6 OSH 2301 Unit 3 Assessment PDF

Title 6 OSH 2301 Unit 3 Assessment
Author Carole Ann Miller
Course Introduction to Workplace Safety
Institution Columbia Southern University
Pages 3
File Size 91.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 82
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Unit 3 Assessment...



Question 1 5 out of 5 points

Thes c i enc eof__________e x pl ai nshumanbodyc har ac t er i s t i c si nmec hani cal t er ms . Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:

bi omec hani c s bi omec hani c s

Question 2 5 out of 5 points

Anex ami nat i onofoper at i ngc ondi t i onsandbehav i or st hate x i s twi t hi nadefi nedwor k ar eai sc al l edan__________. Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:

i nspec t i o n i nspec t i o n

Question 3 5 out of 5 points

Thec ondi t i onc aus edbyex c es s i v eov er ex t ens i onort wi s t i ngoft hewr i s ti scal l ed __________.

Selected Answer:

c ar palt unnel s y ndr ome

Correct Answer:

c ar palt unnel s y ndr ome

Question 4 5 out of 5 points

Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi snotaques t i ont obeask edwhendet er mi ni ngf r equenc yof i ns pect i on?

Selected Answer:

Howl ongwi l l t hei ns pec t i ont ak e ?

Correct Answer:

Howl ongwi l l t hei ns pec t i ont ak e ?

Question 5 5 out of 5 points A guideline that applies to all manual lifting tasks is that lifts should be kept between __________.


Selected Answer:

knuckle and shoulder height

Correct Answer:

knuckle and shoulder height

Question 6 5 out of 5 points When conducting a safety and health inspection, only workplace conditions should be observed. Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:



Question 7 5 out of 5 points The amount of physical stress a job produces is often determined by the force needed to perform the task.

Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:



Question 8 5 out of 5 points Once an inspection checklist is completed, no further action is needed.

Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:



Question 9 5 out of 5 points When objects must be pulled or pushed, workers should pull whenever possible. Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:



Question 10 0 out of 5 points Formal inspections should be scheduled when there is a maximum opportunity to view operations. Selected




Correct Answer:



Question 11 Needs Grading Select a task with which you are familiar that has the potential for ergonomic injury. It can be a task performed at work or at home (but not changing a tire) and should have at least five steps. List the steps for the task, and for each step, describe the potential hazards and effects of those hazards. Your response must be at least 200 words in length. Selected Truck Loading in a Warehouse (from a previous job) Answer: 1. Do your morning exercise and stretching - Potential injuries of sprains to shoulder, lower back, biceps, thighs and other body parts if your body does not get warmed up effectively. 2. Check your forklift PIT for safety hazards - If you do not check for safety hazards like the battery retainer is not placed in order, the battery might fall off in motion and injure a worker. If the breaking system is not working correctly, the equipment might hit someone. If you do not check the lift control system, then it might descend while having a load that might fall on a worker. 3. Make sure loading is properly stacked on the PIT to avoid injury and if necessary, shrink wrap the merchandise. If it is not shrink wrapped, the load might fall on workers, and if the load is not properly stacked, it might fall from the top and cause injury to workers below. 4. Make sure there is a clear view when loading and unloading - If you do not check your view, the truck might tip and fall over causing operator and worker injury. . 5, Entering the trailer and stacking the boxes - If you do not use a step stool in higher places to stack boxes, then you might have a sprain from stacking the boxes. While loading, make sure you observe hazmat merchandise that is marked and apply proper loading method to avoid potential explosion and injury from flammable merchandise. [None] Correct Answer: Response [None Given] Feedback :...

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