97205251 Electronic Components Functions amp Symbols PDF

Title 97205251 Electronic Components Functions amp Symbols
Course Electrical engineering
Institution Bicol University
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Electronics 1 Onrubia, Rico C. BSECE II Engr. Borman Bobis - Instructor and Name


Component Symbol


Antenna is a device for converting radio frequency (RF) current from a radio transmitter into an electromagnetic signal (radio wave) radiated into space, or for capturing a small portion of the electromagnetic wave from space and then feeding it into a receiver for amplification.

A battery is a device consisting of one or more cells that produces electricity from a chemical reaction and is used as a source of power.



Fixed or Nonpolarized Capacitor

A capacitor is an electronic component made up of two conductors (plates), separated by a dielectric or insulating material, which accumulates electric charge when connected to a power source. Common uses for capacitor:  Stores electric charge.  Acts as a filter to smooth out variations in a direct current.  Blocks DC and permits AC in a circuit.  Couples or bonds electrical signals from one part of the circuit to another.

A capacitor with no implicit polarity and, therefore, can be connected either way in a circuit.

A capacitor with positive and negative leads and can be connected only one way in a circuit. Polarized Capacitor

Variable or Tuning Capacitor


A capacitor whose capacitance may be intentionally and repeatedly changed mechanically or electronically. Used mostly in radio tuning circuits, hence, the name tuning capacitor.

A miniature variable capacitor designed for providing extremely small increases in capacitance. It is a trimmer when connected in parallel with another capacitor and a padder when connected in series with another capacitor.

A wafer of natural quartz or any piezoelectric material having a definite thickness that vibrates to create an electrical signal with a very precise frequency. Its main uses are in oscillator circuits, clocks, radios, computers and cellphones. Crystal


Light Emitting Diode (LED)

A semiconductor component which allows current to flow through it in only one direction. When the correct voltage polarity is applied, the diode is in a “forward bias” condition, and when the polarity is incorrect, it is in a “reverse bias” condition. A diode can be used: As a rectifier that converts AC to DC for a power supply device.  To detect or separate the signal from radio frequencies.  As an on/off switch that controls current. A LED is a semiconductor component that emits light when current flows through it. Used mainly as an indicator lamp in many devices.

A photodiode is a semiconductor component that allows current flow when exposed to light. Photodiode

Zener diode

A Zener diode is a special kind of diode which allows current to flow in the forward direction same as an ideal diode, but will also permit it to flow in the reverse direction when the voltage is above a certain value known as the breakdown voltage, " or "Zener voltage." A fuse is a protective device having a short length of wire that melts or blows when the current that passes through it exceeds a specified or predetermined value.



Variable Inductor

A coil or solenoid that generates magnetic field that induces or creates voltage. Inductor has two types: an air core whereby it is just a wound of wire and a magnetic core which is a coil of wire wound on a ferrite.

An inductor with a core that can be moved into or out of the coil, increasing or decreasing the number of turns of a coil, which in turn increases or decreases the inductance. Also called a chip, an IC is a miniaturized electronic circuit consisting of several interconnected active devices (transistors, diodes) and passive components (resistors, capacitors, etc.) fabricated together on a thin substrate of semiconductor material (usually a silicon).

Integrated Circuits

Operational Amplifier

Op Amp is a form of linear IC that has two inputs, called inverting and non-inverting, and a single-ended output which produces an output voltage that is typically hundreds of thousands times larger than the voltage difference between its input terminals.

A loudspeaker (or "speaker") is a transducer that produces sound in response to an electrical audio signal input.


A meter is an electrical or electronic measuring instrument having a dial or digital display as an indicator.





Ammeter is a measuring instrument used to measure electric current in a circuit. Its unit of measurement is called ampere (A).

An ohmmeter is a measuring instrument used to measure the electrical resistance. The unit of measurement is called ohm (Ω).

A voltmeter is a measuring instrument used to measure the potential difference or voltage between two points in an electric circuit. The unit of measurement is called volt (V).

A microphone is a transducer or sensor that converts sound into an electrical signal.



A relay is an electromechanical device having one or more contacts that are opened and closed by a magnetic field. This magnetic field is generated by its own built-in electromagnet that can be activated by an external circuit.


A resistor is an electronic component that resists or reduces the flow of current in a circuit. There are two kinds, fixed and variable. A variable resistor has a resistance track made of carbon or cermat (a mixture of metal and ceramic) with a wiper that slides along the track to pick off selected voltages.


A potentiometer is a variable resistor with three terminals, two of which are connected to the voltage source and the third one to the wiper to select a specific voltage from that source.


A rheostat is a variable resistor with two terminals, one of which goes to one end of the track and the other goes directly to the wiper to vary the level of the source.


A thermistor is a temperature-sensitive resistor having a high resistance when it’s cold and a very low resistance when it’s heated. Usual application is in transistor bias-stabilization circuits and also widely used as inrush current limiters, temperature sensors, & self-regulating heating elements.


