489722575 GE 1 Understanding the Self Module PDF

Title 489722575 GE 1 Understanding the Self Module
Course Understanding the Self
Institution University of Mindanao
Pages 148
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Psychology-GE 1 UM Digos College Roxas Extension, Digos city Telefax: (082) 553- 2914Course Facilitator : Mae Ann L. Galang Email : galangmaeann14@gmail Student Consultation : Via online (LMS) or calls, text, emails Mobile : 0995- 637 - Effectivity Date : August 2020 Mode of Delivery : Distance Educ...


Department of Arts and Sciences Psychology-GE 1 UM Digos College Roxas Extension, Digos city Telefax: (082) 553-2914

Course Outline: GE 1 -Understanding the Self Course Facilitator : Mae Ann L. Galang Email : [email protected] Student Consultation : Via online (LMS) or calls, text, emails Mobile : 0995-637-6754 Effectivity Date : August 2020 Mode of Delivery : Distance Education Delivery Time Frame : 6 Hours Student Workload : Expected Self-Directed Learning Requisites : None No. Of Units : 3.0 Units Attendance Requirements: The attendance is not part of the DED, but you must contact your course facilitator as to when will be the submission of the module for final checking.

Course Outline Policies Areas of Concern Contact and Non-contact Hours

Details This 3-unit course self-directed manual is designed for blended learning mode of instructional delivery with scheduled face to face or virtual sessions. The expected time frame is 54 hours including the face to face or virtual sessions.

Assessment Task Submission

Submission of assessment tasks shall be on 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th week of the term. The assessment paper shall be attached with a cover page indicating the title of the assessment task (if the task is performance), the name of the course coordinator, date of submission and name of the student. The document should be emailed to the course coordinator. It is also expected that you already paid your tuition and other fees before the submission of the assessment task.

Grading System

Assessment Methods Weights EXAMINATIONS A. Exam 1 to 3-30% B. Final Exam -MCQ and Performance-Based-30% CLASS PARTICIPATION C. Quizzes- 10% D. Research-15% E. Oral recitation-10% F. Assignments-5% Total-100% Submission of the final grades shall follow the usual University system and procedures.

1|Page Understanding the Self: Week 1-9

Department of Arts and Sciences Psychology-GE 1 UM Digos College Roxas Extension, Digos city Telefax: (082) 553-2914

Student Communication

All communication format: chat, submission of assessment tasks, requests etc. shall be through the school recognized platforms. You can also meet the course coordinator in person through the scheduled face-to-face sessions to raise your issues and concerns

Contact Details of the Dean

Eduard L. Pulvera, MSIS Email: [email protected]

Students with a Special Needs

Students with special needs shall communicate with the course coordinator about the nature of his or her special needs. Depending on the nature of the need, the course coordinator with the approval of the program coordinator may provide alternative assessment tasks or extension of the deadline of submission of assessment tasks. However, the alternative assessment tasks should still be in the service of achieving the desired course learning outcomes.

Help Desk Contact

Director’s Office/Dean’s Office Mobile Number: 09071462971

Course Information- see attached course syllabus Message from the Course Coordinator! Hello prospective student! Welcome to this course (GE 1) Understanding the Self. This course is intended to facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns regarding self and identity to arrive at a better understanding of one’s self. It strives to meet this goal by stressing the integration of the personal and with the academic-contextualizing matters discussed in this new normal platform of classroom and ineveryday experiences of students-making for better learning, generating a new appreciation for the learning process, and developing a more critical and reflective attitude while enabling them to manage ad improve their selves to attain a better quality of life. It combines the wisdom of prominent figures in the areas of philosophy, psychology, sociology, anthropology as well as Eastern and Western thoughts to provide answers to the questions “who am I?” and “what am I?” Course Outcome: Before we start the actual learning, it is necessary that students will analyze how understanding oneself is the most interesting and challenging task as an individual should be able to achieve in a lifetime, as well as they will establish an adequate knowledge on the different and several information about themselves from various perspectives – time: their past, present and future self; dimensional: their physical, emotional mental, social and spiritual self; and functional: their political, material, economic, and digital self. Let us begin!

2|Page Understanding the Self: Week 1-9

Department of Arts and Sciences Psychology-GE 1 UM Digos College Roxas Extension, Digos city Telefax: (082) 553-2914

Big Picture Week 1-3. Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are expected to: a. Explain the nature, concept and meaning of the self. b. Discuss and explain the different roles and philosophical standpoint in understanding the self and how these philosophical perspectives have molded through times. c. Synthesize and analyze the different philosophical views of self. a. Big Picture in Focus: ULOa.Explain the nature, concept and meaning of the self. Metalanguage a. For you to demonstrate ULOa, you will need to have an accurate knowledge on the nature, concept and meaning of the self.

