5 - Articulations - The professor\'s name was Claudia Stanescu. This is for exam two. PDF

Title 5 - Articulations - The professor\'s name was Claudia Stanescu. This is for exam two.
Course Human Anatomy And Physiology I
Institution University of Arizona
Pages 6
File Size 472.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 78
Total Views 141


The professor's name was Claudia Stanescu. This is for exam two....


Sunday ,May2,y

PSI O 201 Articulations

-Ar t i cul at i on:poi ntofcont actbet weenbones( el bow) ,bonesandcar t i l age( epi physeal pl at es) ,andbones&t eet h

-Cl assi ficat i ons •St r uct ur al l y -Fi br ous -Car gi l agi nous -Synovi al •Funct i onal l y -Synar t hr osi s:i mmovabl e •Sut ur es( bet weenskul l bones) -Fi br ous •Gomphosi s( bet weent oot handsock etofal v eol arpr ocess) -Fi br ous •Synchondr osi s( epi phy sealpl at e) -Car t i l agi nous -Amphi ar t hr osi s:sl i ght l ymovabl e •Syndesmosi sbet weent i bi aandfi bul a -Fi br ous •Pubi cs ymphy si s -Car t i l agi nous 1

Sunday ,May2,y

-Di ar t hr osi s:f r eel ymov abl e( al ls y novi al ) •Hi nge( t r ochl eaofhumer usandt r ochl earnot choful naatel bow) -Monoax i al •Pi v ot( headofr adi usandr adi alnot c hoful na) •Bal lands ock et( headoft hef emurandacet abul um oft hehi pbone) -Tr i axi al •Condyl oi d( r adi usands caphoi dandl unat ebonesofcar pus)

•Pl anar( navi cul arandsecondandt hi r dc unei f or msoft het ar s us) •Saddl e( t r apez i um orcar pusandmet acar paloft humb -Synovi al •Funct i onsofs ynovi alfl ui d -Lubr i cat i onoft hej oi nt -Pr ovi si onofnut r i ent st oar t i cul arc ar t i l age( whi chi sav ascul ar ) -Shockabsor pt i on 2

Sunday ,May2,y

•Accessor ys t r uct ur es -Bur sae -Meni sci ( ar t i cul ardi scs) -Li gament s( i nt r acapsul arandext r acapsul ar ) -Tendons -Shoul derj oi nt


Sunday ,May2,y

-El bowj oi nt

-Kneej oi nt


Sunday ,May2,y


Sunday ,May2,y

-Tempor omandi bul arj oi nt •Onl ymov abl ej oi ntoft hesk ul l •Mandi bul arcondyl eoft hemandi bl eandt hemandi bul arf ossaoft het empor albone •TMJsyndr ome:pai nassoci at edwi t hmuscl espasm whenmuscl espul l t hej oi ntout ofal i gnment( mor ei nf emal es)

-Ri bar t i cul at i on •Headofeachr i bwi l lar t i cul at ewi t ht hesamenumbert hor ac i cv er t ebr a •Headofr i bs29wi l lal soar t i c ul at ewi t ht hev er t ebr aabove •Tubr i cl eoft her i bar t i cul at eswi t ht het r ansv er sepr ocessoft hes amenumberf or r i bs110

-Ri bs11and12donotar t i cul at ewi t ht het r ansv er sepr ocesses 6...

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