Lecture Quiz 2 PDF

Title Lecture Quiz 2
Author Katherine Alvarez
Course Microbiology
Institution Miami Dade College
Pages 6
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All answers and questions on lecture quiz 2. For Nia Madison MCB2010...


1. Which of the following statements about helminths is FALSE? D) All are parasites. 3. Which of the following statements about the oomycote algae is FALSE? chlorophyll.

D) They have

5. Which of the following statements regarding lichens is FALSE? B) Lichens represent a mutualistic relationship between a fungus and an alga. 6. Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

E) anamorphs — lack spores

11. Which of the following pairs is mismatched? walls

E) coenocytic hyphae — hyphae with cross-

12. Which of the following statements regarding protozoa is FALSE? cause disease.

B) Nearly all protozoa

13. In mid-December, a woman with insulin-dependent diabetes who had been on prednisone fell and received an abrasion on the dorsal side of her right hand. She was placed on penicillin. By the end of January, the ulcer had not healed, and she was referred to a plastic surgeon. On January 30, a swab of the wound was cultured at 35°C on blood agar. On the same day, a smear was made for Gram staining. The Gram stain showed large (10 µm) cells. Brownish, waxy colonies grew on the blood agar. Slide cultures set up on February 1 and incubated at 25°C showed septate hyphae and single conidia. The most likely cause of the infection is a B) dimorphic fungus. 14. Which of the following tends to be more complex in a parasitic helminth than in free-living helminths? C) reproductive system 15. Which of the following statements is FALSE? and chemical agents.

D) Fungal spores are highly resistant to heat

16. Which of the following pairs are mismatched? C) 2 and 5 17. Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

E) green algae — prokaryotic

18. Helminthic diseases are usually transmitted to humans by

C) gastrointestinal route.

19. All of the following are characteristic of the Platyhelminthes EXCEPT that they have highly developed digestive and nervous systems.


20. In the malaria parasite life cycle, humans are the ________ host, while mosquitoes are the host as well as the vector. E) intermediate; definitive 22. The encysted larva of the beef tapeworm is called a 1

C) cysticercus.

23. Which of the following arthropods does NOT transmit diseases by sucking blood from a human host? C) houseflies 24. Which of the following statements about algae is FALSE?

D) All are unicellular.

80) Below are paired items referring to the heartworm Dirofilaria immitis. Which of the pairs is mismatched? D) mosquito — definitive host 81) All of the following are characteristic of algae EXCEPT which ONE of the following? B) They are currently classified as plants. 82) A definitive host harbors which stage of a parasite?

C) adult

83) What do tapeworms eat? D) intestinal contents

87) In the microscope, you observe multinucleated amoeboid cells with sporangia that form spores. This is a(n) E) plasmodial slime mold. 88) You observe a mass of amoeba-like cells that swarm together, form a stalk, and produce spores. This is a(n) B) cellular slime mold. 89) Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

E) cestodes — all are free-living

90) Which of the following is a nucleated, unicellular organism that, if you changed the incubation temperature, would form filaments with conidiospores? A) ascomycete 91) Which of the following organisms is photoautotrophic protozoan? 92) Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

C) Euglena

D) mosquito — Pneumocystis

93) Which of the following groups of algae does NOT produce compounds that are toxic to humans? C) green algae 95) Assume you have isolated a multicellular heterotrophic organism that produces coenocytic hyphae, motile zoospores, and cellulose cell walls. It is most likely a(n) C) oomycote alga. 97) Ringworm is caused by a(n)

A) fungus.

98) Yeast infections are caused by

B) Candida albicans.

99) All of the following are characteristic of lichens EXCEPT relationship between a fungus and a protozoan.

D) they are a symbiotic

100) You see acid-fast oocysts in a fecal sample from a patient who has diarrhea. What is the 2

MOST likely cause? A) Cryptosporidium 102) Arthropod vectors are blood-sucking animals such as ticks, lice, and fleas that transmit microbial pathogens. A) TRUE 103) Cercariae, metacercaria, redia, and sporocysts are all life cycle stages of trematodes. A) TRUE 104) The Platyhelminthes group includes roundworms, tapeworms, and flukes.


106) Both the cellular slime molds and the plasmodial slime molds are members of the phylum Amoebozoa. A) TRUE 107) In helminth life cycles, the organism that harbors the adult sexually reproductive phase of the parasite is called the intermediate host. B) FALSE 108) The sporozoite, merozoite, gametocyte, and ring stages are all part of the Plasmodium life cycle. A) TRUE 109) The insect vectors have six legs and include spiders, ticks, mosquitoes, and lice. FALSE


110) Most cases of hookworm infection are acquired by ingestion of adult forms in contaminated food or water. B) FALSE 111) The most frequently used portal of entry for pathogens is the A) mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. 115) Which of the following statements is FALSE? E) Coagulase destroys blood clots. 116) Which of the following statements about exotoxins is generally FALSE? resistant to heat.

