7th March-The Historical Speech EWU PDF

Title 7th March-The Historical Speech EWU
Author Mohammad Ashraful Mahmud
Course Emergence of Bangladesh
Institution East West University
Pages 22
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7th March speech has become a historical and revolutionary speech for Bangladeshi people. This inspires the whole nation to fight for their rights during the 1971 liberation war. Assignment on 7th march by Ashraful EWU...


7th March The Historical Speech Topic: Revisit to Bangabandhu’s 7th March Speech

Assignment Course: Emergence of Bangladesh Code: GEN226 Section: 06 Submitted To

Dr. Sudhangshu Sekhar Roy Professor and Chair Department of Printing and Publication Studies ,

University of Dhaka Submitted By Mohammad Ashraful Mahmud 2017-3-10-053 Sakiful Ahmed 2017-3-10-056 Atia Ayasha Ahmed 2017-3-30-047 Date of Submission 01 August 2019

Contents Topic Name

Page No.



The Speech


Impact of The Speech






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History 7th March speech has become a historical and revolutionary speech for Bangladeshi people. This inspires the whole nation to fight for their rights during the 1971 liberation war. Bangladeshi people had been suffering from exploitation and domination by the West Pakistan from the beginning of the independence of Pakistan in 1947. This suffering became much more serious with the time. West Pakistan started to dominate and control the then East Pakistan in all sorts of matters. West Pakistan built their cities with the fortune earned by East Pakistan from foreign trading. So, the people of East Pakistan had been waiting for someone give them guidance and led them to freedom. It all started from 12th February 1966, when the Awami League, led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, launched the Six-Point-Programme. Before this East Pakistan people only wanted regional autonomy according to the Lahore Resolution (1940). When the Six-PointProgramme was launched it caught the imagination of the people of East and transformed it to a political battle cry. It also inspired the people to think about greater autonomy. From then the people of East Pakistan did not wanted any more domination from the West Pakistan. They started to question themselves about the weather they should be full free or not. So, the Six-Point-Programme, led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman actually give the Bangladeshi people the voice they been looking for since 1947. In 1966, the Awami League, led by Sheikh Mujib, launched the Six Point Movement to



autonomy for East Pakistan. The Pakistani establishment rejected the league's proposals, and the military government arrested Sheikh Mujib and charged him with treason in the Agartala Conspiracy Case. After three years in jail, Mujib was released in 1969, and the case against him was dropped in the face of mass protests and widespread violence in East Pakistan. (Wikipedia) Page 2

People started people to ask about election. After independence in 1947, Pakistan did not arranged any election for national assembly. There was one election in the 50’s for the provincial government in the East Pakistan. So, the people wanted to go for a public election. It was seen that the population of East Pakistan was much more the whole West Pakistan. In 1969, Ayub Khan steeped down and gave power to Yahya Khan on 25 March 1969. General Yayha Khan became the president in 1969. In that year the protest from the East Pakistan people became so big that it turned into “Mass Upsurge”. The 1969 uprising in East Pakistan was a democratic political movement in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). The uprising consisted of a series of mass demonstrations and sporadic conflicts between government armed forces and the demonstrators. Although the unrest began in 1966 with the Six point movement of Awami League, it got momentum at the beginning of 1969 and culminated in the resignation of Field Marshal Ayub Khan, the first military ruler of Pakistan. The uprising also led to the withdrawal of Agartala Conspiracy Case and acquittal of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his colleagues from the case. (Wikipedia) Under the tremendous pressure in the month of November 1969, Yahya Khan declared that the national assembly election would held on 5 October 1970. He also declared that the political activity will start from January 1970. This election was to be the first general election on the basis of adult franchise in the country to elect the members of both National and Provincial Assemblies. President Yahya Khan then issued the Legal Framework Order (LFO) on 30 March 1970. The purpose of LFO was to insure and secure the future constitution of Pakistan after the election. President also declared that in the provincial election will held not only in East Pakistan but also in the West Pakistan. All four provinces will again be separated and it took place on 1 July 1970. The campaign of the election started from the month of January. Here, it was seen that the whole country was divided into two party system. Awami League, a Bengali nationalist party from East Pakistan, competing against Pakistan Peoples Party, a leftist and democratic socialist part from West Pakistan. Both parties were popular on the both wings of Pakistan. Awami League representing the whole East Pakistan peoples and their sufferings. PPP was very popular and influential among the West Pakistan peoples. PPP

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was led by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, former foreign minister under President Ayub Khan. He stood against the Ayub Khan government and formed Pakistan Peoples Party in 1967.

