Int-244 World Religion Essay Hinduism PDF

Title Int-244 World Religion Essay Hinduism
Course World Religion
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Essay on Hinduism, what the key practices they are obligated too....



Hinduism: The Trimurti

NaTasha Thompson College Name, Grand Canyon University INT-244: World Religion Russ Paden August 1st, 2021

2 Hinduism: The Trimurti

Hinduism is not just about believing in a higher power, it is about showing respect, and treating others with compassion. Believed that the way of life is from Samsara which is the cycle of life death and the reincarnation of all life. That every cause has an effect, and it is known as karma. One gets back what is put out in the Universe. By living an honest and patience life it will help bring understanding to oneself about oneself and a better understanding and connection to the higher power. Though there is only one true God, the religion and beliefs are made up of many Gods and Goddesses who help look out of certain aspects of creations. Hindu have deities in Trimurti that they must understand the function in the kalpic, the cycle of life and the history of development. Trimurti is the three forms in which make up Brahma, Vishun, Shiva. These three are the ones in charge of creating and looking out for the world. Brahma is the first God in Trimurti, is known as the creator or Svayambhu. He came from a golden egg and was place in charge to create the whole world and all the creatures, along with dark and light, good and evil, also creation of other Gods and Goddess (Singh, 2021). In kalpic cycle of life Brahma is to create life in both initial life and reincarnation (Singh, 2021). Brahma created the second God of Trimurti Vishnu or as Narayana. Vishnu is the preserver and the protector of all the souls of the creators of the universe, ensuring that each life lives of Samsara (Zongur, 2018). He has reincarnated himself as another to return to earth in bad and troubled times to bring back balance of evil and good (Zongur, 2018). He is seen as one of the greatest Gods of the Trimurti. Hindus are waiting for his last return one last time after returning to the earth 9 others (Zonur, 2018). In order to restore balance and justice in both human and Gods, his moral order is to meditate disagreements and teach patience and fight off evil (Zongur, 2018).

3 Just as Brahma created Vishnu, he created Shiva the three God to Trimurti. Shiva is known as the most powerful God; he’s job is to be the destroyer. His role is to destroy the universe when it gets too bad in order to recreate it. Originating from Rudra, who was a storm god and hunter (Madaio, 2019). For he is responsible for the upkeep and destruction of the world. When his role is needed for kalpic cycle of life he terminates the human soul allowing them to pass on to the next stage of life (Madaio, 2019). He swoops in getting rid of the things that no longer needs to be around and opens up room for growth. Because of the 3 Gods of Trimurti, it allows the earth to move forward and make sure that good and evil is in balance for if the world become unbalanced it turns into chaos. The life of a Hindu has many spiritual levels and understanding in the culture, caste system allows social classes to live separate lives, Hindu and Christians practice the same 4 key Hindu beliefs, and need to work together in understanding the difference between the religions. Caste System Hinduism is made up of many forms of structure and belief just as the 3 Gods of Trimurti play a role in the life and belief of Hinduism so does the caste system. The caste system is divides into categories of sectarian classes the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and the Shondra’s (Corduan, 2012). Whatever class one is born into will be the class they will remain into until death, and then are reborn. Caste members are to remain in their group their entire life, they are to eat, sleep and marry within their caste (Corduan, 2012). One of the lower classes hopes to be reborn into wealth in the next life. Believed that if they put out good karma that in the next life they will be rewarded with wealth and a better life. The top caste system is Brahmins, they are the priest and gurus, Kshatriyas are the kings and warriors Vaishya are the trades and farmers, and the Snudras are the laborers, and the untouchables are the slaves or prisoners (Corduan,

4 2012). Each group keeps to their own self trying to please the god in hopes for a better life. In both Christian and Hindu, they understand how important caste and tradition is.

Christians in Hindu Community Saint Thomas Church of South India believes that there is only one God where Hindu, believe in one main God but there is multiple Gods that oversee different parts of the world. Saint Thomas does not believe in multiple gods, there is only one and one only. Reincarnation is not a belief they share for Saint Thomas believes that once someone dies their soul takes a spiritual form and goes to heaven to live enterally with God (Congar, 2017). They do not keep returning to earth over and over. Though some views of each religion are different they do share some that are similar. Key beliefs in Hindu religions are the law of karma and how actions of humans impart the ultimate life they will receive. If one is always treating others poorly there is a chance that they will live a bad life due to always distributing bad out in the world. Though Saint Thomas does not believe in karma they do believe that one should treat others well and respectful. Teaching of Hindu the Gospel way brings many barriers. Hindu Barriers in Gospel Hindus strong belief of their religion makes it so, that they are unable to understand how one can believe in something else, it does not make sense how it could be the way of the Christin beliefs. One of the biggest barriers that affect the beliefs of Hindus is Monotheism. Hindus believe that there is many Gods that create and watch over the world. Yet there is one God Brahman who is the beginning, who created Brahma to help create the rest of the world. By Brahma creating all life and other Gods to help watch over the world. Where Christianity is based off having one and only God who does it all. He oversees everything and cares for all his

5 people. Because of Christianity has one God, it makes it hard for them to understand how one God can take care of all life. Another barrier would be Christens do not believe in reincarnation they believe after passing the soul goes up to live enterally with God. They do not keep coming back over and over again after death. Differences in Beliefs Though there are some similarities there are many differences in beliefs between Christians and Hinduism. Some similarities could be the Hindu God Brahman is the supreme God just the same as God in Christian religion. God and Jesus are the way to the Holy Trinity just as Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva are the way to Trimurti. Brahma is the creator of all life, and the world and God is the creator in all Christianity. God had Jesus come to bring harmony and to help look over the world. Where Brahma created Vishnu to do the same as Jesus, bring harmony and be the protector of the world. Though Brahma also created Shiva to be the destroy of evil, God did not create anyone to become the destroyer. He just waits for people to destroy the world and gives them a chance to be saved in the end. Where karma lets Hindu come back over and over until they get life back depending on how they are during life depends on life after death. Which could be compared to the fall of Adam, for doing bad as eating the apple, they were kicked out of the garden of Eden and sent to live on Earth, and this was the starting of sins. Without sin there would be no evil in the world. Everyone would just live happily live. Conclusion Hinduism is a belief of many Gods, one God created all and created other Gods in order to help him look over the world. The main deities of Trimurti are Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Brahma is the creator of all. Vishnu is the protector of the creations from evil. Shiva is the destroyer of all evil. Vishnu and Shiva work together to make sure the world stays balanced.

6 Hindus also believe that they are born into a certain life, do not work towards bettering their life they just accept life as it is and work towards bringing a better karma to their next life. Though Christians and Hindu needs to understand both have similar areas in each religion they also have a little bit different area. They need to work towards peace and learning to accept each other.

7 References Canan ZONGUR. (2018). Sculptures of Vishnu and His Avatars in Hindu Temples Abstract. Idil Sanat ve Dil Dergisi, 7(49), 1063–1074. Congar, Y. M. J. (2017). The Ecumenical Value and Scope of some Hermeneutical Principles of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Pro Ecclesia, 26(2), 186–201. url= direct=true&db=rfh&AN=ATLAiG0V170710003792&site=eds-live&scope=site Corduan, W. (2012) Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions. Intervarsity Press, Illinois. Retrieved from: Madaio, J. (2019). Liberation and Hindu Studies. Journal of Hindu Studies, 12(1), 1–11. Singh, S. (2021) ‘Brahma’, Journal of International Women’s Studies, 22(5), p. 474. Available at: direct=true&db=edsgao&AN=edsgcl.666206335&site=eds-live&scope=site...

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