A1 Worksheets Learner Ver Apr 2018 PDF

Title A1 Worksheets Learner Ver Apr 2018
Author asha moudgill
Course diploma of hospitality
Institution Unity College Australia
Pages 10
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its a diploma of hospitality ,managements course assignment...


SITXGLC001 - Research And Comply To Regulatory Requirements WORKSHEET


State the three stages of creating a business compliance system. 

Stage 1: Research your business requirements

Stage 2: Establish your business compliance system

Stage 3: Monitor your business compliance system


List six sources of information you can use to check and help to keep up to date with compliance, laws and licensing requirements applicable to your business.

     

Internet Professional networks Reference books Media Industry journals Local government offices.

Q3: For these four areas of business, list the systems or procedures you would implement to ensure compliance with relevant legal and licensing requirement 

Liquor licence Liquor license –Responsible service of alcohol (RSA) is part of the hospitality industry's response to changing community attitudes towards alcohol abuse. There are strict laws that dictate:

  

when and where alcohol may be absorbed who can purchase and consume it when service must be refused.

Gaming licence

Gaming license –Responsible conduct of gaming (RCG) State and territory governments are responsible for the regulation of gambling and provision of gambling services. They specify who can obtain a gambling license, and under what conditions. They also determine the amount of tax payable on gaming revenue and when this must be paid

Consumer protection

Consumer protection –Australian consumer law (ACL) ensures business is conducted in a way that guards customers against unfair practices (fraud, unsafe products, price fixing, misrepresentation of goods and services)

EEO and anti-discrimination EEO and anti-discrimination –Work, health and safety (WHS) is about providing a fair go for all. There are nine federal Acts and comparable state and territory laws that govern EEO and anti- discriminatory practices in the workplace

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What organisations would you consult to access regulatory information and requirements relevant to the following business operations in travel, tourism, hospitality and events? (Explain 4 points) Deducting the correct amount of payroll tax. ATO and State/ Territory Revenue office Maintaining a safe workplace. The fair work act 2009 Ensuring advertisements are legal. The Australian competition and consumer commission

Paying the right amount of super to employees. Deducting the correct amount of payroll tax. ATO and State/Territory Revenue Office Maintaining a safe workplace. The Fair Work Act 2009 Ensuring advertisements are legal. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Paying the right amount of super to employees. The Fair Work Act 2009 Deducting the correct amount of payroll tax. ATO and State/Territory Revenue Office Maintaining a safe workplace. The Fair Work Act 2009 Ensuring advertisements are legal. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Paying the right amount of super to employees. The Fair Work Act 2009 Deducting the correct amount of payroll tax. ATO and State/Territory Revenue Office Maintaining a safe workplace. The Fair Work Act 2009 Ensuring advertisements are legal. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Paying the right amount of super to employees. The Fair Work Act 2009 Deducting the correct amount of payroll tax. ATO and State/Territory Revenue Office Maintaining a safe workplace. The Fair Work Act 2009 Ensuring advertisements are legal. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Paying the right amount of super to employees. The Fair Work Act 2009 The fair work act 009 Q5:





List five risks, penalties and consequences of not complying with the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991. (Explain 4 points)

     

Business owners, employers, workers and food handlers can be held liable for breaches of food safety Civil action from affected people can be instigated. The business faces legal action. If found guilty all parties face prosecution, heavy fines, and / or imprisonment. If found guilty, you'll have a criminal record which may affect your ability to work in, own or operate a food business in the future. The business may be permanently or temporarily closed.

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A colleague has accused you of sexual harassment. Despite the involvement of your manager and trade union representative, the issue remains unresolved. Do you need specialist legal advice in this situation? If so, who would you contact? If not, why not?


In this regard, I will need the help of the appropriate government agency. It may go to Sex discrimination Act 1984 for further referral.

The following sentence describes your legal responsibility as a manager when it comes to EEO.

Under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986, it’s illegal to discriminate against people because of their:

       Q8:

Age Gender Colour Marital or parental status Lawful sexual activity Pregnancy Race or cultural background Describe the key principles of fairness and equity which you should follow to comply with EEO and antidiscrimination law.

     Q9:

Treat customers and colleagues justly according to natural laws and/or their rights. Deal fairly, equally, respectfully and sensitively with everyone. Don't show partially or favouritism for one person over another. Don’t grant special favours to someone just because they have certain social or cultural attributes. Don’t discriminate against, threaten, humiliate or intimidate people because of their social or cultural attributes. Describe how to comply with Australian Consumer Law (ACL) and what practices are prohibited by law.

How to comply

    

Bona fide supplier Goods are of acceptable quality Descriptions are accurate Right to a refund Warnings given about cancellation fees.

