5-13 - PSYC 4900: Psychology and Human Values Professor David Marcotte S.J. Fall PDF

Title 5-13 - PSYC 4900: Psychology and Human Values Professor David Marcotte S.J. Fall
Author Ezgi Kiyici
Course Psychology & Human Values
Institution Fordham University
Pages 3
File Size 70.9 KB
File Type PDF
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PSYC 4900: Psychology and Human Values
Professor David Marcotte S.J.
Fall 2017


9/22 Monday, September 25, 2017

3:04 PM

Midterm: Aristotle: - Happiness - Virtue - Good life Shulman: - Moral motives - Sources: sympathy, principals, affiliations Schwartz: - Model - Integrated model of values McAdams: - Traits - Goals - Narratives Rohan - Best way possible SDT -

Basic needs motivation

Model: - Holistic model of personality Niemiec: Questions: 1. Info recall a. Main ideas - details/supplementary examples 2. Compare 2 or more ideas of authors 3. Implications of theory or model 4. Complex: combination of all 3 Lecture 7: Goal Self-Concordance Summary: - Common for people not to know which goals best promote their well


Common for people not to know which goals best promote their well being Presents theory Makes 3 predictions People are most successful when…

Examples of goals: - Personal strivings: what a person is striving to do - Personal projects: concrete, short term goals & projects - Life tasks: age related goals - Current concerns: current thoughts & activities - Possible selves: a future desired self Two important facts: - We are always pursuing goals - "Goals specify & direct behavior" - provide structure Self-Concordance Model - Our goals matter ○ Some are better for health & well-being ○ Selecting wrong goals § Loss of energy § Even when achieved, wrong goals are empty, even harmful ○ Uses the "organismic perspective" - Threats to self-concordant goals ○ Contextual factors can fail to support natural ability & potential ○ Lack of economic/educational resources ○ Norms against self-development in cultures ○ Lack of supported relationships ○ Absence of opportunities at a personal level (bad luck) ○ Key: failing to identify proper personal goals that match our personality & abilities - Goal of SCM: ○ To help people match "self-stated goals" with "growth potentials" ○ Identify goals that enable the most pay off, maximize happiness The Ignorant Conscious Self: - Research shows: ○ We often don't know what we really want ○ Subliminal priming to goals w/o conscious knowledge of the source of the impulse act Dual Process Theories of Cognition: - System 1 ○ "non-conscious, parallel, intuitive/automatic, evolutionary prior" ○ Think first - System 2 ○ Conscious, sequential, deliberate cognition


Reflective consciousness is often biased, so prone to choose inappropriate goals for "experiencing" self ○ Goals can be primed non-consciously so behavior is automatic Point: consciousness might arrive too late


We can be easily manipulated to believe we're choosing something authentic that in fact is not Often unaware


How to figure out "true goals" ○ Look for congruence between goals & a persons values, traits, explicit motives or dominant self-narratives (352) ○ Do chosen goals satisfy psychological needs ○ Identify talents not yet explored ○ Compare non-conscious aspects of personality (353) ○ PLOC method PLOC Method - Perceived locus of control ○ Measure the perceived locus of causality (PLOC) of personal goals & strivings ○ To what to degree … Why do we have externalizing goals? ○ Reasons from the research (354) ○ "less open to experience & more reliant on external cues & controls in their lives" "Experienced more conflict between different roles in their lives" We're less mindful





Symptoms of non-self concordant goals ○ The goals do not feel self-determined ○ The goal is in conflict with other aspects of personality ○ Strive to achieve goals but effort drops off ○ Failure to achieve the started goals ○ Lack of increase in happiness or satisfaction when goal is achieved ○ Reluctant or ambivalent about goal 3 hypotheses...

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