A mind all logic is like a knife all blade PDF

Title A mind all logic is like a knife all blade
Author Risha Agarwal
Course Digital Marketing
Institution Indian Institutes of Management
Pages 3
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“A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it.” ― Rabindranath Tagore Breaking the quote into three parts, first being “A mind all logic”- A mind which is fully governed by logic, without any fundamental knowledge about the topic on which decision is made. Second being “Is like a knife all blade”- What is more useful blade of knife or its handle? Both equally. Here we now draw a connection between the two phrases linked by the conjunction “is”. A parallel has been drawn which suggests logic could only be so much important that it can't overrule the need of having knowledge about the think. And the third being “Makes the hand that uses it bleed” which can be well understood with the help of earlier explanations. What would we expect squeezing the blade of knife with your hand? Blood! While for the other sentence we can assume blood to be symbolic to pain. I must admit that this is one of the best piece of phrases I have ever seen, makes no independent sense, but cumulatively mean the world. A mind working on logic without humane values such as compassion, sympathy, empathy, care, respect, love, etc. is exactly like a sharp knife that will cut all those who mishandle it. Without the above mentioned values, human mind becomes evil. In place of the good values, it operates under the influence of nefarious and immoral tendencies such as greed, malice, jealousy, hatred, selfishness, etc., which always harm others and give deeper cuts than a real knife. In the history of mankind much damage to our civilization and planet has been done by those humans who just lived under the influence of cold, apathetic, logic mind. All the wars, conspiracies, conflicts, etc., were the products of the inhumane logical mind only. Looking at it from a different perspective, the effective use of a knife requires that one may get a good grip on it; without a grip holding a blade by the hand would only make one bleed. The quote is not against the reason; if we reduce reason to a method - to a logic then it would have been against reason but reason implies being rational which is not just in a skill to use logic. Any rational inquiry requires not just a method or a logic but also a direction that determines the context of inquiry; which direction itself cannot be had by a method or a rule but requires mature judgment or insight. To be rational is to be in control and keep the instrument - logic in control - to subordinate the method to the goal or else we would have in Husserl’s words a ‘logic that does not understand itself’. Tagore himself never derided reason as a survey of his writings and poems would inform us. In his poem, ‘Where the mind is without fear’, he describes reason as a clear stream; the analogy intended as showing reason to have the ability to purge all superstitions and prejudices. Hence the present quote should not be interpreted as a criticism of reason as such. Just as a blade is useless without a grip - a logic - is useless without rationality or rational control; one does not become logical through relentless application of a method but one becomes logical by being logical. According to me, this seems to be one another analogy to this quote.

All logic and no emotion makes Jack a madman. Simply if we use a knife which was all blade and had no protection, we would cut ourselves and bleed. Similarly, it is compared that to a mind that was all logic and nothing else and a person having such mind would go mad. A knife comprises of both the handle and the blade. Similarly a mind needs to be comprised of both logic and imagination. If the knife is “all blade” with no handle, it will hurt the hand that holds it. A mind with only logic and no imagination will eventually kill the creative potential of the individual. I think it means that just as a knife needs a handle along with the blade, so that that we can use it properly without getting hurt, to live life fully we need more than a purely logical mind. A little bit of fancy, imagination makes life

worth living. A purely logical person will never be able to appreciate all the quirks and intricacies that characterise this beautiful world that we inhabit. And so much of human relationships depend of emotions and feelings that it would be a folly to rely simply on logic to navigate our lives that we would ultimately end up causing damage to our own lives and relationships. There is also a book by Charles Dickens called ‘Hard Times’ that had a somewhat similar moral to give named “There is a wisdom of the head, and there is a wisdom of the heart”. In the simplest way, all these, and the quoted line means- If you are driven only and only by logic, it is bound to hurt our emotions and emotional attachments. “Bleeding at heart”, that is.

"A mind all rationale resembles a blade all sharp edge. It influences the hand to drain that utilizations it."

