Test 4 for music - this was the test review for exam 4, basically everything that was on the test! PDF

Title Test 4 for music - this was the test review for exam 4, basically everything that was on the test!
Course Appreciation Of Music
Institution Auburn University
Pages 4
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this was the test review for exam 4, basically everything that was on the test!...


Ten listening 40 multiple choice (no T F)  

Composers of the Viennese school? o Haydn Mozart Beethoven Schubert and Brahms Sonata-allegro form o 1st section: Exposition  Statement of two opposing themes and their keys o 2nd section: Development  Section that features the most tension and drama through modulation and motivic interplay o 3rd section: Recapitulation  Restatement of the first and second themes both in the tonic key and is the psychological climax of sonata-allegro form Everything about Franz Joseph Brighton o Choir boy in Vienna o At 29 he was taken on by the Patronage of Prince Esterhazy o Enjoyed phenomenal musical success with two trips to England Mozart’s biographical information o Mozart was a very famous child prodigy, composing before the age of 5 o Rebelled against the patronage system and struggled to achieve financial independence o Died at the age of 35 Symphonic developments in Mannheim, Germany o Rocket theme- quickly ascending rhythmic melody used in classical-era instrumental music  A quick, aggressive, rhythmic theme rising from low to high register with such speed that it became known as the rocket theme o Steam-roller effect- A drawn out crescendo heard in Classical-era instrumental music  Slowly gathering force that rose to a climax The four movement cycle of the Classical Symphony o First movement:  Allegro in sonata-allegro form o Second movement  Slow and could be a theme and variation form, modified sonataallegra form, and most typically a three part form (ABA) o Third movement  A minuet and trio replaced by scherzo and trio by the end of the Classical era o Fourth movement  Typically a fast movement in rondo or sonata-allegro form and served as a finale All of Beethoven’s biographical information

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o He rejected the patronage system and primarily functioned as a freelance independent composer and supported himself through teaching music lessons, publishing his music and giving public concerts o Later in life he suffered from hearing loss, but continued his career as a musician o He only contributed 9 symphonies, but all of them are considered the pinnacle of the genre o Beethoven’s compositional activity fell into three periods:  1st- reflected the Classical elements he inherited from Haydn and Mozart  2nd- saw characteristics more closely associated with the 19th century  3rd- used more chromatic harmonies and developed a language that would transcend into the Romanticism of the 19th century How many piano sonatas Beethoven composed o 32 Requiem Mass- a musical setting of the Mass for the dead Gluck reformed opera seria creating a highly expressive music drama that had much audience appeal Difference between opera seria (serious opera) and opera buffa (comic opera) o Opera seria was a highly formalized style derived from Baroque operas of Italy and featured recitatives and arias specifically designed to display the virtuosity of star singers. The aristocracy were the pargets patrons of opera seria  Gluck reformed opera seria creating a highly expressive music drama that had much audience appeal o Comic operas were the middle class response to the aristocratic form of opera seria. It was generally in the vernacular (language of the people), presented lively, down-to- earth plots, exciting ensemble participation as opposed to elaborate solo arias, farcical situations, humorous dialogue, popular tunes, and a centralized role of the buffo, a buffoon who spoke to the audience in a bass voice.  Comic operas flourished in every country  France- opera comique  Italy- opera buffa  Germany- Singspiel  England- ballad or dialogue opera Three song forms o Strophic form- the same melody is repeated in every stanza of text o Through- composed- the song is composed from beginning to end without repetitions of whole sections o Modified strophic form- a song form where the main melody is repeated for two or three stanzas but has new or significantly varied material introduced when the text requires The Lied is a new genre, a German-texted solo vocal song.

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o German term for Art Song A song cycle is a group of Lieder unified by some narrative thread or a descriptive or expressive theme Biographical information about Robert Schumann o An injury to his right hand ruined his dream of becoming a pianist, so he turned his efforts to composition o He married his former teacher’s daughter o He threw himself into a river because of “unnatural voices” in his head so his wife had to put him into an asylum o He died of dementia Franz Schubert o Educated at the Imperial Chapel where he served as one of the Vienna Choir Boys o Teachers said he “learned everything from God” o His dying wish was to be buried near the master he worshippedBeethoven (He died at 31 and his wish was granted) Four main types of program music: o Concert overture-might evoke a land or seascape or embody a literary or patriotic idea o Incidental music (to a play)- usually an overture and a series of pieces performed between acts and during important scenes o Program symphony – large scale multi-movement that puts a story to music utilizing idée fixe (fixed idea) and thematic transformation as a unifying thread throughout the movements o Symphonic poem (tone poem) – program music for orchestra in one movement with contrasting sections. Bel canto- “Beautiful singing”; elegant Italian vocal style characterized by florid melodic lines delivered by voices of great agility, smoothness, and purity of tone The name of Wagner’s cycle of four music genres (music, poetry, drama, and visual spectacle) o Gesamtkuntstwerk Where the theatre was built to house Wagner’s music dramas o The Festival Theater at Bayreuth The two principles centers of ballet were France and Russia By the romantic era concerts had moved into the public concert hall away from Aristocratic courts Last part of the nineteenth century composers reacted to Wagner by either falling under his influence or rebelling against him The impresario Serge Diaghilev had a Paris-based dance company, the Ballet Russes, that opened up a new chapter in the cultural life of Europe. o His ballets were The Firebird, Petrushka, and The Rite of Spring Some of the things that Wagner did- eliminate the arias Gesamt kunst werk- the art of combining music poetry drama and fusing them together to form one total art form What a

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The standard multimovement cycle consists of three or four movements in prescribed forms and tempos and is employed in various genres including the symphony, the sonata, the string quartet, the concerto and many other chamber works as well. Typical multimovement cycle: o First movement in sonata-allegro form (usually most highly organized and longest movement) o Second Movement is usually a slow movement characterized by lyrical melodies and is in a shortened sonata form or a theme and variations o Third Movement was often dance forms and most commonly the minuet and trio (two contrasting dances with the return, da capo, of the first dance to conclude the set) which was replaced by a scherzo by the early 19th century o Fourth Movement often ended with another sonata-allegro form or a spirited rondo Different types of absolute music as well o Describe characteristics of American music- read the chapter American songwriter Steven Foster o Wrote about the sufferings of African slaves o He died a penniless alcoholic from falling in a hotel room Haydn earned the nickname “Father of the Symphony” and contributed over 100 symphonies firmly establishing the genre Richard Wagner-German composer who changed German opera with his music drama...

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