5 reasons why excessive partying is bad PDF

Title 5 reasons why excessive partying is bad
Course Innovative Business Practice
Institution Swinburne University of Technology (Vietnam)
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5 reasons why excessive partying is bad for men in 20s...


5 reasons why excessive partying is bad A. Introduction Nowadays, Partying is a great way of meeting people, engaging with old ones, and take a break. It's also critical to look after yourself and others around you. You may be exposed to dangers as a result of your use of alcohol or drugs (your own use or that of others). Excessive drinking , alcohol poisoning, drug overdose, illicit drug consumption, promiscuous sex, violence, injuries from falling and car accidents, getting arrested, and social media issues (such as photos of your unacceptable actions or behaviors) are just a few of the dangers. If a party gets out of control, all of these dangers become imminent concerns. You are not in power when you and others are under the influence of liquor or drug. For men in their 20s, many of them are still college students and others have just finished graduation, regardless of their situations, they are still used to the way of having too many parties which will gradually cause some undesired effects. Despite the main idea of a party is for people to socialize and have fun, it has negatively changed when we add alcohol and drug to the mix. In some cases, people will understand their limits or recognize what is good or bad for them. However, many others come to a party have the same goals of using those illegal substances and drink as much as they want, leading to a variety of consequences.

B. Main Reasons 1. Alcohol Issues Celebrating at parties, rooting for a favorite football team, and having after-work gathers are all typical activities to unwind or spend time with friends. These events might include alcohol of binge or high-intensity drinking for certain people. And when this happens, the consequences might be fatal. Drinking too much and too fast can cause major deficits in muscle control, judgement, emotion regulation, and other functions, potentially putting you in danger. An alcohol overdose can occur if you continue to drink despite obvious indicators of intoxication. When there is too much liquor in the circulation, parts of the brain that manage essential lifesupport systems like breathing, heart rate, and temperature regulation start to shutter. Mental disorientation, difficulties remaining alert, vomiting, seizure, breathing problems, itchy skin, muted reactions such as no poor appetite (which prevents choking), and abnormally low body temperature are all signs of an alcohol overdose. This might result in severe brain damage or death. Individuals differ in what pushes the scale from drinking that causes disability to drinking that threatens one's life. Age, alcohol tolerance, gender, drinking frequency, current medications, and the amount of food you eat can all be contributors. Adolescents who drink are at a higher risk of overdosing on alcohol. Many researches have shown that binge drinking and high-

intensity drinking are widespread activities among college-aged individuals. The body's ability to process and remove alcohol is harmed when excessive amounts of alcohol are consumed. The brain and other physical systems will be considerably harmed as a result of this. What others see of us has an impact on how we perceive about ourselves. An embarrassing drinking experience, such as vomiting or fainting, can lead to humiliation, social exclusion, and other forms of bullying. Hangovers can result in missed work, underperformance, and workplace injuries, all of which might jeopardize your career. Excessive drinking can also have a negative impact on personal relationships. People who are acquainted to somebody who drinks on a regular basis are usually negatively affected. People with alcoholic parents are more likely to drink more commonly and severely than other youngsters. In addition to the standard social incentives for drinking, which are carried by most adolescent alcoholics, some young individuals drink to cope with or forget their troubles. Overall, drinking will bring numerous consequences to your life. It can affect you on your health, your relationships, your legal status, and your future employment. Different outcomes could happen just because of a single party with too much alcohol. Therefore, it is wise not to take part in too much party and avoid drinking too much.

2. Drug Issues Partying among teenagers and young adults may have been considered reasonably normal activity in prior eras, but the hazards are significantly greater now, given the significant dangers linked with various drugs and drug activities. Prescription pharmaceuticals coupled with alcohol and other narcotics are more common in today's "party culture," with potentially fatal results. Pharm Parties: Prescription medication use has risen in recent years, to the point where it now came in second behind marijuana among young individuals. The idea of "Pharm Parties" has been formed by the increased availability of prescription pharmaceuticals, the assumption that prescription medications are safer than other substances, and the social acceptance of using prescription drugs. Sharing prescription drugs to get high is a concerning emerging trend among young people. Teens join together for a "pharm party" in which they all provide prescription medicines and add to a drug mix that is then mixed together. To become high, each person will consume a mouthful of the pills. Youngsters also have more information about drugs and have decided which ones are more profitable due to the Internet. Some even sell prescription drugs for profit. They could buy prescription medications in other areas or online and resell them separately for a considerably greater price. Weigh the risks if you're interested in pharming. If you are caught smuggling or using prescribed or illegal drugs, you may face severe legal consequences as well as physical hazards like as overdose, injury, and more. Overdose: When using illegal drugs such as heroin, meth, Ecstasy purchased from a private seller or a sketchy online supplier, there is an extra risk of being mixed with other toxic compounds because you do not really know what you are getting. Your friend may provide you

