402907275 rizal present docx PDF

Title 402907275 rizal present docx
Author Kim Harvey Baconguis
Course Public Administration
Institution Bukidnon State University
Pages 12
File Size 133.8 KB
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Activity 7: Focusing on Important Rizalian Traits and Virtues Listed below are some important traits and virtues of Dr. Jose Rizal:  Love for God  Love for parents  Love for country  Love for fellowmen  Love for the environment/nature Courage  Initiative  Courtesy and politeness  Thrift Exa...


Activity 7: Focusing on Important Rizalian Traits and Virtues 1. Listed below are some important traits and virtues of Dr. Jose Rizal:     

Love for God Love for parents Love for country Love for fellowmen Love for the environment/nature

   

Courage Initiative Courtesy and politeness Thrift

2. Examine carefully Dr. Rizal’s important traits and virtues, compare them with your own traits and virtues, and decide if you would like them to be your role model Rizal as a child upto he became a man, has been always someone that had virtue and love for his family, friends, and country. He is a role model not only for the students but to as well to all Filipinos, we should be like and him. 3. Is it important for an individual to have a role model? Explain your answer. Yes, it is important for us to have a role model because it will give us the sense of purpose and morale, Having an inspiration or role model in life boost our confidence in life which can contribute to bigger amount of chances in being successful in life. That’s why its important to have a role model in life. 4. What is the advantage of having Rizal as a role model? Will it increase chances of becoming an ideal Filipino citizen and a successful professional? Dr. Rizal is not your ordinary human being, He excel in almost everything He do. Not only did he make history He ignited the flame in the hearts of Filipino to fully realized their rights which lead to revolution and freedom. Of course it will increase the chances of being an ideal Filipino Citizen. 5. Who is your personal hero? Does she/ he have Rizal’s traits and virtues? My personal hero is my father because He sacrifice to go to abroad so that me and my brother could study and get what we want in life. And he has some traits that are similar to Dr. Rizal. Integration: I realize that: We should have an inspiration or role model in life where their experience and history would guide us in shaping ourselves to becoming a successful individual. I resolve that: Having a role model in life would help improve your daily living it can have a big impact in life. This role model would help us in achieving our goals in, life.

Activity 8: Serving Other’s, a Social Responsibility Direction: Follow the instructions and write your answer in the space provided. 1. Explain the meaning of the saying “No man is an island”.

For me ,”no man is an island” means that there is no one who can stand on its own feet. A person tend to relies on each other in all aspect including its decision in life.A man tend to comfort each other in order to thrive. 2. Read the article “Serving others”, copies of which will be given to the class by the teachers. React on it and write your explanations. It is our moral duty to help our fellow men who are in need—regardless of race or creed or nationality, and regardless of whether or not they can pay for it. Scientific studies show that helping others boosts happiness. It increases life satisfaction, provides a sense of meaning, increases feelings of competence, improves our mood and reduced stress. It can help to take our minds off our own troubles too. Kindness towards others is be the glue which conncts individual happiness with wider community and societal wellbeing. Giving to others helps us connect with people and meets one of our basic human needs - relatedness. 3. Who are the “others” in your life? My family, Friends and love ones. 4. Should we limit our “Service for others” to our “Significant others” or the people who are close to us, either by blood relationship or through friendship? Explain your answer fully. Serving others is a practice that should always be remembered by every person, it is not bad to help others in fact it is one way of making the world and its people be united, but let us not also forget our duty to the persons close to us, like our families, friends, relatives and etc. They are the people who will need our help most and of course we are nothing without them, 'before anything else let us help build our home first before building others'. 5. How did Rizal do his share of “serving others”? Enumerate specific examples of how Rizal was able to do his social responsibility. Jose Rizal had known this, and for him, the people are duty-bound to be involved in the task of good government. In one of his writings, he said: “Peoples and government are correlated and complementary, an aimless government would be an anomaly among a righteous people, just as corrupt people cannot exist under just rulers and wise laws. Whatever social and political environments we are in are products of men’s deliberate choice.” As Rizal emphasized: “There are no tyrants where there are no slaves.”

