7 Habits of Highly Effective People PDF

Title 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Author Rahul Kumar
Course Business Ethics
Institution St. Francis College
Pages 6
File Size 144.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 47
Total Views 176


It will help the students in grasping the concept of business strategies and will help them in decision making....


HOW DO I ACHIEVE PERSONAL AND INTERPERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS? Practice The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People help you lead your life in a truly effective way. The habits build on each other, creating a process of personal and interpersonal growth and development. By practicing these habits, you can expect to:     

Gain control over your life Get focused and organized Enhance you relationship Improve your communication Achieve work/life balance

Move From Dependence to Interdependence Habits are behavioral patterns-daily expressions of your character – and produce your effectiveness or ineffectiveness. The 7 Habits form the Maturity continuum, leading you on the path to interdependence. You must first effectively lead you own life (Private Victory) before you can successfully work with others (Public Victory).




Habit 1 – Be proactive The Habit of Choice HOW CAN I GAIN MORE CONTROL OVER MY LIFE?    

Practice Habit 1: Be Proactive Avoid Reactive Behavior and Reactive Language Practice Proactive Behavior and Proactive Language Focus on What You Can Influence

Reactive people do and say the following: REACTIVE BEHAVIOR     

Get angry and say things they regret Whine and complain. Blame other people and things Act like victims Don’t take accountability for their actions.


You make me so angry. It’s not my fault. I couldn’t help it. That’s just the way I am. I have to do it.

Proactive people do and say the following: PROACTIVE BEHAVIOR     

Remain calm. Focus on solutions. Take responsibility Take initiative to make things happen. Think before acting


I can I’m sorry I choose Let’s look at all of our options There’s gotta be a way

Habit 2 – Begin With the End In Mind The Habit of Vision HOW DO I LIVE WITH PURPOSE AND VISION?   

Practice Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind Prepare to Write a Personal Mission Statement Draft Your Personal Mission Statement

My mission is to live with integrity and to make a difference in the lives of others. My End in Mind At the end of my life, I want to be able to say I gave everything I had to give My Mission To value every day as a new beginning; to live every day to its fullest; to take the leap of faith; to celebrate the best in others. Mission Statement I lead my life centered around principles of excellence, empowerment, growth and humility. I remember what’s important in life, recognize my own and others’ strengths, and consistently work toward becoming my best balanced self-for the benefit of myself and those around me.

Habit 3 – Put First Things First The Habits of Integrity and Execution HOW DO I FOCUS ON MY HIGHEST PRIORITIES?   

Practice Habits 3: Put First Things First Focus on Important Task Plan Weekly

The Time Matrix URGENT




    

Cries Deadlines Angry customers Sick child Flat tire

    

Planning and preparation Education Training and development Relationship building Renewing yourself

   

Excessive computer games and e-mail Aimless internet surfing Mindless TV Meaningless conversations



 Interruptions  Pressing matters  Some e-mails, meetings, and phone calls  Other people’s priorities


   

Practice Habit 4: Think Win-Win Assess Your Mindset Identify Mutual Benefits Make Deposits Into Others’ Emotional Bank Accounts

LOSE-LOSE: Lose-lose in negative. Thinking lose-lose says, “If I am going down then you’re going down with me.” WIN-LOSE: Win-Lose is competitive and proud. It is an attitude that says, “The pie of success in only so big, and if you get a big piece of the pie, there is less for me.” LOSE-WIN: Lose-win is weak. Lose-win thinking says, “Have your way. Wipe your feet on meeveryone else does. “It is an attitude of setting low expectations and compromising your standards. WIN-WIN: Win-win is being courageous and considerate at the same time. Win-win says “It’s not you or me. It’s both of us. It’s not a matter of who gets the biggest piece of the pie. There’s more than enough for everyone. It’s an all-you-can-eat buffet.” DEPOSITS

     

Keep promises Be kind and courteous. Be loyal Listen Apologize Set clear expectations


    

Break promises. Be unkind and discourteous Be disloyal; bad-mouth Don’t listen Be arrogant  Create false expectations

Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood The Habit of Mutual Understanding HOW DO I LISTEN EFFECTIVELY?

Practice Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

Use emphatic Listening

Empathic Listening means you forget about yourself and concentrate all your energies on being with the other persons in real time. The list below identify Emphatic Listening responses to use when you seek first to understand others. DO’S OF EMPATHIC LISTENING 1. Reflect Feeling Concentrate on and echo the way the person feels in your own words. 2. Reflect Meaning Restate accurately the content or subject matter of what the person is saying in your own words. 3. Use Empathic Listening Starters  So if I understand you correctly, you’re saying…  What I’m hearing is..  You seem..  You must have felt…  You feel-------about-----------

Habit 6 – Synergize The Habit of Creative Cooperation HOW DO I WORK WITH OTHERS TO CREATE BETTER SOLUTIONS?

 Practice Habit 6: Synergize  Value Differences  Choose the High Way THE COST OF NOT VALUING DIFFERENES      

Disorder Lack of originality Discrimination Conflict Distorted perceptions Lack of synergy


Dynamic and creative teams Enhanced communication Trust and integrity Unity Acceptance Synergy


     

Seek out knowledge and information from others to complete your tasks. Create or participate on divers’ teams. Recognize others for their contributions. Focus on other’s strengths instead of on their weaknesses. Solicit others’ ideas in a brainstorming session. Avoid stereotyping or labeling others.


Define the problem or Opportunity Their Way (Seek first to understand the ideas of others) My Way (Seek to be understood by sharing your ideas.) Brainstorm (Create new options and ideas.)  High Way (Find the best solution)

Habit 7 – Sharpen the Saw The Habit of Renewal HOW DO I ACHIEVE WORK/LIFE BALANCE?    

Practice Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Renew in All Four Dimensions Schedule Time for Renewal Overcome Obstacles

Renew in all Four Dimensions When you take time to rest, relax and renew, you are sharpening the saw. Renewal allows you to take on the challenges of daily living. Your “saw” consists of your body, heart, and soul. It is vital to Sharpen the Saw in all four dimensions. BODY You build physical wellness through proper nutrition, exercise, rest and stress management. HEART You become stronger socially and emotionally by making consistent deposits inot others’ Emotional Bank Accounts. MIND You increase mental capacity by reading writing, thinking, and discussing your ideas. SOUL You develop spiritually by reading inspirational literature, meditating, performing service, and spending time in nature....

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