in a sentence. Word Sentence 1 2 Part C – Pick 1 word from the glossary and create a visual representation. Word Visual 1

Salvation – Christians believe that people need God to forgive their sins so that their souls can live on after death in the presence of God in heaven Trinity – Christians believe that God exists in three forms: God the father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit Bible & New Testament – the holy text of the Christians; it includes the five books of the Jewish Torah as well as books from Jesus’ followers Gospels – the first 4 books of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

Religious Text: Primary Source Analysis Analysis – Read the religious text and state the main idea. “In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you.” - Matthew 7:12 from the New Testament Source Main Idea of Document

Apostle – the 12 closest followers of Jesus who spread his teachings after his crucifixion Crucifixion – a Roman method of execution; the victim was nailed to a wooden cross and hung until dead

Islam Glossary

Interactive Glossary Part A – Pick 5 words from the glossary and redefine each in your own words. Word Definition

Islam – a religion that believes in one god and the teachings of Muhammad; followers are known as Muslims


Allah – the one god of Islam


Muhammad – the “holy prophet” of Islam who was a messenger of Allah

3 4 5 Part B – Pick 2 words from the glossary and use each in a sentence. Word Sentence 1

Mecca & Medina – The two holiest cities in Islam which are located in Western Saudi Arabia; Mecca is where Islam began Quran – the holy text of Islam; it is copied from Muhammad and is considered the word of God

2 Part C – Pick 1 word from the glossary and create a visual representation. Word Visual 1

Hajj – a pilgrimage to Mecca; the Quran instructs Muslims to make the Hajj at least once Ramadan – the 9th month of the Islamic calendar; Muslims fast during the day in Ramadan

Religious Text: Primary Source Analysis Analysis – Read the religious text and state the main idea.

Sunni & Shia – the two largest groups of Muslims; they both believe in the Quran but they disagree about certain religious rules and interpretations; 85% of Muslims are Sunni

“He who eats his fill while his neighbor goes without food is not a believer” -

excerpt from the Hadith (a set of Muhammad’s writings on moral behavior) Source Main Idea of Document

Sharia – the Islamic law code, which describes the right way to act through specific rules of personal conduct Mosque – an Islamic temple

Hinduism Glossary

Interactive Glossary Part A – Pick 5 words from the glossary and redefine each in your own words. Word Definition 1 2 3 4 5 Part B – Pick 2 words from the glossary and use each in a sentence. Word Sentence 1 2 Part C – Pick 1 word from the glossary and create a visual representation. Word Visual 1

Hinduism – a religion that believes in many gods; followers are known as Hindus Brahman – one supreme force or god, that binds the universe together Brahma, Vishnu, & Shiva – the three main gods of Hinduism; Brahma is the creator god; Vishnu is the preserver god; and Shiva is the destroyer god River Ganges – a sacred river that purifies those who wash in it Vedas – one of Hinduisms holy texts; it is a collection of sacred hymns that describe how to live Reincarnation – rebirth of a soul in a new body that helps lead to enlightenment Enlightenment or Moksha – to become free of suffering by exiting the cycle of reincarnation and becoming one with Brahman

Religious Text: Primary Source Analysis Analysis – Read the religious text and state the main idea. “As a man discards worn-out clothes to put on new and different ones, so the (soul) discards its worn-out bodies to take on other new ones.” - Excerpt from the Hindu sacred text, the Bhagavad-Gita Source Main Idea of Document

Karma – the effect of a person’s actions, which determines how a person will be reborn Castes – a fixed social class that a person is born into: Brahmins, Kshatriyas , Vaishyas, Shudras, and Dalits Ahimsa – avoiding doing harm to any living thing


Interactive Glossary Part A – Pick 5 words from the glossary and redefine each in your own words. Word Definition 1 2 3 4

Glossary Buddhism – a religion with no god based on the teachings of Buddha; followers are known as Buddhists Buddha – the man who taught how to reach enlightenment Meditate – to calm or clear the mind by focusing on one object Enlightenment – a state of perfect wisdom

5 Part B – Pick 2 words from the glossary and use each in a sentence. Word Sentence 1 2 Part C – Pick 1 word from the glossary and create a visual representation. Word Visual 1

Nirvana – a state of blissful peace with no suffering Four Noble Truths – 1. 2. 3. 4.

All of life involves suffering Suffering is caused by selfish desires The way to end suffering is to overcome selfish desires The way to overcome selfish desires is to follow the Eightfold Path

Eightfold Path – 1.


Religious Text: Primary Source Analysis Analysis – Read the religious text and state the main idea.


“This is my last advice to you. All…things in the world are changeable. They are not lasting. Work hard to gain your own salvation.”


- According to legend, these are the dying words of Buddha Source Main Idea of Document


Right Belief – to believe and understand the Four Noble Truths Right Purpose – to make spiritual growth the purpose for one’s life Right Speech – to become aware of what one says; no lying or hurting others Right Conduct – to work on improving one’s behavior; no stealing or hurting others Right Livelihood – to pick a job that supports spiritual growth and doesn’t hurt others...

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