4 min script - Grade: A+ PDF

Title 4 min script - Grade: A+
Course Introduction à la psychologie : fondements
Institution University of Ottawa
Pages 2
File Size 44.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 56
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ITI 1100...


Hello, our names are: and we want to present of our app that it is called: Health Life. This application was made in order to know how much does a person can live, according to their habits, genetics, and lifestyle. For our project, we want to create an app, regarding to

the health social necessity involving medicine. This can create a social impact due to the fact that “Health Life” can be able to give advices to improve your health and give a better life quality. Many people is not aware on how does you choices, from what would you eat, or if you are going to exercise can affect your life at a long term, so our app is to make conscience and create a culture that can take care of themselves with some easy steps and be on the track to challenge themselves to improve their life in the Health area. We estimate that this app will be very useful for people from teenagers to people in their mid- 40s in order to make conscience on health and life habits to be improved. In order to make the app we have to design a Business Model that enters on different categories to analyze, such as investments, and brainstorms. In order to decide which

app we will design, we analyzed 11 ideas we have, we need to decide which of them will be socially responsible so it lead to 7 ideas, and of the 7 we decide our 3 favorites but also, which app will have a huge impact on a society so after we have the 3 apps, we make a main idea of what they will be about, and later we as a team decided that the best app for us is about the expected life due that is something very innovative that can lead and change lifes. The investment of the app is pretty important, due to the fact that with a previous estimate of how much will be spent on an app in a real-life situation can be determined the costs and the elaboration of a plan in order to recover the initial cost. With the help of an online calculator, we have an estimated cost of 63,000 MXN. This cost considered some aspects that were fundamental, in order for analyzing. The aspects were: quality of the app, type of app (in this case ios), the design, how to make profit from the app, login system if is needed, integration of an own website, users profiles, configuration tools, languages involved, and finally the process in which the app is at the moment. After this analysis and comparison between other apps on the same branch of Medicine and Health, we have decided that advertisements are the best option in order to earn profit, due to the fact that apps for Medicine are very well recognized and desirable having huge amounts of variations and downloads. According to the Economics: “Medical Apps” have an increase of amount in downloading, giving a range of 40,000 to 50,000 downloads per month, but also the way of earn profit although, IOS apps prefer to be in-app purchase, we have discovered that according to Economics that apps with advertisements have a better percentage of income. Finally, we can make the data table making the charts and expectation of when we will recover the initial investment in April 2019.

The following data tables are from one year’s evolution on the earnings in profit for the app. In order to have a whole number in downloads, we have to choose what we can predict 60 downloads per month, giving us an estimation of 6000 MXN per month In conclusion, it will take us almost a full year to recover our initial investment, and in order to start earning profit with an initial cash price of 9,000 MXN, which can made us to being able to be a short way to increase profit and to recover the initial investment in a short amount of time. Finally we, as a team, believe that our app is very innovative and that probably there is nothing like that on the actual market, converting it on an specific niche....

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