Campaign was seen very much provincial based. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was very popular in the East Pakistan but not on the West Pakistan. He did not even went to campaign in the western part of Pakistan. It was believed that he always saw himself as a leader of Bengali people not the whole Pakistan people. He consider himself for the Bengali people and their suffers. He always fought for the East Pakistan side since the beginning of his political carrer. Awami League moblised support in East Pakistan on the basis of its Six-Point-Programme, which was the main attraction in the party’s election manifesto. On the other hand, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto never had any popularity in the East Pakistan part. He used to say ‘Tum udhar, hum idhar’ which means East Pakistan peoples need to say in East and West Pakistan peoples needs to stay on west. He was very popular among the western part of the country for his speech such as ‘Roti, kapra aur makan’. So, he never campaigned fully in East Pakistan. A month before the election, the Bhola Cyclone struct East Pakistan. This was the deadlist tropical cyclone in the world history by taking 500,000 lives. Pakistan government did not make that much effort for helping the peoples of East Pakistan. This is why they were

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criticized all around the world. The general election was postponed and the new date was fixed for 7 December 1971. Twenty-four political parties took part in the first general election of Pakistan. It was seen that the fight was against Awami League and the Pakistan Peoples Party. In the National Assembly election Awami League won 160 seats, PPP won 81 seats, Jamaat-e-Islami won 4 seats, Council Muslim Laegue won 2 seats, Muslim League won 9 seats, National Awami Party(W) won 6 seats, Muslim League(Qayyum) won 9 seats, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam won 7 seats, Convention Muslim League won 7 seats, Pakistan Democratic party won 1 seats, Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan won 7 seats and independent candidates won 16 seats. As a result, Awami League won a landslide victory over everyone else. Provincial Election held on 17th December 1970. Awami League won 298 out of 310 seats in the State Assembly of East Pakistan. PPP won a majority in the Punjab Assembly by winning 113 out of 180 and Sind Assembly by winning 28 out of 60 seats. JUI emerged victory in Balochistan and the Marxist NAP in the North Western Frontier Province. As a result, it was clear that Awami League won the right to form their own government in Pakistan. President Yahya Khan never thought that any party from East Pakistan would be able to dominate in the National assembly election. He thought they can only win 110 seats but to form a government requirement was 150+ seats. The result was very shocking for the West Pakistan Leaders and the President Yahya Khan’s government. They were not ready to accept an East Pakistan led government. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto started to protest that if the government is not formed equally with his PPP party then he will go for serious protest against the Awami League. Even through the rule was that the party winning the majority percent of vote will be alone responsible for forming government. Awami league won 39.2%(12,937,162) votes where the second in line PPP won only 18.6%(6,148,923) votes. The voter turnout was over 63% all over the country. President Yahya Khan and PPP head Zulfikar Ali Bhutto started to make bad plans about the whole situation. They started to make plan how to avoid this and not give power to Page 5

