A More Perfect Union Worksheet PDF

Title A More Perfect Union Worksheet
Course American Heritage
Institution Brigham Young University
Pages 3
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American Heritage, "A More Perfect Union," Movie Worksheet from Lecture 30....


MOVIE WORKSHEET FOR A  MORE PERFECT UNION Due February 28, Friday, at 23:59 via Learning Suite. Point Value: 3 1. Write down one interesting insight and one unresolved question that came from watching this film. Insight: Although it took awhile to reach an agreement, the process the framers went through to make our country its own nation was miraculous and reflects how lucky we should be that our country is what it is. Question: How long did it really take for this process of constructing a constitution and compromising on a system of government to happen? 2.

(A) Why, at the beginning of the film, did James Madison say that America was in crisis? - America was in crisis because it was not unified and had no government yet. America was facing problems such as high tariffs from the British to repay their debts and could not regulate their own trade. (B) What did Madison say about state houses (state governments) in every corner of the union? - They reek with corruption. (C) What did Madison fear if states did not give more power to the central government? - Madison feared that America would dissolve if the states did not give more power to the central government.

3. Upon what proposition did Benjamin Franklin stake his life and his reputation during the American Revolution? - He staked his life upon the belief that Americans could govern themselves and that all mankind could share in this privilege. (24:00) 4. Roger Sherman claimed that popular government works only in small states. In the film, what argument did Madison present against this claim? - Madison presented the argument that only in a large republic is a good government possible. State governments fall prey to competing factions and lawlessness and oppression, especially against the minorities reigns. Only in a large republic with different minded people can no one faction gain control. The liberties of the people would thus be protected in a large republic. (45:00) 5. James Madison and James Wilson compromised on the issue of representation in the Senate. (A) In the film, what arguments did they give for their initial positions on this issue (the positions they held before they compromised)? Page 1 of 3

- James Madison thought that all states must be represented fairly in the Senate in proportion to their populations. Likewise, James Wilson believed that citizens of Pennsylvania are equal to the citizens of Delaware and that it takes 150 of the former to balance 50 of the latter. (B) Would you have had the same initial position on this issue at the start of the Convention? Why or why not? - Yes, I think that Madison’s proposed system was a good idea that representation should in fact be proportionate to the population of the state. (C)

Would you have compromised on this issue? Why or why not? - Yes, I would have compromised. I think that compromising is necessary in order to make sure that everyone’s voices are heard and provides a way for everyone to be happy. If a compromise had not been ordered, then the country would have not been able to unify to form a government. 6. Name two major compromises portrayed in the film besides the one referenced in Question 5. 1. Importation of slaves compromise 2. Upper house compromise in which each state only has 1 vote 7. According to the film, did George Washington and Franklin believe that God played a role in the framing of the Constitution? For both Washington and Franklin, provide evidence (things they said or did) from the film that supports your answer to the previous question.

George Washington

Benjamin Franklin

Believed That God Played a Role? Yes

Evidence from Film


Benjamin Franklin reminded the framers that they had offered prayers to God for help in seeking independence against Britain and the prayers were heard and answered.

In one scene, George Washington was shown praying. He also said that he prayed for the resolution and the creation of the Constitution.

8. Why did Madison especially like the third word of the Preamble to the Constitution? - He liked the third word of the constitution “people” because he realized that the states altogether were a united people under one government and that the people would govern, not the states. Page 2 of 3


(A) Why did George Mason not vote for the Constitution? - He did not vote for the Constitution because there was no declaration of rights. (B) Knowing what you know now about the history of the United States, would you have abstained as well? Why or why not? - Yes, I would have abstained as well because although every state has their own bill of rights, having a national one is absolutely necessary in order to ensure that the rights of the citizens of the United States are protected and upheld.


What did John Adams tell the British Lord at the end of the film? - He said that the Constitution was the most important document ever written and that it marked the end of Britain’s domination over the hemisphere. America would take its place as an equal among a family of nations. 11.

Write down the final line of the film. Why did he say this? - “Tis done. We are a nation!” - James Madison. He said this because the states finally became united under one government with a Constitution and Bill of Rights. They were finally free from England and from its tyrannical king.

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