6 Week Exercise Programme - Assignment - Instructing Physical Activity & Exercise PDF

Title 6 Week Exercise Programme - Assignment - Instructing Physical Activity & Exercise
Course Introduction To Sports Coaching Practice
Institution Manchester Metropolitan University
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Instructing physical activity and exercise...


Unit Title: Instructing physical activity and excercise ASSI GNMENTTI TLE:6Weekexer ci seprogr amme

Introduction - You are working in a gym and you have been asked to design a six-week exercise programme for two selected contrasting clients including at least one safe and effective exercise session a week. 1. Design a six-week exercise programme for two selected contrasting clients Make sure this exercise programme is specific to that individuals needs (what they want to improve on), explain choice of activities for the programme you have designed PASS 4 Client 1 – wants to achieve an improvement in his muscle mass and muscular endurance.

Weeks 1 + 2 Monday Muscular endurance:

Push ups (2 min, max reps) 3 sets sit ups (2 min, max reps) 3 sets Tuesday Shoulders: Shoulder press – 3 sets, 8-10 reps Military press – 4 sets, 10,10,8,8 reps Upright row – 3 sets, 8,8,8 reps Wednesday Back and biceps: Chin up – 2 sets, 8,8 reps Bent over barbell row – 3 sets, 8,8,8 reps Lat pull down – 3 sets, 10,10,8 reps Incline dumbbell curl – 3 sets, 8,8,8 reps Concentration curl – 3 sets, 10,10,10 reps Thursday Rest

Friday Chest and triceps: Barbell bench press – 4 sets, 10,8,8,6 reps Incline bench press – 3 sets, 8,8,6 reps Dumbbell flys – 3 sets, 10,8,8 reps Triceps extension – 4 sets, 8,8,8,8 reps Triceps dip – 3 sets, 10,8,8,6 reps Saturday Legs: Squats – 4 sets, 10,8,8,8 reps Leg extension – 3 sets 8,8,8 reps Leg curl – 4 sets 8,8,8,6 reps

Standing calf raise – 4 sets, 10,10,8,8 reps Sunday Rest

Weeks 3 + 4 Monday Muscular endurance: Push ups (3 min, max reps) 4 sets Sit ups (3 min, max reps) 4sets Plank – 1 min, 3 sets Tuesday Back and biceps: Chin up – 3 sets, 10,10,8 reps Bent over barbell row – 3 sets, 10,10,8 reps Lat pull down – 4 sets, 10,10,8,8 reps Incline dumbbell curl – 4 sets, 10,8,8,8 reps Concentration curl – 3 sets, 10,10,10 reps Wednesday Shoulders: Shoulder press – 3 sets, 10,10,8 reps Military press – 4 sets, 10,10,10,10 reps Upright row – 3 sets, 10,10,8 reps Dumbbell shrugs – 3 sets 10,10,8 reps Thursday Rest

Friday Chest and triceps: Barbell bench press – 4 sets, 10,10,10,8 reps

Incline bench press – 3 sets, 8,8,8 reps Dumbbell flys – 4 sets, 10,8,8,6 reps Triceps extension – 4 sets, 10,10,8,8 reps Triceps dip – 4 sets, 10,10,8,8 reps Saturday Legs: Squats – 4 sets, 10,10,10,8 reps Leg extension – 4 sets 10,10,8,6 reps Leg curl – 4 sets 10,10,8,6 reps Standing calf raise – 4 sets, 10,10,10,8 reps Sunday Rest

Weeks 5 + 6 Monday Muscular endurance: Push ups (3 min, max reps) 4 sets Sit ups (3 min, max reps) 4sets Plank – 1.30 min, 3 sets Kettle bell swing – 3 sets, 8,8,8 reps Tuesday Back and biceps: Chin up – 3 sets, 10,10,8 reps One arm dumbbell row – 3 sets, 10,10,8 reps Seated row – 4 sets, 10,8,8,6 reps Standing barbell curl – 4 sets, 10,8,8,8 reps Close grip curl – 3 sets, 10,10,10 reps Wednesday Shoulders and forearms:

Machine Shoulder press – 3 sets, 10,8,8 reps Dumbbell lateral raise – 3 sets, 10,8,8 reps Upright row – 3 sets, 10,10,8 reps Dumbbell reverse fly – 3 sets 10,10,8 reps Standing wrist curl – 3 sets, 8,8,8 reps Barbell wrist curl – 3 sets, 10,8,8 Thursday Rest

Friday Chest and triceps: Dumbbell pullover – 4 sets, 10,10,8,6 reps Decline bench press – 3 sets, 10,8,8 reps Dumbbell flys – 4 sets, 10,8,8,6 reps Triceps extension – 4 sets, 10,10,8,8 reps Triceps bench dip – 4 sets, 10,10,8,6 reps

Saturday Legs: Squats – 4 sets, 10,10,10,8 reps Leg extension – 4 sets 10,10,8,8 reps Leg curl – 4 sets 10,10,10,8 reps Seated calf raise – 4 sets, 10,8,8,6 reps Sunday Rest I believe this 6 week training programme will help this client achieve his goals in building muscles mass and improving his muscular endurance, there is a variety of exercises to work different muscles, and gives the client a chance to work a different muscle each day so he does not strain himself by working on the same muscle 2 or 3 times a week. In week number 1 and 2 I have my client a set programme of what muscles and exercises he should do each day, also how many sets and reps. In week numbers 3 and 4 I gave my

client the similar programme to the first 2 weeks but changed the amount of sets and reps for some of the exercises so he can improve further by pushing himself even more. In week number 5 and 6, as I didn’t want my client to get bored or lack motivation I changed some of the exercises and added in some new ones as well as, changing the amount of sets and reps so he can get more out of his training and hopefully this will allow him to gain the results at the end of it.