something and try to persuade you, but they have no way of knowing the drug's effect unless they have tried it themselves. Drug traffickers are skilled at what they do and are well-versed in the components that can be used to dilute medications. Additive ingredients such as sugar, mercury, caffeine, aluminum and are frequently put into drugs without the awareness of the consumer. When you participate in a party, you put yourself at a much higher chance of being exposed to these harmful chemicals. This kind of combination can easily lead to lethal casualties, and even death. For example, According to the DEA, 9 deaths occurred due to consuming fake Xanax pills containing fentanyl during January and March 2016, while 52 people died from overdosing on illegal hydrocodone tablets from March to April 2016 (Villa, 2021).

Drug abusing, addiction or even fake drugs are some widespread problems that the government can barely deal with. These dangerous activities have led many young men to unfortunate results, damaging their lives in many other ways. So, men in their 20s with full of curiosity should know about these problems for future avoidance against them and warn their friends and families about the danger of drug.

3. Hangover A session of drinking for many individuals can result in a painful following day and the terrible effects of a hangover. This is a collection of symptoms that develop as a result of excessive drinking. Fatigue, exhaustion, dehydration, headache, muscle pain, nausea, stomach discomfort, sensitivity to light and sound, anxiousness, anger, and high blood pressure are all common side effects. The severity of a hangover varies from an individual to another person. Although alcohol is the primary cause of a hangover, additional components of hard liquor may contribute to or exacerbate hangover symptoms. Mild dehydration: Alcohol inhibits the production of vasopressin, a brain hormone that transmits impulses to the kidneys, forcing them to store fluid. Alcohol causes excessive urine

and liquid loss as a result. Mild dehydration is likely to lead to hangover symptoms included thirst, lethargy, and headache. Sleep disruption: Alcohol use causes people to fall asleep quicker, but their rest is disturbed, and they wake up sooner. This leads to exhaustion and a reduction in productivity. Gastrointestinal frustration: Alcohol damages the stomach lining and promotes acid production. This can cause nausea and stomach pains. Inflammation: Alcohol can increase inflammation in the body. Inflammation has a role in the melancholy that people experience when they are unwell, thus it could also be a factor in hangover symptoms. Exposure to acetaldehyde: The liver produces acetaldehyde, a toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism that contributes significantly to inflammation in the liver, brain, gastrointestinal system, and other organs. Mini-withdrawal: While drinking, people may feel better, more comfortable, and even happy, but as the brain seeks to maintain equilibrium, it soon adjusts to those good effects. As a result, as the rush wears off, folks may feel more anxious and nervous than they did before drinking. It is tough to say how many beers will trigger a hangover because everyone is different. When people drink to the point of intoxication, there's a risk they will wake up with a hangover following morning. When the blood alcohol percentage drops to around zero, hangover symptoms spike. Symptoms can linger for up to 24 hours. Hangovers can be uncomfortable as well as harmful. A person's concentration, decision-making, and motor control can all be affected by a hangover. Additionally, the ability to perform critical duties such as driving, managing equipment, or caring for others may be impaired. It can be clearly see that taking part in a party and having too much drink can cause some negative effects to yourself, which can be grouped by the term “Hangover”. Each of its symptoms can have several damages to your body and your health. Therefore, people, especially men in 20s who enjoying such party, should be caution.

4. Sexual Activities In a party, you may end up on a bed with someone while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This may be a decision you would not typically make, and it could result in shame or regret. Furthermore, you might forget to use condom and other safety measures and have unsafe sex. It is possible that this will lead to pregnancy or the spread of a sexually transmitted infection (STI). You should be worried about your health or a possible pregnancy after having unprotected sex while being drunk or high during a party. Sexual assault occurs when sex happens without your agreement, and it is a felony. Also, keep in mind that even if you are in good spirits, your sexual partner could not be. If they're so wasted that they do not know what they are in for, you don't have their permission to have sex. If you do