― Rabindranath Tagore

Breaking the statement into three sections, first being "A mind all rationale"- A mind which is completely represented by rationale, with no essential information about the subject on which choice is made. Second being "resembles a blade all sharp edge"- What is more helpful cutting edge of blade or its handle? Both similarly. Here we presently draw an association between the two expressions connected by the conjunction "is". A parallel has been drawn which proposes rationale must be so much critical that it can't overrule the need of knowing about the think. What's more, the third being "Makes the hand that utilizations it drain" which can be surely knew with the assistance of prior clarifications. What might we expect pressing the edge of blade with your hand? Blood! While for the other sentence we can accept blood to be emblematic to torment. I should concede this is extraordinary compared to other bit of expressions I have ever observed, bodes well, however aggregately mean the world.

A mind taking a shot at rationale without others conscious qualities, for example, empathy, sensitivity, sympathy, mind, regard, love, and so forth is precisely similar to a sharp blade that will cut each one of the individuals who misuse it. Without the previously mentioned qualities, human personality winds up fiendish. Instead of the great qualities, it works affected by loathsome and unethical inclinations, for example, covetousness, perniciousness, envy, contempt, childishness, and so forth., which dependably hurt others and give further cuts than a genuine blade. In the historical backdrop of humankind much harm to our development and planet has been finished by those people who just lived affected by chilly, unresponsive, rationale mind. Every one of the wars, intrigues, clashes, and so forth., were the results of the obtuse intelligent personality as it were.

Taking a gander at it from an alternate point of view, the viable utilization of a blade necessitates that one may get a decent grasp on it; without a hold holding an edge by the hand would just influence one to drain. The statement isn't against the reason; in the event that we lessen motivation to a technique - to a rationale then it would have been against reason however reason suggests being

normal which isn't simply in an ability to utilize rationale. Any discerning request requires a strategy or a rationale as well as a bearing that decides the setting of request; which course itself can't be had by a technique or a manage yet requires develop judgment or understanding. To be balanced is to be in charge and keep the instrument - rationale in control - to subordinate the strategy to the objective or else we would have in Husserl's words a 'rationale that does not comprehend itself'. Tagore himself never ridiculed reason as a review of his compositions and sonnets would illuminate us. In his ballad, 'Where the brain is without fear', he portrays reason as an unmistakable stream; the relationship expected as indicating motivation to be able to cleanse all superstitions and partialities. Thus the present statement ought not be translated as a feedback of reason all things considered. Similarly as an edge is pointless without a grasp - a rationale - is futile without objectivity or normal control; one doesn't end up sensible through steady use of a technique yet one ends up legitimate by being intelligent. As indicated by me, this is by all accounts each other similarity to this statement.

All rationale and no feeling makes Jack a crazy person. Essentially in the event that we utilize a blade which was all cutting edge and had no insurance, we would cut ourselves and drain. Correspondingly, it is contrasted that with a mind that was all rationale and nothing else and a man having such personality would go distraught. A blade involves both the handle and the sharp edge. Correspondingly a mind should be involved both rationale and creative energy. In the event that the blade is "all sharp edge" with no handle, it will hurt the hand that holds it. A brain with just rationale and no creative ability will in the long run execute the inventive capability of the person. I think it implies that similarly as a blade needs a handle alongside the cutting edge, so that we can utilize it legitimately without getting injured, to live completely we require in excess of a simply sensible personality. A smidgen of extravagant, creative energy makes life worth living. A simply consistent individual will never have the capacity to welcome every one of the characteristics and complexities that describe this excellent world that we occupy. Thus a lot of human connections depend of feelings and emotions that it would be an imprudence to depend basically on rationale to explore our lives that we would at last wind up making harm our own lives and connections. There is additionally a book by Charles Dickens called 'Tough Times' that had a to some degree comparable good to give named "There is an intelligence of the head, and there is an astuteness of the heart".

In the least difficult way, all these, and the cited line implies If you are driven just and just by rationale, it will undoubtedly hurt our feelings and enthusiastic connections. "Seeping on a fundamental level", that is....

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