The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People PDF

Title The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Course Understanding Health and Health care in the UK
Institution University of East London
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I will begin this coursework, by looking at the framework of the covey’s model as well as understanding the seven habits and what each one means....


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey, S 2004), I will begin this essay, by looking at the framework of the covey’s model as well as understanding the seven habits and what each one means.

The book enlightens us with an explanation of people who have achieved highly however still find themselves struggling with an inner need for developing a personal success and also growing a much healthy relationship with others around them. Covey believes the way we see the world is completely based on our own perceptions therefore in order for this we need to change the situation which is given to us we have to change ourselves and that all begins in changing our perceptions. Stephen R. Covey’s book [1989] explains to us ways in which we can improve our daily life and wellbeing. The book gives us examples of how to develop the right frame of mind which enables us to set goals which can be both achievements and success. Within the study of more than 200 years of literature on the concept of “success”, the author has identified a momentous change in the way that human have defined success over time. Covey lays out the 7 habits which is organised to a way which helps individuals to develop or even experience this can become a full improvement or a continuous improvement that enables help when needed. The book interprets a way in which people can be inspired or motivated. The intention of the author was to create this book to educate people on the 7 habits, and to also become a helpful tool when one is facing difficulties. By reading this book, it can help solve the issues that one may face some time in their life; it helps individuals to make good decision when making plans. (lewis.soloutions, 2019)

Summary (7 habits):

1. Being proactive: Proactive, this defines one being in charge, when one chooses the scripts by which to live our own lives, also taking responsibilities for their own actions and choices. If life throws problems taking the responsibilities to fix it, with a positive mindset. To put this simply, in order to be effective one must be proactive there are people who can be reactive , reactive people take a passive stance, these individuals believe that the world is happening to them they’d normally say things like “ there’s nothing I can simply do” or “ it’s just the way I am as a person”. Individuals like this tend to think the problem is “out there” however the thought is the problem. Therefore those with reactive mindsets tend to feel more victimized and out of control. However those who are proactive are able to recognise they have a responsibility which the author covey as defined as the ability to choose how you will respond to a given stimulus or even a situation. To conclude on this in order to be proactive we must be able to focus on the circle of influence that lays within our own circle of concern in others words we must strive to work on the thing which we can do something about. (lewis, 2019)

2. Being with an end in mind: What this means is being able to have a clear mindset, knowing where you’re heading in the near future, it is vital to also have known set goals in life. Some individuals work hard endlessly to achieve particular goals to reach a goal like having a higher – income so they have the desire to buy what they want or even just the status of the job these particular individuals work towards such jobs, however they don’t acknowledge the deeper knowledge of the hard work they may have to face or put in once they reach. (lewis, 2019)

3. Put first things first: So as to oversee ourselves effectively, we should put first of all. We should have the order to organize our everyday activities dependent on what is generally significant, not what is generally earnest. In Habit 2, we talked about the significance of deciding our qualities and understanding what it is we are deciding to accomplish. habit 3 is about really pursuing these objectives, and executing on our needs on an everyday, day to day basis. So as to keep up the discipline and the attention to remain on track toward our objectives, we have to have the self-discipline to accomplish something when we would prefer not to do it. We have to act as indicated by our qualities as opposed to our wants or driving forces at given times. (lewis, 2019) 4. Think win-win: The best alternative is to make Win-Win circumstances. With Win-Lose, or Lose-Win, one individual seems to get what he needs for the occasion, yet the outcomes will contrarily affect the connection between those two individuals going ahead. The Win-Win or No Deal choice is critical to use as reinforcement. At the point when we have No Deal as a choice in our brain, it frees us from expecting to control individuals and push our very own motivation. We can be open and truly attempt to comprehend the fundamental issues. (Lewis, 2019)

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood: Before we can offer counsel, recommend arrangements, or adequately cooperate with someone else in any capacity, we should try to profoundly get them and their viewpoint through empathic tuning in. Suppose you go to an optometrist and reveal to him that you've

been experiencing difficulty seeing clearly, and he removes his glasses, hands them to you and says, "Here, attempt these - they've been working for me for a considerable length of time!" You put them on, yet they just aggravate the issue. What are the odds you'd return to that optometrist? Unfortunately, we do something very similar in our regular connections with others. We recommend an answer before we analyze the issue. We don't try to profoundly comprehend the issue first. Habit 5 says that we should look for first to see, at that point to be understood. So as to try to comprehend, we should figure out how to tune in. (, 2019) 6. Synergize: By understanding and esteeming the distinctions in someone else's point of view, we have the chance to make synergy, which enables us to reveal new possibilities through openness and creativity .The mix of the various habits sets us up for Habit 6, which is the habit of synergy or "When one in addition to one equivalent at least three and the entire is great than the total of its parts." For instance, in the event that you plant two plants near one another, their underlying foundations will mix together and improve the nature of the soil, with the goal that the two plants will grow a lot better than they would own their own synergy enables us to make new options and open new potential outcomes. It enables us as a group to collectively agree to get rid of old scripts and then write newer ones to make it better. To conclude in other words it allows us to see good in others, helping each other rather than dragging each other down this all can be done by removing any negative energy we may encounter. (lewis, 2019) 7. Sharpen the saw To be powerful, we should dedicate an opportunity to recharging ourselves physically, profoundly, rationally, and socially. Continuous recharging enables us to synergistically expand our capacity to rehearse each habit. Habit 7 is engaged around recharging, or setting aside some effort to "sharpen the saw." There are four components of our nature, and each must be practiced normally, and in adjusted ways. To conclude on the last habit, the real attractiveness of all seven habits and why the author Covey decided to write this book is to improve in one habit synergistically which will allow the following habits to fall into place helping you all the way. (lewis, 2019)

Covey’s model The author emphasized in all of the seven steps in a way to help us change our lives for the better. It empowers and makes us to take action instead of just reacting to the problems we face around us. My personal reason as to why I favoured this particular model is that the author Covey used strong interconnections to emotion which he then highlighted the significance of having self awareness before engaging with others. The author has also suggested that this model is a process of also learning new habits which are associated along with the 7 habits he had stated in the book. By learning the new habits it may not be easy for some individuals it requires patience and time to practice to get use too. For some it can

be a lot however if your keen to make the effort and time to practice the habits that the author Covey produced it would definitely be the best place to begin with since he stated what will work and make your ways of learning easy. For me personally it had shaped me in ways I did not think it would it motivated me to work harder in some areas I lacked in, I was able to plan out what I want to achieve in life the successes I want to achieve. The book will defiantly make me confident in some areas I lack in when being in university. The 7 habits can also help other students who may feel like learning is difficult if they do follow the seven habit plan I believe they will develop skills like determination, leadership and just lifelong skill they can take with them into the future.

Reference Lewis ( 2019) Models, C., Habits, S., Teens, S. and Habits, S. (2020). Stephen Covey: Discover The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. [online] Change Management Coach. Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2020]. John ( 2019) (2020). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2020]. Lewis ( 2019) (2020). [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2020]. Lewis ( 2019) Models, C., Habits, S., Teens, S. and Habits, S. (2020). Stephen Covey: Discover The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. [online] Change Management Coach. Available at: [Accessed 2 Jan. 2020]....

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