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman led Awami League. The parliament session was suppose to start from February 1971. But they started to make excuses and postponed the parliamentary session. It was a plan done by Bhutto himself. On the other hand East Pakistan people was hoping to get the autonomy they were promised in 1940 Lahore Resolution by Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Bengali people were betrayed by the Mohammad Ali Jinnah back in the 1946, when he refused full autonomy to East Bengal. From that time Bengali people had to face lots of trouble in the line of economic, politics, defense and etc. Awami League knew it will not be east to take the power from the President Yahya Khan. So, in the month of January the members who were elected to the National Assembly took oath in the Race Course Field. East Pakistan people knew that West Pakistan did not like to give power to East Pakistan peoples. A. K. Fazlul Haq is big example for that. He was selected as the Governor General of East Pakistan. But within just one month he was betrayed and sacked from the power. So, the peoples oif this wing of Pakistan knew what to expect. Even Yahya Khan when came to power did not wanted to give any election. He wanted to keep the power to himself. But the people of this East Pakistan stood against this and earned the right to take part in the election. It was hard to accept defeat to West Pakistan leaders. So, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto met Commander in Chef General Musa to discuss about this situation. He also met several times with President Yahya khan. In the month of January 18th 1971, Bhutto suggested that there should be two government for two sides of Pakistan. It was actually a bad choice or worse thinking by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. He said if forming the government does not include him then he would not allow this government to run. West Pakistan army started killing people here and there in the month of February. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wrote down the proclamation of independence by Dr. Kamal Hossain and another one. He knew that maybe it is time to declare war for our Page 6

own good. From the last week of February to the first week of March, East Pakistan’s Governor had been changed three times. It was declared that 3rd March 1971, the parliament session would start. But in the 1st March President Yahya Khan declared that the parliament session is postponed for uncertain times. It started fire inside the East Pakistan People. They started coming down to streets and taking control over the whole eastern part. Within this time Pakistan army started to kill students here and there. Awami League and Chattro League was very aware of that situation. People were very anxious to know what is the next plan from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. 2nd March 1971, was declared as complete Hartal inside Dhaka by Awami League. Students of Dhaka University gathered in front of Arts faculty and hoisted the Bangladesh Flag for the first time. DUCSU took the leadership of the movement. March 2, 1971 -- a historic day when Bangladesh announced its imminent arrival to the world by waving its flag for the very first time, sending a very bold message by the then people of East Pakistan of their aspirations of independence. The flag, a green background with a red circle symbolising the rising sun nestled in Bangladesh's map in the centre, was conceived and designed by Shib Narayan Das. A few courageous youths of Dhaka University led by ASM Abdur Rob, the then vice president of Dhaka University Students' Union, raised the flag with a vision of a free country. It was unfurled on the rooftop of the western porch of the Arts Faculty of Dhaka University in front of hundreds of students and general people to witness. Saluting the flag, they all expressed their solidarity with the movement for liberation. Eventually, it became the emblem of the patriotic spirit of the Bangalees. On that very day, a meeting was held as well where fiery speeches were delivered by the students, expressing their determination to undergo any sacrifice and continue to fight till

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the end. A pledge to continue the battle for freedom under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was taken. The meeting was followed by a huge procession chanting slogans of independence. In the afternoon, the Pakistani flag was pulled down and the new flag was hoisted at Dhaka University and on the secretariat premises. Later that night, a curfew was imposed in Dhaka city. As soon as the announcement of the curfew was made, students came out of their hostels and general people of their houses and formed processions, chanting slogans to oppose it. Their slogans “Sandhya ain mani na”, “Joy Bangla”, “Bir Bangali osthro dhoro, Bangladesh shadhin koro” echoed throughout the city. The curfew was broken and barricades were formed. In front of Morning News newspaper's office at DIT intersection, the military opened fire on people at around 9:30pm. When another procession of people broke the curfew and headed towards the Governor's House, they became targets of bullets as well. The ruthless killing of unarmed men was denounced by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur rahman, as he declared province-wide Hartal every day from 6:00am-2:00pm starting from March 3 to March 6, 1971. (Staff correspondent, The Daily Star) After the shocking declaration of suspension of parliamentary session sine die by President Yahya Khan on March 1, 1971, the country, which has long been waiting to spew out its years-long frustration, erupted like a volcano. On March 3, Dhaka turned into a city of processions that reached Paltan Maidan to join a rally organized by Shadhin Bangla Chhatra Sangram Parishad. The parishad unveiled the Manifesto of Independence and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman announced his Non-cooperation Movement at the program. In this meeting for the first the ‘Amar Sonar Bangla’ was sung as our national anthem. He said payment of taxes would be suspended until the government repressions stopped and hartal would be observed every day from 6:00am to 2:00pm. “Come to Race Course on 7 March, I shall announce the next course of action,” he said.