A thyristor is a semiconductor device that consists of four alternating layers of N-type and P-type material and functions as a bistable switch – it starts conducting when its gate receives a pulse of current.


A transformer is a device consisting of two or more coils coupled together by magnetic induction that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another. Usual application is to convert a 220-volt AC line into a lower secondary winding voltage.


A transistor is an active semiconductor device that controls the flow of electric current and is used in a variety of applications such as a switch, amplifier, rectifier and oscillator. It has three electrical connections or electrodes which are called base, emitter and collector.

A phototransistor is a light-sensitive transistor. It is an ordinary transistor that conducts electric current when light shines on it. Its base is usually left unconnected in a circuit.


Meters and Oscilloscope Component

Circuit Symbol

Function of Component


A voltmeter is used to measure voltage. The proper name for voltage is 'potential difference', but most people prefer to say voltage!


An amp-meter is used to measure current. As known as amps


A galvanometer is a very sensitive meter which is used to measure tiny currents, usually 1mA or less.


An ohmmeter is used to measure resistance. Most Multimeter have an ohmmeter setting.


An oscilloscope is used to display the shape of electrical signals and it can be used to measure their voltage and time period.

Sensors (input devices) Component

Circuit Symbol

Function of Component


A transducer which converts brightness (light) to resistance (an electrical property). LDR = Light Dependent Resistor


A transducer which converts temperature (heat) to resistance (an electrical property).

Logic Gates Logic gates process signals, which represent true (1, high, +Vs, on) or false (0, low, 0V, off). There are two sets of symbols: traditional and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). Gate Type

Traditional Symbol

IEC Symbol

Function of Gate


A NOT gate can only have one input. The 'o' on the output means 'not'. The output of a NOT gate is the inverse (opposite) of its input, so the output is true when the input is false. A NOT gate is also called an inverter.


An AND gate can have two or more inputs. The output of an AND gate is true when all its inputs are true.


A NAND gate can have two or more inputs. The 'o' on the output means 'not' showing that it is a Not AND gate. The output of a NAND gate is true unless all its inputs are true.


An OR gate can have two or more inputs. The output of an OR gate is true when at least one of its inputs is true.


A NOR gate can have two or more inputs. The 'o' on the output means 'not' showing that it is a Not OR gate. The output of a NOR gate is true when none of its inputs are true.


An EX-OR gate can only have two inputs. The output of an EX-OR gate is true when its inputs are different (one true, one false).


An EX-NOR gate can only have two inputs. The 'o' on the output means 'not' showing that it is a Not EX-OR gate. The output of an EX-NOR gate is true when its inputs are the same (both true or both false).

Source: 



Electronics 1 Onrubia, Rico C. BSECE II Engr. Borman Bobis - Instructor How do microphones converts sound energy to electrical energy? Microphones are a type of transducer - a device which converts energy from one form to another. Microphones convert acoustical energy (sound waves) into electrical energy (the audio signal). Different types of microphone have different ways of converting energy but they all share one thing in common: The diaphragm. This is a thin piece of material (such as paper, plastic or aluminium) which vibrates

when it is struck by sound waves. In a typical hand-held mic like the one below, the diaphragm is located in the head of the microphone. MICROPHONE HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS




English physicist, Robert Hooke connected two cups together using a wire. This invention which is till used as a child’s game today enabled the sound vibrations to be carried between the two cups and heard over much greater distances than would normally be possible.

Mid 1800s

One early idea was invented by a German named Johann Philipp Reis. He designed a system that used a metallic strip attached to a vibrating membrane. This produced an intermittent current in line with the sound vibrations.


Scottish-American Alexander Graham Bell as part of his telephone. In this a diaphragm was attached to a conductive rod in an acid solution, and although an improvement on previous inventions, it still gave very poor sound quality.


Englishman David Edward Hughes invented a carbon microphone. It was based around the concept that when carbon granules are compressed by sound waves, they change their resistance.


The idea for the carbon microphone was also developed separately by Emile Berliner and Thomas Edison in the USA. After a legal dispute, Edison was awarded the first patent in 1877, although Hughes had demonstrated his device before witnesses before Berliner and Edison had developed their idea. Accordingly Hughes is normally credited with the idea.


C. Wente of Bell Labs invented the condenser microphone.


Captain H J Round developed the first practical moving coil microphone. This was used by the BBC and was later improved upon by Alan Blumlein.


Ribbon microphone was introduced. Probably developed by Harry Olson, it was able to provide a considerable improvement in performance over other years.

How does a microphone turn sound energy into electrical energy? 1.

When you speak, sound waves created by your voice carry energy toward the microphone. Remember that sound we can hear is energy carried by vibrations in the air.