Client 2 – wants to lose weight and improve physical fitness and stamina.

Weeks 1 + 2 Monday Jog for 1 mile, after 1 mile walk for another half a mile, than do the same again until you have done 3 miles in total. Tuesday Run on the treadmill for 10 minutes starting at a moderate level, as soon as you have reached 3 minutes, go up a level higher for another 3 minutes. And keep that pace for the full 10 minutes. Next you will go on the rower for another 10 minutes, start off at a moderate level for the first 5 minutes, then go up as much as your limits will allow and push yourself for the last 5 minutes. Wednesday Push ups – 3 sets, 10 reps each set Sit ups – 3 sets, 10 reps each set Squats – 3 sets, 10,8,8 reps Thursday Rest

Friday Cross trainer – 10 minutes, first 5 minutes moderate level, last 5 minutes at a higher intensity to where you feel you are pushing yourself. Cycling – 3 miles. Saturday Walk 3-5 miles, including 10 run/walk intervals (run 30 seconds, walk 1 minute) in the last mile.

Sunday Rest

Weeks 3 + 4 Monday Walk 1.5 miles. Run 5 minutes, walk 5 minutes; do 3 times. Walk 1-2 miles. Tuesday Run on the treadmill for 10 minutes starting at a moderate level, as soon as you have reached 3 minutes, go up to a level where you are slow springing and try and maintain that speed for the rest of the 10 minutes. Next you will go on the rower for another 10 minutes, start off at a moderate level for the first 3 minutes, then go up as much as your limits will allow and push yourself for the last 7 minutes. Wednesday Push ups – 4 sets, 10,10,10,8 reps Sit ups – 3 sets, 10,10,10 Medicine ball sit ups – 3 sets, 8,8,8 Squats – 3 sets, 8,8,8 Thursday Rest Friday Skipping – this should be done for 3 minutes with a 20 second break after each minute Stepper – 10 minutes at a moderate intensity Saturday Treadmill – 15 minutes, increasing the intensity every 5 minutes. Cross trainer – 15 minutes, increasing the intensity every 5 minutes. Sunday Rest

Weeks 5 + 6

Monday Walk 1 mile, Run 3 minutes, and walk 2 minutes; do that 5-minute sequence a total of 10 times, Walk 5 minutes. Tuesday Sit ups – 4 sets, 10,10,10,10 reps Chin ups – 3 sets 6,6,6 reps Press ups – 3 sets, 10,10,10 Skipping – 3 minutes 10 second rest in-between each min Wednesday Walk 1 mile, Run 3 minutes, and walk 2 minutes; do that 5-minute sequence a total of 10 times, Walk 5 minutes. Thursday Rest

Friday Treadmill – 15 minutes, increasing the intensity every 5 minutes. Cross trainer – 10 minutes, increasing the intensity every 5 minutes. Stepper – 10 minutes, high intensity

Saturday Cycling – 5 miles Sunday Rest

The reason for choosing these type of exercises for client number 2, is to help him achieve the positive results he wants, and not only get the most out of his training but help him mentally accomplish challenges which he might have found difficult to do on his own. Most of my client’s exercises are cardio which is to not only help him lose weight but also his overall fitness, I made sure I gave him a variety of exercises and changed it up a little so he does not get bored or lose motivation, I also increased the intensity of the exercises as the weeks went on so he can push himself to his limits, and test his physical ability.

4. Review own performance in the designing of exercise programmes and the planning and delivery of the exercise session, identify strengths and improvements Review performance using a range of methods e.g peer evaluation, questionnaires, self evaluation. Fit for purpose e.g track progression, adapt session, modify activities, improve own performance, codes of practice, continued professional development. Modify e.g FITT progression, changes in exercises to maintain interest and motivation. Achievable goals; SMART targets. PASS 7 When first designing my fitness session for the group, I had a plan of what I wanted to do and achieve with the session. At first my aim was to do a normal circuit session as my main activity. But as I carried out my session towards the end after a lot of my peers, there had been a lot of circuit sessions done, and everyone in the group seemed to be getting tired of doing the same types of exercises again and again, so they lacked motivation and didn’t put in enough effort for some of the sessions. Therefore I decided to adapt and change my session up a little to make it different and enjoyable as well as giving the group a session where they can push themselves and get the most out of it. I still decided to do a circuit but added in different exercises such as skipping and medicine ball crunches which no one else in the group had done. Also for my warm up I chose to do scarecrow tig with the group so they will not only enjoy themselves but also get there blood flowing and get them warmed up ready for the main session. I believe my session achieved what I wanted it to, which was to improve stamina and get everyone to push themselves during the session, I did my best during the session to encourage everyone and if anyone was doing an exercise wrong I would demonstrate on how to do it properly. Everyone did seem to enjoy the session, and put in a lot of effort so I was satisfied with how it went. However some improvements I could have made which was bought upon by my peers was that I could have been a little louder while speaking, even thought this was not much of a problem it would have been clearer for the group on what I wanted them to do. Also as I didn’t use a stop watch during the session, some of the exercises were rushed as I tried to measure 45 seconds on a timer for each exercise with a 10 second break in-between each, the time for these exercises were a little short at times as I lost concentration and did not realise how long it had been, therefore next time I will remember to use a stop watch and stay focused throughout the session....

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