360 quiz 2 SG - Lecture notes quiz 2 PDF

Title 360 quiz 2 SG - Lecture notes quiz 2
Course Human Geography
Institution California State University Long Beach
Pages 5
File Size 124.5 KB
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quiz 2 study guide, professor carter...


Ch a p t e r9 :Po pu l a t i onGe o g r a p h ya n dHI V/ AI DS What was the main cause of AIDS in 2002 in the following regions of the world: SubSaharan Africa, Western Europe, North and South American and Eastern Europe?  Heterosexual sex in Sub-Saharan Africa, effected more women  Male homosexual sex in Western Europe, North and South America  I nt r a v e no usdr ugus ei nEa s t e r nEu r op e What are the three dimensions that make HIV/AIDS an exceptional infectious disease?  Medical o A syndrome that attacks the body’s immune system and makes them more susceptible to infections o Deaths are not documented as “AIDS” but as the infection they succumbed to o Gestation period  Demographic o Population geography, age/sex pyramid of affected populations o Sexually active age groups, young adult mortality, effect on labor force and economy  Behavioral o Can be avoided by behavioral change  Less sexual partners and protected sex What are the two leading models used by population geographers to study AIDSaffected populations? 

 Demographic Transition Model  Spatial diffusion How is first model used to study AIDS-affected populations? How is second model used?

 DTM o AIDs drives high adult mortality and rapidly falling overall life expectancy at birth  Reversal of classic DTM model o AIDs driven mortality reversal  Spatial diffusion o Rural/urban differences

 Chapter 10: Migration, Population Redistribution, and Regional Development in China What is Ravenstein’s theory of migration? How do neoclassical theorists and researchers view migration? 

 

Pe o p l emo v ei no r d e rt ob e t t e rt h e ms e l v e se c o n omi c a l l y o I n d i v i d u a l sr e s p o n s et or e g i o n a ldi ffe r e n t i a l si ne c o no mi cd e v e l o p me n t Ne o c l a s s i c a lt h e o r i s t s o La b o rmo v e me n tf r o ml o wwa g et oh i g h wa g ea r e a swi l le v e nt ua l l ye v e nou t r e g i on a lwa g ed i ffe r e n t i a l s

How does the hukou affect migration in China? 

On l ype r s on swi t ha nu r b a nh u k ou( h ou s e ho l dr e g i s t r a t i o n )h a da c c e s st oj o b s ,h o u s i n g , f o o d ,a ndo t h e rn e c e s s i t i e si nu r b a na r e a s

Which part of China has the most prominent negative net migration rates?  J i a n g xi ,6. 4 91 99 5 20 00 What are the most important factors that contributed to the patterns in these provinces?  Ec o no mi cd i s p a r i t y( I DKi ft h i si sr i g ht ? )  Ad j a c e n c y

Pa r t3 :En v i r o n me n t ,Agr i c ul t ur ea n dSoc i e t y What were the environmental and cultural factors supporting the invention of agriculture 10,000 years ago? 

Explain the benefits and drawbacks of hunting and gathering as a way of life. Include the following considerations: Social life, physical health, mobility, logistics, education and development, security, and sustainability.  Benefits o  Drawbacks o Discuss the nature of each of the three types of early agriculture settlements (shifting cultivation, pastoralism, and intensive agriculture). Compare each one to the characteristics you defined for hunting and gathering societies.  Shifting cultivation o  Pastoralism o  Intensive agriculture o

Pa r t4 :Cul t u r a lGe o gr a p h ya n dPl a c eWhat is place? Define “place.” Why is the term “place” often considered a gypsy in academic terminology?  

Us e dt or e f e rt op a r t soft hee a r t h ’ ss u r f a c et h a th a v ebe e ngi v e nap a r t i c u l a rme a ni n gb y v a r i o u sg r ou p so fp e o pl e Gy ps yb e c a u s et h ec o n c e p to f“ p l a c e ”i sc o n s t a nt l yc h a n g i n g

Describe some of the various common usages of place. Why does scale matter in conceptualizing place?  Usage o Possessive  Your place or mine? o Feeling (emotional)  Seattle is a nice place. o Social hierarchy  He put me in my place.  Scale o What are the three fundamental aspects of place? Which one of the three is subjective in nature?   

Lo c a t i o n-Fi x e do b j e c t i v ec oo r d i n a t e dont h ee a r t h ’ ss u r f a c e Lo c a l e-Ma t e r i a ls e t t i n gf o rs o c i a lr e l a t i on s ,a c t u a la n dl i v a bl es h a peo fp l a c e Se n s eo fp l a c e–SUBJ ECTI VE,Emo t i o na la t t a c h me n tt oap l a c e

What is the relationship between space and place?  

Sp a c ei sap h y s i c a lc o n s t r u c t ,c a nbeme a s ur e di na r e a sa n dv o l ume sa n de xi s t s e v e r y wh e r e Pl a c e se xi s twi t h i nt h i sSP ACE,pl a c e sh a v es p a c ebe t we e nt h e m,c ha n g eo v e r t i me ,h a v e l o c a t i o n ,a r e a s / v o l ume sa r es u b j e c t i v e

What is the relationship between landscape and place?  

La n d s c a pei sapo r t i o no fe a r t hs ur f a c et h a tc a nb es e e nf r o mo nes po t Es s e n t i a l l yavi s ua li d e a

Why is place sometimes used as a way of understanding the world as opposed to being in the world? 

Pe o pl eLi k eUsvideo: Friends in Low Places What kind of place existed in old (blue-collar) Baltimore?  1960’s hairspray culture Why was the term “hon” lavishly used in public places?  Regulars, part of the community, gender neutral What kind of place is emerging in old Baltimore now that the factories have closed and affluent families are moving into the neighborhood?  Gentrification, modern white collar, suburbanized How long will the remnants of place from the old Baltimore last in the newly gentrified community?  People Like Us video: Don’t Get Above Your Raisin’ Why is sense of place at home in Appalachia so strong?  Why are the ties to home so difficult to break free from?Conversely, why is the sense of place so weak in Washington D.C.?  What will it take for Dana to sever the ties in Appalachia and set new roots in Washington D.C. ...

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