Abortion speech- informative speech PDF

Title Abortion speech- informative speech
Author Kimberly Jones
Course Intro to Public Speaking
Institution University of Akron
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Formal Outline Format for Informative Speech Inconsistencies In Our Laws Protecting Unborn Babies Specific Purpose: I want my audience to better understand how the times at which an unborn baby is considered a human doesn't line up throughout our law system. Thesis: Currently, our government is trying to define when a fetus is a human, deserving of rights, but there are still inconsistencies, so it's up to you to form your own opinion of when those fetuses deserve human rights. Introduction You wouldn't hesitate to determine that you and I are obviously human, but what makes us a human deserving of our rights? Is it the fact that our hearts are beating, that we have brain activity, or that our DNA says we are human? When it comes to determining the point at which an unborn baby deserves these human rights, things get a little controversial. We all have our opinions. Some believe that a woman's right to make decisions about her body trump the right's of the fetus, while other's understand that fetus to be a living human deserving of a chance. Despite personal opinions, the government's job in this case is to create laws protecting unborn babies that are constitutional. Credibility Abortion is a very hot topic in our nation right now, and because of this I decided to do some research. Along the way, my opinions have been challenged and reformed, but now it's your turn to form an opinion based off of the theories, facts, and laws of our nation. Though we all have not been put into a situation where we must make such a hard decision, such as abortion, 50% of all American women who receive abortions are younger than 25 years old. That is our generation. Thesis Currently, our government is trying to define when a fetus is a human, deserving of rights, but there are still inconsistencies, so it's up to you to form your own opinion of when those fetuses deserve human rights.

Enumerated Preview Abortion is prohibited during certain time periods of the pregnancies due to theories of pain felt by the fetus, brain waves and the fetus having a heartbeat. During those times, the baby may be considered a human, whose rights are above the woman's control of her body. However, should an unborn baby be purposefully killed, with the exception of abortion, the murderer will be held responsible for it's death by the court. Body


Most states have banned abortions after a certain period in the pregnancy. But our federal government says that any abortion is okay before 24 weeks because after 24 weeks, the fetus is outside of the womb. A. A pregnancy is often about 38 weeks. In the Washington Post an article was published called " North Dakota Passes Arkansas for Strictest Abortion Law" by Aaron Blake. It described how a fetus's heartbeat can often be detected at about 6 weeks. 1. However, in our country abortions are allowed after the heartbeat has been detected. B. A fetus's brain waves can also be detected as early as 6 weeks. C. According to a New York Times article "Complex Science" by Pam Belluck in September of 2013 many scientists have developed a theory that at 21 weeks old, the fetus can feel pain. Dr. Nicholas Fisk is one of those scientists. Dr. Fisk is a maternal-fetal medicine specialist at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital. He described how a fetus's stress hormones are increased during blood transfusions. Just as your stress level would go up during a painful procedure. When given pain-killers, the fetus's stress hormones are then lowered. This shows that they have the capacity to feel pain at this point in development. Because of this many states have enacted a law prohibiting abortions past 20 weeks.

Transition: So we know that our federal law says that one can have an abortion before 24 weeks, and the rest is up to the state to decide. 41 states have banned abortions past a certain point in the pregnancy, many of which, the cut off line is 20 weeks due to the fetal pain theory. Some of the more recent states to enact these 20 week laws are Texas, North Dakota, Arkansas, and Alabama, but there are many more. Currently, 20 weeks old is when an unborn baby's rights are of a higher priority than the woman's control of her body. Anytime before that, it's okay to have an abortion. What if someone else ends the unborn baby's life before 20 weeks? What does our government have to say about that?


The majority of the states in our nation have fetal homicide laws. Which basically means that if a person causes the unborn baby's life to end, they are charged with murder. A. According to the "Fetal Homicide Laws" by National Conference of State Legislatures in February of 2013, 23 states have laws that say if someone purposefully kills the baby, they are charged with murder, no matter the stage of pregnancy. B. For example, in Washington, if someone killed a woman who was pregnant with a 3 week old baby, that person would be charged with 2 murders. The baby counted as a human, deserving of human rights when it comes to the criminal code.

Transition to conclusion: As you can see an unborn baby can be considered a human, deserving of rights at some points in the law, but not others. In our state you can have an abortion before 24 weeks( baby is considered to have rights) but the murder of an unborn baby is considered homicide.

Conclusion: I doubt any of us, by any means would consider a woman who had an abortion a criminal, Nor the doctor that performed the procedure. So long as they followed the rules and had the abortion before 24 weeks, or whatever their specific state suggests, but when it comes to criminal codes, should a person cause harm to the mother and therefore her baby, that person is charged with murder, no matter how young the baby. You can see that our laws just don't line up right now. Because this is our generation that is struggling with abortion, and our laws that we must abide by, I encourage you to do your own research. Discover what you think defines a human deserving of rights.

Bibliography for Informative Speech Outline Belluck, Pam. "Complex Science at Issue in Politics of Fetal Pain." The New York Times Sept.-Oct. 2013: n. pag. Complex Science at Issue in Politics of Fetal Pain. Sept.-Oct. 2013. Web. Oct.-Nov. 2013. . Blake, Aaron. "North Dakota Passes Arkansas for Strictest Abortion Law." The Washington Post. N.p., Mar.-Apr. 2013. Web. Oct.-Nov. 2013. . State Legislatures, National Conference Of. "Fetal Homicide Laws." Fetal Homicide State Laws. NCSL, Feb. 2013. Web. 02 Oct. 2013. Eckholm, Erik. "Theory on Pain Is Driving Rules for Abortions." The New York Times. N.p., 1 Aug. 2013. Web. 2 Oct. 2013. ....

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