Willow House Script - Grade: 58 PDF

Title Willow House Script - Grade: 58
Author Maxwell Helm
Course Storytelling for the Screen
Institution Edge Hill University
Pages 6
File Size 48.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Script for my show...



5-minute short film script By Maxwell Helm

Austral Avenue Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 4ND 07730484242 [email protected]



Scene description/opening Schools is out for summer and the three boys Lewis, Linus and Nours are sat on a farmer’s field listening to music thinking of what to do next…

LINUS: This summer is goin to boring if we don’t think of anything to do guys. LEWIS: There’s that story my brother told me about an abandoned house next to the Lake Willow behind the eighth tree on the left… NOURS: That isn’t real Lew… LINUS: It could be worth a look just in case it is plus its something to do while we’re bored lads, Lew ask your brother more about it tonight and we will meet tomorrow morning at Nours’ house. LEWIS: Alright I will speak to him later when we go home and tell you all tomorrow when we meet up. NOURS: Agreed guess we will meet each other tomorrow morning and speak more then (fade to black)



Scene description Sun is rising over the streets of Warrington at 6AM while everyone is asleep Lewis and Linus are riding up to Nours’ house to plan out what they’re going to do, with Nours climbing out of his window the boys meet at the front of the house.

NOURS: (yawning) Why are we awake so early? I could have been getting more sleep right now. LINUS: Right everyone ready to find this house? Lew did you find out anything more about the house? LEWIS: My brother just mentioned everyone that has apparently found it haven’t been seen again so we must be careful. LINUS: Alright guys lets get on our bikes and find this house, nothing wrong with a bit of fun. NOURS: Why do we have to find it this early? (scratching head). LEWIS: Come on, Nours you’ve got a lot of time to sleep later stop moaning.



Scene description The three boys are in the forest searching for clues of the house, but they have been looking for three hours so they’re going to have a break and think…

LINUS: While you guys are still eating your lunch ill go continue looking, I’ll be back in ten. (leaves scenes and then returns) LEWIS: (aggressively) I am sick and tired of trying to find a house that might not even be real, can we stop searching? LINUS: Yes let’s call it a night we could be looking for it for years, we’ll just come back tomorrow. NOURS: Come on boys its gotta be round here somewhere, we will have one more look then head home. LEWIS: Fine I will look one more time (looks over left shoulder) hang on a minute what’s that? NOURS: (walks over to an old rope) it looks like there’s something attached to it on the end lets follow and see where it takes us.



Scene description The three boys have followed the rope and have come across an old mossy looking building could this be willow house? The boys celebrating knowing that have found the house but they need to try and find a way into the house so they return the next day.

LINUS: (looking around the house) right we need to find a key for the padlock on the door, ill have a look around the side (falls into the side of the house) LEWIS: Did you hear that? I’m sure I heard the keys clinging together then when you fell. NOURS: I think it came from the gutter on the roof, Linus we will boost you up there. LINUS: (boys throw him onto the roof, while pulling himself up too) I’ve found it! I’ve found it! NOURS: (jumping around celebrating) let see if it unlocks the front door and we can finally go inside. LEWIS: (walking towards the door, Linus jumps off the roof waiting for them) come on Linus open the door (the door opens and the boys are in shock)



Scene description Linus unlocks the front door and they open the door to see a blue ball floating in the middle of the house but what will happen to them next? The ball is showing each one of them pictures of their future and past selves.

LEWIS: Should we get a bit closer and see what it is? (proceeds to enter the house) NOURS: Go on ill follow you in, I wonder what it will be? (follows Lewis in) LINUS: Wait lads before we go closer we should be careful something bad might happen. LEWIS: I can see myself when I am older, Nours what can you see? (mesmerized by the ball while leaning closer) NOURS: (mouth opened sat down on the floor in trance with the ball) ye… LINUS: (copying Nours sat on the floor) Lads be careful we might get lost…



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