• Self - sometimes referred to as the soul, ego, psyche, identity, I ,me, or being. • Cognitive – relating to or involving conscious intellectual activity • Affective – relating to or arising from feelings influenced by emotions. Essential Knowledge To perform the aforesaid big picture (unit learning outcomes) for the first three (3) weeks of the course, you need to fully understand the following essential knowledge that will be laid down in the succeeding pages. Please note that you are not limited to exclusively refer to these resources. Thus, you are expected to utilize other books, research articles and other resources that are available in the university’s library e.g. ebrary, search.proquest.com, etc. 1: SELF-EXAMINATION Lookat yourself in the mirror and answer the following questions. 1. How can you describe yourself based on your own perspective or point of view? “I am ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________.”

2. What aspect of yourself do you feel good about? Why? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

3|Page Understanding the Self: Week 1-9

Department of Arts and Sciences Psychology-GE 1 UM Digos College Roxas Extension, Digos city Telefax: (082) 553-2914

Introduction totheUnde totheUnderstandingof rstandingof the Self

At the end of this topic, you will be able to: ➢ Explain your program and your institution’s vision, mission and objectives. ➢ Focus your attention as well as listen and cooperate wholeheartedly and openly during online class-sessions and; ➢ Demonstrate self-understanding and self-acceptance.

MEET AND GREET! What is all about? Why are you in this subject? College life said to be the most challenging and exciting phase of your life. It is entirely new adventure that everyone looks forward to. It is a world different form your primary as well as junior and senior high schools. Since you are in your freshman year, everything-including this subject – is new to you. >> What “understanding the Self”? >> Is it important in the curriculum? >> How will it help me as a student and as a person?

4|Page Understanding the Self: Week 1-9

Department of Arts and Sciences Psychology-GE 1 UM Digos College Roxas Extension, Digos city Telefax: (082) 553-2914

An Overview of Self/Identity The “self” has many aspects. These aspects make up the “self’s” integral parts, such as selfawareness, self-esteem, self-knowledge, and self-perception. With these aspects that person is able to alter, change, add/or modify himself or herself for the purpose of gaining social acceptance. The “self” is an important study in psychology. It holds either the cognitive and affective representation of an individual. Knowing oneself is critical to being an effective team member as well as being successful in life, work, and relationships. Your personal identity influences everything you do, and it changes and evolves over time. The “self” is a topic that is often taked about but largely goes unnoticed. Every time that ‘I’ is mentioned (e.g. I will go to the theatre) the self is highlighted as an actor. The consciousness of the existence of the self has been almost automatic or reflexive. Thus, people are almost unaware of that in our everyday living. Scholars (i.e., theorists, scientists, philosophers) in different fields have attempted to explain and expound some several issues about the character, subsistence and dimensionality of the “self”. Content and Approach Understanding the Self is a new GE Course for all college students regardless of the diverse courses/fields they will take. This course uses an Outcome-Based Education (OBE) SYLLABUS to allow the students to appreciate learning better with enriching, creative, fun-filled activities, as well as mind-blogging exercises that enable them to develop high critical-order thinking skills while at home. CONCEPT MAP What is the Nature of the Self? Philosophical perspective

An anthropological




of Self: The self as embedded in culture


Who am I?

The self as a product

SELF What am I?


The Self in western and eastern thought

5|Page Understanding the Self: Week 1-9

Department of Arts and Sciences Psychology-GE 1 UM Digos College Roxas Extension, Digos city Telefax: (082) 553-2914

SELF-HELP:You can also refer to the sources below to help you further understand the lesson: 1. Holt, J. (2014). Is there such a thing as the self? Prospect Magazine, 413-421. https://doiorg/10.1080./13604 810701669 2. Oyserman, D., Elmore, K.C., & Smith, G.C. (2012). Self, self-concept, and identity. In M.R. Leary & J.P. Tangey (Eds.), Handbook of self and identity. (pp. 69-75). New York & London: The Guilford Press. https://doi.org/10.1300/J082v10n03_13_pgs. 69-75 Activity 1.1

Words That Describe Me Circle the words that describe you. Add additional words if needed.