C) They are

117) Endotoxins are C) part of the gram-negative cell wall. 118) Cytopathic effects are changes in host cells due to

A) viral infections.

119) Which of the following does NOT contribute to the symptoms of a fungal disease? D) cell walls 120) All of the following are methods of avoiding host antibodies EXCEPT disrupting toxins.

D) membrane-

121) The fimbriae of Neisseria gonorrhea and enteropathogenic E. coli are examples of D) adhesins and ligands.


123) Botulism is caused by ingestion of a proteinaceous exotoxin; therefore, it can easily be prevented by A) boiling food prior to consumption. 124) Symptoms of protozoan and helminthic diseases are due to E) tissue damage due to growth of the parasite on the tissues, waste products excreted by the parasite, and products released from damaged tissues. 125) Which of the following statements about staphylococcal enterotoxin is FALSE? produced by Staphylococcus aureus growing in the host's intestines.

D) It is

126) Which of the following contributes to the virulence of a pathogen? E) numbers of microorganisms that gain access to a host, evasion of host defenses, and toxin production 127) Lysogenic bacteriophages contribute to bacterial virulence because bacteriophages A) give new gene sequences to the host bacteria. 128) Twenty-five people developed symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea three to six hours after attending a church picnic where they ate a ham and green bean casserole with cream sauce. The most likely cause of this case of food intoxication is D) erythrogenic toxin. 129) Symptoms of intense inflammation and shock occur in some gram-positive bacterial infections due to D) superantigens. 130) Which of the following mechanisms is used by gram-negative bacteria to cross the bloodbrain barrier? D) inducing TNF 131) Injectable drugs are tested for endotoxins by

A) the Limulus amoebocyte lysate test.

132) Endotoxins in sterile injectable drugs could cause

B) septic shock symptoms.

153) All of the following are part of the mechanism of action of alpha and beta interferons EXCEPT B) they are effective for long periods. 154) The alternative pathway for complement activation is initiated by complexes and C3.

A) lipid-carbohydrate

155) The classical pathway for complement activation is initiated by reactions.

C) antigen-antibody

156) Activation of C3a results in

A) acute inflammation.

157) Neutrophils with defective lysosomes are unable to

C) produce toxic oxygen products.

158) Innate immunity includes all of the following EXCEPT


C) production of antibody.

159) After ingesting a pathogen, lysosomal enzymes produce all of the following EXCEPT A) complement. 160) Activation of C5-C9 results in C) lysis of microbial cells. 161) All of the following are true regarding NK cells EXCEPT cells by phagocytosis.

D) they destroy infected body

162) Which of the following is involved in resistance to parasitic helminths? 163) Macrophages arise from which of the following?

B) eosinophils

D) monocytes

167) The lectin pathway for complement action is initiated by microbes.

B) mannose on the surface of

168) All of the following are components of the inflammatory process EXCEPT D) diapedesis. 169) Several inherited deficiencies in the complement system occur in humans. Which of the following would be the MOST severe? A) deficiency of C3 170) Which of the following statements about the classical pathway of complement activation is FALSE? C) C3 is not involved in the classical pathway. 171) Lysozyme and the antibiotic penicillin have similar mechanisms of action in that they both cause damage to the bacterial C) cell wall. 172) Which non-specific defense mechanism is mismatched with its associated body structure or body fluid? B) mucociliary escalator — intestines 173) The dermis is composed of connective tissue and serves the primary purpose of providing direct protection from the external environment. B) False 174) Microorganisms that are members of the normal microbiota are also known to cause disease. A) True 175) Maturation of stem cells into mature blood cells occurs in the red bone marrow. True 176) The inflammatory response can only be triggered by an infection.


B) False

177) Histamine and kinins cause increased blood flow and capillary permeability. A) True 178) Aspirin alleviates pain, inflammation, and fever by inhibiting prostaglandins. A) True 179) Complement proteins in their intact and unactivated form act as opsonins by binding to microorganisms and promoting phagocytosis. B) False 5

180) Digestion of microorganisms occurs in phagosomes. B) False 181) An example of a TLR would be peptidoglycan found in the cell wall of gram-positive bacteria. A) True 182) Ingestion of certain lactic acid bacteria (LABs) has been shown to be beneficial for function and health of the intestinal tract. A) True


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