not stop, you might be conducting a sexual assault. Sexual assault is not equivalent to sex. Sexual assault is, by definition, not pleasant, not voluntary, and it will change the lives of one or more of the individuals engaged for the rest of their lives. Alcohol and sexual assault have been linked in numerous studies. Unwanted sexual contact was reported by 23% of female college students (almost 1 in 4) while they were drunk or high. Unwanted contact includes oral sex or penetration for 11% of those surveyed. Women are not the only ones who have been assaulted. According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, one out of every 16 guys in college is sexually assaulted. As a result, if you are regularly impaired or debilitated by substances, being a part of the university party event may put you at a higher danger of sexual assault (Villa, 2021). When males drink, their chances of committing a sexual assault increase dramatically; nonetheless, it is vital to realize that being drunk does not make men want to do sexually assault. Alcohol intake and male sexual assault may both be caused by certain factors. Sexual predators, for example, are more prone to:   

Having a negative attitude toward women, Join a fraternity that promotes excessive drinking and the sexual mistreatment of women, To have experienced childhood trauma, violence, or abuse,

This has brought up a more devastating fact that young men would most likely to be the ones to perform those sexual abuses, which can lead to numerous consequences that can destroy their lives and their future.

5. Violence Problems When people are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they would lose control and act violently. Their aggression could be directed towards a single person or a community of people. It could also be a generalized hostility that includes shattered glasses and property damage. Violence, in whatever shape it takes, is frightening to those who see it and dangerous to those who are caught in its path. Alcohol encourages criminal activity by lowering barriers and causing you to act in ways you would not take into account if you were sober. After several glasses, situations that you would handle with sensibly when sober can suddenly develop and become out of favor, resulting in the involvement of the police. Assault, sexual abuse, police harassment, property damage, disruptive or unpleasant behavior, assaulting a police officer, and speeding are all examples of alcoholrelated offenses. However, being arrested or charged may only be the beginning of your issues. You may be sentenced to prison or ordered to perform community service. This may leave a criminal record on your record, which may jeopardize your employment possibilities because many employers refuse to hire such applicants.

There is a substantial link between drinking and violence in 'binge drinking' societies. Several research, on the other hand, imply that this link is cultural and contextual. As nearly 700,000 young people have been assaulted by someone who has been drinking (Galbicsek, 2021). In these situations, alcohol can easily cause violence. When individuals consume alcohol, they anticipate arguments and blame such behavior to intoxication. Personal acts of aggression, intensified emotions, and envy can all lead to violence in the crowded environments of nightlife and parties when paired with the impact of alcohol. Binge drinkers rationalize their bad behavior when it is blamed on alcohol. The link between alcohol and violence can be better comprehended by looking at the cultural and situational environment in which the events take place. This relationship is connected with situational conditions and cultural standards regarding how to act while drunk, rather than the psychopharmacological effects of alcohol. As we notice, alcohol at party has some other consequences regardless of the above contexts. Drinking excessively would ruin our life in many unexpected ways. It can damage our health, our body, our organs or it can promote unwanted activities such as assault, sexual assault, drug abusing which can lead to drug addiction, and it can destroy our entire relationship with someone just by a single drink. Once again, the article want to remind young adults about the posible concernings about alcohol as well as drug.

C. Conclusion In total, this is written to warn young people about the 5 lethal consequences of excessive partying included issues related to alcohol and drug. They are the main causes of most unwanted actions, when you are drunk or high, you will lose control and everything starts to fall apart. Firstly, it will dramatically damage your health, body and mind. Alcohol and drug have many negative effects on our organs and process in our body like breath, digesting, blood flow, and many more. Some of those drinks and substances are very addictive, so you just want more after using it, in result, many have to be hospitalized for different symptoms, side effects, and some unfortunate cases cannot even make it to the hospital in time. Furthermore, they can aggravate you by accelerate your emotions, leading to violence behaviors like assault, sexual assault, police resistance and racing while under the influence. These acts can all lead to dangers for yourself and other innocent people. For men in their 20s, they are the most likely to take part in many parties and do not care about their limit on liquor and stimulants. As they are still inexperience and full of curiosity, they want to enjoy their lives more and do partying continuously to have the same vibe with their memories of college parties. In conclusion, having too many parties means being more exposed to alcohol and drug, therefore, people in any age should participate in a moderate quantity to avoid many undesired consequences that will gradually ruin their lives.

D. References Villa, L (2021), ‘Things to Know About the Risks of Party Culture’, Project Know, .

Galbicsek, C (2021), ‘College Alcoholism’, Alcohol Rehab Guide, ....

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