Human Values - ZShreqwarhjaer PDF

Title Human Values - ZShreqwarhjaer
Author Anonymous User
Course Bachelor of Arts in Filipinology
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Pages 1
File Size 28.4 KB
File Type PDF
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4.Val uesar eabsol ut ebutt heyar edi mensi onal .Thati s,val ues ar eacr i t er i af orj udgi ngt hedegr eeofgoodnessofbadness, Ti ght nessorwr ongness. Meani ngofVal ue: 5 . V a l u e s a r e c o ncept sheavi l ywei ght edwi t hemot i onsand Humanval ueshav ebeenempl oyedi nsodi s t i nct i ve l ydi ffer entwaysi n i nfluencet hechi l d’ ssel ect i onf r om var i abl emodes,meansand humandi scour se.I ti sof t ensai dt hataper sonhasaval ueoran endsofac t i on. obj ecthasaval ue.Theset wousag eshavebeenexpl i ci t l yr ecogni sed 6.Val uesar epr i mar i l y ,e t hi cal ,soci alandsubj ect i ve.Ther ef or e, bywr i t er si nvar i ousdi sci pl i nessuchasChar l esMor t r i si n t h e y a r e s t r o n g d i s p o s i t i o n s o f h u ma n b e h a v i o u r t h a n c o n c e p t s Phi l osophy ,Br evs t erSmi t hi nPsyc hol ogyandRoi bi nWi l l i amsi n Soci ol ogy . wi t hl essheavyemot i onalwei ght age. 7.Val uesar ebasedonr es pectf orhumandi gni t y .Theyassume I fonewant st oknow t heor i gi noft het er m‘ VALUE’ ,i tmaybes t at ed t hatper sonali nt egr i t yi st henucl eusar oundwhi c he t hi cal v er yfir ml yt hatt het er m‘ VALUE’comesf r om t heLat i nwor d communi t yandgl obals t ewar dshi pr esol ve. ‘ VALERE’whi chmeans‘ t obeofwor t h’ .Wher eas,t heconci seOxf or d 8.Val uesar et hev eryessenceofhumanl i f e. Di c t i onar ydefinest het er m VALUE’ast he‘ wor t h,desi r abi l i t yor 9.Val uesar eessent i alf oraf ai randequi t abl ecommuni t ywhi ch ut i l i t yofat hi ng’ . r eflect sourr espectaswe l lasr esponsi bi l i t yf ort hegl obal nvi r onment . I nf ac t ,i ti sdi fficul tt odefineval ues,f ort heyar eascompr e hensi vei ne 1 0 . V a l u e s a r ecr osscul t ur alandar eessent i alf ort he anat ur easourhumanl i f e .Somewher e ,someot herdi ct i onar yst at es de vel opmentofcommuni t yandgl obalci t i z enshi p. t hatVal uei st hatwhi c hr ender sanyt hi ngusef ul ,wor t hyores t i mabl e. 11.Val uesar et hati nwhi chpeopl ear ei nt er est ed. I ti spr i ce ,wor t hori mpor t anceofat hi ng’ . 12.Val uesar et het hi ngsofwor shi p. Val uei s“aconceptexpl i ci tofi mpl i ci t ,di st i nct i veofani ndi vi dual 13.Val uei st hepr oductoff ee l i ng,se tandact i on. orchar act er i st i csofagr oupoft hosedesi r abl et r ai t swhi ch 14.Val uesar et hepr oductofhumanspi r i tandnotofi nt e l l ect . i nfluencet hesel ect i on f r om avai l abl emodesandendsofact i on. ” 15.Val uesneverchange.I ti sonl yt heper cept i onsoft heset hat under gochangesasar esul tofev er evol vi nghuman consci ousness. Fr om t hedefini t i onsof‘ VALUE’ ,cer t ai n mos t 16.Val uesactasf or ce f ult ool sf ort hecul t i vat i onofsoci algood. i mpor t antt hi ngsr egar di ngval uesar enot ed. 17.Val uesar ecaughtt hr oughl i t er at ur e. Thesear e: 18.Val uei samot i vat i ngf or cebe hi ndt hei ndi vi dual ’ st hought , emot i onandact i on. 19.Val uesar ei nt egr at edi nt oper sonal i t yandmanyt i mest he y 1.Val uesar enotf ee l i ngs ,butt heyar econcept s. 2.Val uesar eexpr essf ee l i ngsbutt he yar emor et hanf eel i ngs. actasbar r i er st ot heaccept anceofnew changeori nnovat i ons. 20.Ever yval uei sr eflect edi naper son’ sr eact i ons. 3.Val uesexi s ti nt hemi nd,and,ar ei ndependentofPubl i c 21.Val uesi nfluenceever yas pectofeducat i onalpr ocess. affir mat i on.


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