7 of the Best V a lue Proposition Ex a mples We’ve Ever Seen Word Stre a m PDF

Title 7 of the Best V a lue Proposition Ex a mples We’ve Ever Seen Word Stre a m
Author Puneet A Singh
Course estadistica
Institution University of Zakho
Pages 23
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7 of the Best Value Proposition Examples We’ve Ever Seen Dan Shewan Last updated: February 25, 2020


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Your business’s value proposition is arguably the most important element of your overall marketing messaging. A value proposition tells prospects why they should do business with you rather than your competitors, and makes the benets of your products or services crystal clear from the outset. Unfortunately, many businesses either bury their value proposition in buzzwords or trite, meaningless slogans, or don’t bother highlighting it on their site and in their marketing campaigns – or they don’t gure out what it is at all! https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2016/04/27/value-proposition-examples



7 of the Best Value Proposition Examples We’ve Ever Seen | WordStream

Today, we’ll be looking at seven of the best unique value proposition examples we’ve come across. We’ll go over what makes them so compelling, some ideas for developing or rening your own value proposition, and things you should bear in mind when incorporating your value proposition into your website and marketing materials. There’s a fair bit to cover, so let’s dive right in.

1. Uber – The Smartest Way to Get Around Few tech companies are as polarizing or widely criticized as Uber. As one of the most vocal proponents of the empowerment oered by the so-called “gig economy,” Uber has deservedly taken a lot of heat for denying its drivers the basic protections aorded to legal employees, been subject to national and even governmental scrutiny for its decision to incorporate in Bermuda to avoid its corporate tax obligations, and is generally the poster child for why everyone hates Silicon Valley’s unique brand of “disruption.” One thing Uber most denitely does right, however, is its unique value proposition.




7 of the Best Value Proposition Examples We’ve Ever Seen | WordStream

Uber's value proposition, oering uber convenience Without explicitly saying so, Uber expertly highlights everything that sucks about taking a traditional taxi and points out how its service is superior. The simple (yet highly eective) copy above, taken from the Uber homepage, excellently conveys the simplicity and ease that lies at the heart of what makes it such a tempting service: One tap and a car comes directly to you Your driver knows exactly where to go Payment is completely cashless Everything about this directly contrasts the typical experience of getting a taxi – no phone calls to disinterested dispatchers, no painful conversations trying to explain to a stressed-out cabbie about where you need to be, and no fumbling for change or worrying you’ve got enough bills in your wallet. Just a fast, ecient way to get where you’re going. This is reinforced by the aspirational messaging toward the top of the Uber homepage, which states that “Your day belongs to you.”




7 of the Best Value Proposition Examples We’ve Ever Seen | WordStream

At this point, it’s worth comparing Uber’s value proposition with that of rival company Lyft. The two companies’ oerings are virtually identical, which is what makes a direct comparison of the two so interesting. Take a look at this information from the Lyft homepage:

Lyft's step-by-step value proposition Structurally and thematically, Lyft’s homepage is very similar to Uber’s. However, there’s some key dierences here that highlight how Uber’s value proposition is more clearly positioned. Firstly, Lyft does score some points for including several step-by-step images of the Lyft experience, helping visitors visualize what taking a ride with Lyft is like. However, look at the copy for the rst step of the process. It lists the three tiers of Lyft service – Lyft, Lyft Line, and Lyft Plus – but doesn’t explain the dierence between these service tiers, or tell the prospect why they should choose between them. Also, while clearly explaining the nal stage of the process – paying and rating the driver – this information implies that there is a nal denitive action https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2016/04/27/value-proposition-examples



7 of the Best Value Proposition Examples We’ve Ever Seen | WordStream

required by the user, something Uber does not. Personally, I almost always try to rate my Uber drivers (bearing in mind the oft-speculated “secret” rating of around 4.6 out of 5 that many believe serves as the performance benchmark for Uber drivers), but I don’t have to. Sometimes I’ll forget about it and just get on with my day – it certainly isn’t required, and nor is manually paying my driver. For a service built on the notion of eciency and convenience, this is a big deal. Now, one could argue that Lyft does a better job of being transparent about what users can expect, an argument that denitely has merit, especially if you’ve ever been stung by Uber’s unexpected “surge” pricing. However, for two such similar services, I’d argue that Uber’s value proposition is more clearly positioned, and certainly more persuasive than that of Lyft – an important distinction if you’re operating in a crowded market with several similar competitors.

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