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All offices, courts, factories, schools, colleges, transport services remained closed. To quell the rebellion, the Pakistan government imposed curfew on Dhaka, Rangpur and Sylhet. In Rangpur, a 24-hour curfew was imposed from 2:30pm amid clashes between the Pakistani army and civilians. In Sylhet, the curfew was imposed from 7:30am to 7:30pm while in Dhaka, it was from 10:30pm to 6:00am. President Yahya Khan announced that a meeting of political leaders would be held on March 10. This was announced from the President Bhaban in Rawalpindi. It was also said that the national parliamentary assembly would be held on 25th March. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman instantly rejected the invitation by President Yahya Khan. “If you do not want a democratically elected government, then you can form your own government. We will form the government of Bangladesh,” Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said. (Staff correspondent, 1971 Liberation War, The Daily Star) 4th March 1971, Radio Pakistan was turned into Dhaka Betar. Two days into the movement for autonomy for the then East Pakistan, this was the day, 47 years ago, when some important incidents would play a vital role in what was to come. The vital decision to rename Radio Pakistan as Dhaka Betar was taken by the officers and employees of the radio's



Dhaka. The station not only broadcasted all directives issued by



Awami but


played the patriotic tunes of Rabindranath Tagore and rebel poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. The artistes of then East Pakistan had announced that as long as the people and students of the country continue to fight, they will not perform for Radio Pakistan. Page 9

Meanwhile, the people of Bangladesh were greeted and congratulated by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for successfully observing the strike he had called as a consequence of the abrupt postponement of the national assembly session by General Yahya Khan that was to be held on March 3rd. He, however, asked offices to remain open over the next couple of days so that employees could collect their salaries. But he reminded everyone that the fight was still going on. (The Daily Star) 7th March 1971 a huge public meeting in Race Course Field was announced. Night before this day President Yahya Khan phoned Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and said if he (Bangabandhu) declare independence then he would be shot along side with everyone one the spot. The then US Ambassador of Pakistan Joseph S. Farland met Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the morning of 7 th March. He requested Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman not to declare independence. If he declare independence that United States of America will not support that. He also warned that it was not a very good time for East Pakistan to go on war against Pakistan army.

People of East Pakistan that time wanted to hear the declaration. They were desperate to hear it from the mouth of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. It was like a river of people in the Race Course Field. Two million people came to witness the history. The next step and plan was to be decided in this meeting. At 3.30 pm, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman started his speech in front of the whole nation. Every man, woman and child of East Pakistan was present in that field not only physically but also mentally.

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The Historical Speech Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s speech of 7th March 1971 focuses on the aspects that transcend Bangladesh’s history. It is considered to be one of the greatest speeches of the 20th century and thereafter. The time when Bangabandhu came to give his historical speech the situation of “East Bengal” was horrifying. In March 1971, the visual modality of independent national sovereignty for people of this land became politically dominant allele. So, 7th March in 1971 was a defining moment for Bangladesh’s people and for Bangabandhu as well. Bangabandhu’s remarkable speech on 7th March, 1971 at Dhaka’s Race Course Ground (now Suhrawardy Udyan) spoke of a defining moment of our history in mien of more than a million people with their ear-splitting applause. The situation of Bangladesh had changed after his historical speech. It was the unmasking of an underlying evil that took an ugly shape in the 1971 War by the Pakistani oppressiveness.

❖ Breaking into the speech: Every word of Bangabandhu in his speech describe the whole situation of “East Bengal” and the people of there at that time. By his speech he lights up the patriotism in the heart of all the Bengali peoples. It is not easy for us to understand the what is the situation of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the people of Bangladesh in that time. Not even we can feel or understand the pain of them properly. But steel we can break into the details of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s historical speech and try to understand the whole situation of this time.

• My dear brothers . . .I have come before your today with a heavy heart: In the very first of his speech Bangabandhu addressing the whole crowd as his bro...

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