5th grade 5 broken pie - read reas read this materials fro better PDF

Title 5th grade 5 broken pie - read reas read this materials fro better
Author Dono Dienne
Course Secondary Education
Institution The National Teachers College
Pages 5
File Size 332.4 KB
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Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet Read the short story. Then answer each question.

Mystery of the Broken Pie The sun was shining on th e sparkli ng gr ass. I t was morning, and the grass was still wet from t he dew. We were e xcited to see the su nshine after da ys of rain! S ydney and I were tired of bei ng stuck inside . “Mom, can we go out and play?” I shouted . “You and Sydney need to clean your r ooms fir st. I ’m excit ed to ge t some fresh air in the hous e, it’s time for a go od spri ng cl eaning!” Mom answered. Sydney and I looked at each other and groaned . We wanted to get outside, not be st uck inside cleani ng. Bu t we knew we coul d go play as soon as we finished clea ning. We decide d to make it a ra ce to see who could cl ean their room the fastes t. Bu t we ha d to cl ean up the rig ht way , otherwise Mom woul d make us redo i t. “3… 2… 1… GO!” w e shouted . I picked up all my cl othes and put them i n my hamper. I tucked in my sheets and p ulled the co mforte r over my bed so it loo ked like a maga zine picture. All of my books went back on the bookshelf , and my toys and games went back in the clos et. “DONE!” I heard Sy dney shout from her room down the hall. “Aw, man , I was jus t abou t t out. Good job , Syd ney,” I sa jumped up and do wn. “I ne finish cleaning before you, Aiden!” she excla imed. She looked s o excited I couldn’t even be mad at my littl e sister.

Reading and Math for K-5

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Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet “Let’s go outsi de,” I said. We walked into the kitchen, wher e my mom had all the ingr edients out to make her fa mous apple pie . “Can we go play now?” I asked Mo m. “Sure! I ’m just g oing to get this pie in the oven and start cle aning. Make sur e you sta y in the yard , and if you pl ay nicely, you’ll ge t some p ie in a few hour s!” sh e repl ied. Sydney and I played in the yard . We rode bi kes, pla yed on the swi ng set , and made up adve ntures to go on. A couple of hour s la ter, we could smell the pie in the ai r. “Mmmmm,” Sy dney said. “I ’m hungry. Let’s go see if that pi e is ready. ” When we got in the house, we could hea r Mom vacu um the living room. Sydney a nd I walked to the ki tchen t o s if the pi e looked re ady. Mom had s et the pie to cool by the ki tchen window. We pe ered up at the pie and gasped. I t was a mes s! The cru st on t op had holes in it, and the fil ling w as all over the p lace. “What happene d?” Syd ney aske d. “Mom’s pies never l o that!” “I don’t know, bu t we’d be tter fi gure i t out b efore Mo m the pie a nd thi nks we did it!” I answere d. We ran ba ck and sat d own unde r the tree . “ What do you thin k could happened, Sydney ?” “Hmmm… maybe Mom dropped the pie when she to ok of the oven.” Sydn ey repl ied. “Is there evide nce for that ?” I asked. “I don’t re member , we’d probabl y have to go back and check around the ove n to see if there ’s a mess .” “Let’s thi nk of other pos sibi litie s first, t hen we ca n go ba ck and search the scene of the cri me. I would say that maybe the cat go t into the pie, but we don ’t have a cat, so that ca n’t b e it… ”

Reading and Math for K-5

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Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet Sydney and I sat outsi de for a while, t rying t o think of ide as. Birds kept flying in and out of the tree above us . They gave me an id ea. I looked toward the kitche n, with the wide - open window . “Hey, I bet that some bi rd s smel led th e pie and wante d a p iece! I t’s ri ght by the ope n windo w! We shoul d go check for l ittle bi rd f ootprints ,” I said . “You’re righ t!” S ydney e xclai med. “And i f there aren’t any foo tprints , we can look f or other clues whil e we’re i n the kitchen.” We walked ba ck in to the kitchen . Mo m was stil l vacuuming. Sydney and I tiptoed over to t he pi e to search for evidence. Next to th e pie, we saw the fill ing, and one smal l footpri nt. “That loo ks like a bi rd footpri nt, ri ght?” I as ked Sydney. She agre ed. We heard the vacuu m turn off , and Mom walked into the kit chen. “What are you two doing b y the pie ?” she asked . “We came back in from playi ng outs ide and wante d some pie, because it smells delicious. But when we go t in h ere, the pi e was a mess !” I said. Sydney add ed, “ We had to solve t he myster y of why it’s br oken in pieces, becaus e your pie s are always be a Aiden had an idea that some birds might ha gotten int o it! Look, ther e’s a little footpr int!” “Oh goodness ,” Mo m answered, “you guys are right. I gues s I ’ll have to get a screen back on this kitche n win dow. Well, wh at do you guys think ab out g oing out to ge t ice cream si nce the bi rds ate our pi e?” “Yay!!!” we shoute d, and dashed off to t he c Solvi ng mysteries sure makes you hungr y!

Reading and Math for K-5

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Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet Questions: 1.

How did S ydney an d Aiden fe el when they saw the mes sed - up pie ? Highli ght evi dence from the text that s upports your ans wer. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Retell the stor y fro m the mom’s point of view. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Why did Sydne y a n d Aiden run back outs ide after they saw the messed- up pie? H ow woul d the story h ave changed if they’d gotten their mom instead? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Do you thi nk Aiden is a good big brot her? How can you t ell? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Create ano ther pie ce of evidence that could have helped the characters figur e out how the pie got messed up. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Reading and Math for K-5

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Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet Answers: 1.

How did S ydney an d Aiden fe el when they saw the mes sed - up pie ? Highli ght evi dence from the text that s upports your ans wer. Answers wi ll vary, but po tential a nswer s incl ude they were scared , horrifi ed or nervous. “ We peered up at the pi e and gaspe d.” … “I don’t kno w, but we’d be tter fi gur e it out before Mom s ees the pi e and thi nks we di d i t!” I ans wered.


Retell the stor y fro m the mom’s point of view. Answers wi ll vary.


Why did S ydney a nd Aiden run back outsid e after they saw the messed- up pie? H ow woul d the story h ave changed if they’d gotten their mom instead? They ran back outs ide after the y saw the pie to try to thin k of ide as of what happ ened to it.


Do you thi nk Aiden is a good big broth er? How can you t ell? Yes, he i s responsi bl e, he pl ays well wit h his si ster and he i nclu des his sister i n solvi ng the mystery of the broken pi e.


Create ano ther pie ce of evidence that could have helped the characters figur e out how the pi e got messe d up. Answers wi ll vary.

Reading and Math for K-5

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