6. How can you do your share of “serving others”? Explain your answers fully. We could help others everyday by doing simple things, it doesn’t need to be in a big way. Helping without asking for return is the best way of serving others. Integration: I realize that: Doing things on your own could be your own downfall. We should help each other to achieve greater things. We should always give a hand to the needy and ask for help if need. The greater the people who are working the best the result. I resolve that: Giving help to others should be the intention of our hearts that we wont be anticipating something in return.

Activity 9: Positive vs. Negative Love of Self

Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer in the space provided.

1. Differentiate positive love of self and negative love of self or selfishness. Research for the answer in the library or on the internet. Cite your source of information. Positive love means you love someone without expecting something in return. You love someone just the way they are. While negative love only thinks about himself and don’t care about others. 2. Read the article “Greediness” copies of which will be give to you by your teacher. Give your reaction to the said article. Greed is defined as an excessive desire to possess wealth or goods. The greed that exists in our world leads people to unhappy and selfish lives. Greed is evident through individual people, corporate companies and in our governments.

3. Is it possible for a selfish person to be truly patriotic, socially concerned, morally upright, and productive? Support your answer. yes, selfish people can also be patriotic, morally upright and productive to the country if they will be given the chance to change since all of us deserves a second chance, however if these kind of persons has entirely been eaten by selfishness and will never change then i could say that it would be impossible 4. In our present society, what seems to be the root cause of the following: graft and corruption, terrorism, and environmental destruction? for me, what seems to be the root cause of all evil doings in the country is the peoples greediness, it is what had caused the world unbalanced and chaotic. And also money, "the love of money is the root of all evil." “Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy you the kind of misery you prefer.” They can never get enough of everything, they always seem to desire newer and better products which they think will ultimately make them happy. 5. What is the relationship between Rizal’s positive love of self and his desire to help his fellow Filipino? Explain your answer fully. Rizal who have consistently demonstrated in a very public way exemplary courage and dedication to save the lives of entire nations, communities, and complete strangers at the risk of their own lives and comfort. Integration: I realize that: We should have a positive love for the others and for our country for it helps in uniting the people. We should learn how to avoid selfishness and greediness. I resolve that: Selfishness and greediness can ruin the world. It can bring devastating results to the people around them and that we should avoid this things and spread positive love to each other.

Activity 10: Are You Proactive or Reactive?

Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer on the space provided. 1. How does proactive behavior differ from reactive behavior? Proactive behavior is when the emotion we feel is also our own doing and not by the surroundings or weather. While Reactive behavior is when our emotion is affected by our surroundings and weather. 2. Give five examples of proactive language. Proactive languages “I control my own feelings.” “I can create an effective presentation.” “I will choose an appropriate response.” “I choose.”Evaluate your language. Is it mostly proactive or reactive? Explain your answer. Some of my language are Reactive because sometimes I find reason why I feel something and it’s rare where I see myself in a proactive behavior. 3. From what you read about Dr. Jose Rizal, evaluate if he is a proactive person. Explain your answer. If you want positive changes to happen in your environment, start by listing down positive attributes which you possess as a positive person and compare these with Dr. Rizal’s.    

Explorer – Rizal always want to discover new thing like me. Never giving up – Sometimes I feel down because of problems but I still get up. Problem solver – he challenge himself with the obstacle that came to him. Faithful to God – though he hate the church at that time he still believe in God.

4. As a change agent, what proactive choice can you make in the following situations? a. If you are a member of a dysfunctional family For the best solution for dysfunctional family is to share your feelings with family members, who are nice to you. Discuss with them on how you can make amends to your relationship. b. If you live in a community inhabited by juvenile delinquents To share knowledge on what are the effects if the young people are not guided right. c. If your country is a third- world country with a leadership crisis Think of a long term solution that would solve the problem so that it won’t happen again.

