1 - ECGs - The professor\'s name was Zoe Cohen. This was for exam one. PDF

Title 1 - ECGs - The professor\'s name was Zoe Cohen. This was for exam one.
Course Cardiovascular Physiology
Institution University of Arizona
Pages 6
File Size 385.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 78
Total Views 152


The professor's name was Zoe Cohen. This was for exam one....


Sunday ,May2,y

PSI O 485 ECGs

-ECG •Lead:si gnalbet weent woel ect r odes -Towar dsaposi t i vel ead:posi t i v e deflect i on

-Awayf r om anegat i v el ead:negat i vedeflect i on

•LeadI Ii st hemostcommonl yl ooked at( r hyt hm st r i p)

-Pwave:at r i aldepol ar i z at i on -QRScompl ex:v ent r i cul ardepol ar i zat i on

-Twave:vent r i cul arr epol ar i zat i on •Exactpat t er nofel ect r i cal act i vi t ydependsont heor i ent at i onoft her ecor di ngel ect r odes

•I nt er val s:at r i aorvent r i cl eact i vi t y •Segment s:i soel ect r i cpor t i ons •Fi r i ngofSAnodedoesnotgener at esuffici entel ect r i calact i vi t yt or eacht hesur f ace oft hebody

•Nosepar at ewavef orat r i al r epol ar i zat i on •Canbeusedt odi agnoseabnor malhear tr at es,ar r hyt hmi as,andhear tmuscl e damage

-El ect r i calact i vi t yt r i gger smechani cal act i vi t y


Sunday ,May2,y

-Abnor malel ect r i calpat t er nsar eusual l yaccompani edbyabnor mal cont r act i l e act i vi t y

•Tachycar di a:hi ghr est i nghear tr at e( >100bpm) •Br adycar di a:l owr est i nghear tr at e(...

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