2. Inside the microphone, the diaphragm (much smaller than you'd find in a loudspeaker and usually made of very thin plastic) moves back and forth when the sound waves hit it. 3. The coil, attached to the diaphragm, moves back and forth as well. 4. The permanent magnet produces a magnetic field that cuts through the coil. As the coil moves back and forth through the magnetic field, an electric current flows through it. 5.

The electric current flows out from the microphone to an amplifier or sound recording device. Hey presto, you've converted your original sound into electricity! By using this current to drive sound recording equipment, you can effectively store the sound forever more. Or you could amplify (boost the size of) the current and then feed it into a loudspeaker, turning the electricity back into much louder sound. That's how PA (personal address) systems, electric guitar amplifiers, and rock concert amplifiers work.

Different Parts of a Microphone 

Wind Screen: This is the part of the mic

you speak into. Typically a microphone has a round protective barrier made of woven hard metal. Directly beneath this barrier lies the wind screen. Almost all microphones come with a built-in wind screen, but for studio use or even outdoor performances where wind could be an issue, it is wise to use an additional pop filter. The wind screen is a thin layer of foam designed to block out wind from entering the diaphragm and creating unnecessary noise in the signal. 

Diaphragm: This is the membrane of the microphone that is most similar to our ear drums. As sound waves

enter the microphone, they meet the diaphragm and cause the diaphragm to vibrate. This vibration is turned into electric signal by the microphone. A diaphragm is probably the biggest factor of the entire microphone when it comes to quality of sound.

Coil: The coil is unique to dynamic microphones. The coil is attached to the diaphragm so when the diaphragm

begins to vibrate, so will the coil. As the coil vibrates, it will move back and forth between a magnet. The movement between the magnetically charged coil and the magnet create the electric energy in the signal. 

Magnetic Core: This is also unique to a dynamic microphone. The magnetic core creates a magnetic field for the

coil so that the vibrations can create an electric signal. 

Capsule: On any microphone, the capsule is where sound is transformed from vibration to electric signal. On a

dynamic microphone, the coil and the core are apart of the capsule. Some microphones require power for the capsule to do its job while others do not. Microphones can draw power from a mixer through a setting called “phantom power.” Be sure to be aware whether or not your microphones require phantom power. 

Body: The body of the microphone probably has the least to do with its quality of sound and the most to do with

how long your microphone will last. The body of the microphone is like the chassis of a car. Great microphones have sturdy bodies with intelligently placed electronics on the inside so that they can handle bumps, drops, and other things that are sure to happen during the life of your microphone. 

Output: On any microphone, this is where you would plug a cable into the mic. The default

cable type for microphones is XLR. This three-pronged cable sends stereo signal, and can be purchased in many lengths. Some microphones have outputs for 1/4” cables while some cheaper microphones come with the cable attached. Types of microphones All microphones turn sound energy into electrical energy, but there are various different kinds that work in slightly different ways.

Dynamic microphones Dynamic microphones are just ordinary microphones that use diaphragms, magnets, and coils. Condenser microphones work a slightly different way by using a diaphragm to move the metal plates of a capacitor(an electric-charge storing device) and generate a current that way. Most microphones are omnidirectional, which means they pick up sound equally well from any direction. If you're recording something like a TV news reporter in a noisy environment, or a rare bird tweeting in a distant hedgerow, you're better off using a unidirectional microphone that picks up sound from one specific direction. Microphones described as cardioid and hypercardioid pick up sounds in a kind of "heart-shaped" (that's what cardioid means) pattern, gathering more sound from one direction than another. As their name suggests, you can target shotgun microphones so they pick up sounds from a very specific location because they are highly directional. Wireless microphones use radio transmitters to send their signals to and from an amplifier or other audio equipment (that's why they're often called "radio mics").

Intercoms Intercoms are used as baby monitors and in those desktop gadgets that allow bosses to speak to their secretaries (or vice versa). The most basic kind of intercom has two handsets in different rooms connected together by a length of copper cable stretching between them. Each handset contains a loudspeaker—and a couple of push buttons. The loudspeaker functions as either a microphone (absorbing sound) or a loudspeaker (giving out sound) depending on which person wants to talk.

Wireless intercoms From a scientific viewpoint, these simple intercoms are the most interesting: they teach us that loudspeakers and microphones are opposites. From a user's viewpoint, there are other kinds of intercoms you might prefer to use. Some have both microphones and loudspeakers in each handset so two people can talk simultaneously.





like walkie-

talkies (short-range radio sets) and have no awkward cables to tangle up or get in the way. Still others plug into household electricity outlets and send their voice signals round the household wiring instead of using a wire cable of their own. (That means they operate a little bit like broadband over powerlines or BPL.)

References: https://www.explainthatstuff.com/microphones.html

https://www.mediacollege.com/audio/microphones/how-microphoneswork.html#targetText=Microphones%20are%20a%20type%20of,thing%20in%20common%3A %20The%20diaphragm....

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