Integration: I realize that: That having a proactive personality is good because I resolve that:

Activity 11: Creativity: The key to Productivity and Progress

Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer on the space provided. 1. Define the term “creativity”, “Productivity”, and “Progress”. How are the related to each other? Explain your answers fully. Productivity – it takes time because it has process for planning to preparation and effort and it involves working toward a goal. Creativeness – Mostly produce through expression and emotional burst and inspiration. But it needs focus, concentration and desire to keep going. Progress – The process of improving or developing something over a period of time. 2. If you are given the following item: Illustration board, charcoal, crayons, seeds, colored sand, tissue paper, eggshell, how will you make use of them? I would make an art where it is inspired by my thoughts, feelings, emotion, and expression. I will make something that would represent the inner me. 3. Was Dr. Jose Rizal a creative person? If your answer is yes, give some example of this creativity. Yes he is creative person at the age of 5 while learning to read/write he already show an inclination to arts. He astounded his family with his pencil drawing and sketches in a young age. 4. Was Dr. Jose Rizal a productive person? Explain your answer and trace hoe he became such. Because of his creativity and the commitment to his works he was able to produce lots novels, arts, and sculptures. 5. How can a person develop creativity? A person can develop his creativity by enhancing his imagination way beyond to what already existed in the world. An artist should always think outside of the box to be able to express his creativity and he should work with inspiration and motivation. 6. Explain why a person as an individual must develop creativity. It develops new ideas that has never seen before and it’s fulfilling and interesting. The product of creativeness connects people together. It helps us communicate our thought that we cannot say. 7. Explain why a person as a family member must develop creativity It’s important because it connects the family together and create a stronger bond with each other. And having a good relationship in the house would make a faster progress. 8. Explain why a person as a professional must develop creativity. So that a professional would never run out of ideas and he could develop new process in doing his work. And it would improve the efficiency of his work on a company. 9. Explain why a person as a community member must develop creativity? Having a creative community creates new solution to the problems of the community that why it is important. It also help the people to express their ideas and knowledge. 10. What is the relationship of the topic discussed in the Rizal course with one’s development of her or his creativity and productivity? I have learned that there is no obstacle that can stop a person from achieving his dreams and goal. Although Rizal is being harassed by Spaniards he still pursue the things he like to do like become a

painter. Integration: I realize that:

We need to be creative to surpass our limits and form new ideas that could help progress in the future. With everyone having a creative mindset new ideas can be shared to each other. I resolve that: I should develop my creativeness as a student so I cound do things and think of new ideas that would improve my life style. We should be creative not only in school activities but also in managing our time.

Activity 13: Developing Fairness or Justice Direction: Follow the instruction and write your answer in the space provided. 1. Define the terms ’’fair’’ or “just” and “unfair” or “unjust.” Fair – implies a proper balance of conflicting interests. A fair decision just implies an exact following of a standard of what is right and proper. Unfair – when we suffer some ill fate though it’s not our fault. 2. Observe your surroundings and give actual examples of unfairness that you have experience or witnessed in the family or in the community.     

Unfair labor Gender orientation Discrimination Ethnicity Age

3. Compare the unjust practice which you have experienced or observe with the unjust practice during Dr. Rizal’s time. Are there similarities and differences? Explain your answers. In Rizals time you can feel the unfairness of the Spaniards towards Filipino people. Filipinos were treated as a slave in their own country and not all have the same rights. Though now the Philippines is a free country there are still inequality like the only one who can get justice are the rich people. 4. Try to explain the root cause of in justice or unfairness in the Philippine society. Corrupt politicians is where it all started. Politicians who are confident that the general public is indifferent and uncaring of the issues anyway. 5. Based on what you have read and heard bout Dr. Jose Rizal, analyze his virtues about fairness ang justice. Could he serve as a model of fairness and justice for all Filipino? Explain your answers. Rizal should be a role model of Fairness. He views the situation with facts and knowledge and don’t easily conclude with things. Integration: I realize that: I resolve that:...

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