Aware Tolerant





Hard Worker

Capable with Hands



















6|Page Understanding the Self: Week 1-9

Department of Arts and Sciences Psychology-GE 1 UM Digos College Roxas Extension, Digos city Telefax: (082) 553-2914

Other Words that describe you: _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________. Activity 1.2 About Myself…… __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

7|Page Understanding the Self: Week 1-9

Department of Arts and Sciences Psychology-GE 1 UM Digos College Roxas Extension, Digos city Telefax: (082) 553-2914

Q & A List This section is a place for you to raise your questions and queries that you fell the instructor should give attention to. Feel free to ask relevant questions related from the course here. This Q & A portion helps the review of concepts and essential knowledge. Do you have any questions for clarification? Questions/Issues







Keywords Index This section lists down the keywords for easy recall of concepts. Self


8|Page Understanding the Self: Week 1-9


Department of Arts and Sciences Psychology-GE 1 UM Digos College Roxas Extension, Digos city Telefax: (082) 553-2914

b. Big Picture in Focus: ULOb.Discuss and explain the different roles and philosophical standpoint in understanding the self and how these philosophical perspectives have molded through times. Metalanguage For you to demonstrate ULOb, you will need to have an accurate knowledge on the different roles and philosophical standpoint in understanding the self and how these philosophical perspectives have molded through times.

   

 Philosophy - “loving knowledge” or love of wisdom  Self-knowledge – the examination of one’s self. Virtue - defined as the moral excellence. Appetitive –sensual experiences Rational – reasoning; the use of reason Spirited – feeling; the part that loves honor and victory

Essential Knowledge To perform the aforesaid big picture (unit learning outcomes) for the first three (3) weeks of the course, you need to fully understand the following essential knowledge that will be laid down in the succeeding pages. Please note that you are not limited to exclusively refer to these resources. Thus, you are expected to utilize other books, research articles and other resources that are available in the university’s library e.g. ebrary, search.proquest.com, etc. 1.SELF-DESCRIPTION ESSAY. Write an essay anything that you wish to share about yourself. You may use these suggested topics.  Me as me  How other people see me  How would I like other people to see me ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

9|Page Understanding the Self: Week 1-9

Department of Arts and Sciences Psychology-GE 1 UM Digos College Roxas Extension, Digos city Telefax: (082) 553-2914

At the end of this TOPIC, you should be able to: ➢Identify the role of philosophy in understanding the self. ➢Determine the different concepts of the self from the philosophical view. ➢Define the relevance of the philosophy of the self to how the youth define their own sense of self.

Philosophical View of Self Philosophy is often called as the mother of all disciplines simply because all fields of study began as philosophical discourses. Philosophy is from the Greek words Philo(loving) and Sophia(knowledge, wisdom). At simplest, philosophy is means “loving knowledge” or “loving wisdom”. The term philosophy as originally used by the Greeks meant, “The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake.” Consequently, Philosophyis a study of fundamental nature, knowledge, reality, existence, especially in an academic discipline. It also investigates the legitimacy of concepts by rational arguments concerning their implications, relationships as well as moral judgment and etc. Ample of Philosophies concerns with the essential nature of the self. The philosophical framework for understanding the self was first introduced by the ancient great Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The Greeks were the ones who seriously questioned myths and moved away from them to understand reality and respond to perennial questions of curiosity, including the questions of the self. The different views of prominent philosophers regarding the nature of the self are discussed; most of them agree the self-knowledge is a prerequisite to a happy and meaningful life.

DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE IN THE EXPLANATION OF SELF Let’s find out how the philosophers define or describe self during the early and modern times. SOCRATES Socrates was a Greek philosopher. Though, unlike other philosophers during his time, he never wrote anything. All the information’s about him today is through second-hand information from his student Plato and historian Xenophon (The Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2017). “I know that I don’t know”

For Socrates the self is synonymous with the soul. He believes that every human possesses an immortal soul that survives the physical body. Socrates is concerned with the problem of the self. He is the one to first focus on the full power of reason on the human self: who we are, who we should be, and who we will become.Socrates believed that the real self is not the physical body, but rather the psyche (or soul).

10 | P a g e U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e S e l f : W e e k 1 - 9

Department of Arts and Sciences Psychology-GE 1 UM Digos College Roxas Extension, Digos city Telefax: (082) 553-2914

Thus, Socrates suggests that man must live an examined life and a life of purpose and value. For him, an individual can have a meaningful and happy life only if he becomes virtuous and knows the value of himself that can be achieved through incessant soul-searching (Rappe, 1995). He added that selfknowledge would open your eyes to your true nature; which is contrary to pop culture. It is not about how many properties you own or how many “likes” you get in your social media accounts and even how successful you are in ch...

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