Prohibited practices

   

Substituting products Misleading pricing False advertising Misleading prize giveaways and competitions

Q10: What are the six fundamental principles needed for a contract to be legally binding?







Genuine consent


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Q11: 

Define these consequences of not complying with a contract. Rescission

Cancellation of the contract. Everything returns to as though the contract never repeated

Mandatory injunction

Orders one party to do something. 

Prohibitory injunction Orders one party to stop doing something


Which employees are employers legally obligated to pay super to? (Explain both under age 18 and 18 and over)

Pay super to employees aged 18 or over, who:

 

are paid $ 450 (before tax) or more in a calendar month, and work full-time, part-time or casually.

Pay super to employees under the age of 18, who:

 

earn $ 450 (before tax) or more in a calendar month, and work more than 30 hours per week.

Q13: What are the record keeping requirements for super? (Explain 3 details) You must keep records that show:

  

The amount of super you paid for each employee and how it was calculated That you have offered your eligible employees a choice of super fund How you calculated any reportable employer super contributions.

Q14: List four ways to comply with taxation laws.

   

Make sure all of your employees have a registered TFN. Calculate GST, CGT, FBT properly. Submit your BAS on time. Calculate and lodge payments and forms by set dates

Q15: Identify six records you should keep to prove you are complying with taxation laws.

      

Expenses (check stubs, receipts, invoices, credit card statements, petty cash logs, etc.) Income and sales records (records of cash sales, cash register tapes, receipt books, invoices, etc.) Records Regarding employees (wages, allowances, super payments, etc.) FBT calculations TFN declarations or withholding declarations Contracts and Agreements Asset purchase records or register

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Q16: What organisation conducts tax audits? Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Q17: State the basic components of environmental protection laws (list 3) The regulatory requirements of environmental law can impact every area of your business so it's important to understand how you can comply with them.

      

Federal State and territory Environmental hazard identification Following minimal impact practices Reporting incidents Managing land and access to land Protecting the lifestyle of neighbors residents

Q18: What are three consequences of non-compliance with environmental law? Significant penalties exist for any individual or business acting in breach of environmental laws.

  

Heavy fines Jail sentences Clean-up orders

Q19: Describe two key components of the Fair Work system created under the Fair Work Act 2009. 1. 2.

Enterprise agreements – These define the conditions of employment for a group of employees at one or more workplaces. There are three types of enterprise agreements under the FW Act. Each one is a type of collective agreement. They must comply with the minimum standards specified in the NES. Modern Awards - These define the minimum working conditions for employers and employees throughout Australia, who work in the same industries and occupations.

Q20: The National Employment Standards (NES) sets out ten minimum entitlements that apply to all employees and employers in the national workplace relations system. List five of these entitlements. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Maximum weekly hours of work The right to request flexible working arrangements Parental leave and related entitlements Annual leave Personal/ carer’s leave and compassionate leave.

Q21: List six things an employer must do to comply with their duty of care and legal obligations under WHS legislation. Duty of care:

     

Provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment. Provide and maintain safe plant and work systems. Ensure that the use, handling and storage and transport of plant and substances are safe and without risk to health Provide facilities for the welfare of employees. Provide information, instruction, training and supervision as necessary to enable employees to work safely and without risks to health and safety. Provide personal protective equipment, such as lifting harness, back support braces, gloves, etc

Legal obligations:

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      

Maintain the health of their employees. Monitor conditions in the workplace. Maintain health and safety records of employees at the workplace. Engage persons suitably qualified in WHS to provide appropriate advice. Nominate a person with an appropriate level of seniority and training to be the employer's Health and Safety Representative (HSR) when health and safety issues Where appropriate, provide information about health and safety in different languages

Q22: List four employees’ responsibilities under WHS legislation.

   

Ensure your own safety as well as that of other workers and people in the workplace. Take responsibility and participate in WHS safety practices. Follow safety directions from supervisors and managers and obey their requests to comply with WHS policies and procedures if it's 'reasonably practicable' to do so. Cooperate with their employer on any action taken by the employer to comply with WHS legal requirements

Q23: Workers’ compensation insurance is compulsory. What does it cover you for? (Describe 3)

     

A water pipe bursts and floods your restaurant! The tour bus crashes! Your front office is broken into and burgled. An electrical surge fries your computer system! A bushfire destroys your building! A concert-goer is hurt in the mosh pit!

Q24: What does public liability insurance cover you for? (Describe 3) Public liability insurance covers you if someone sues you and you are found negligent and gathering for:

  

The death or injury of a person Loss or damage caused to someone else's property Economic loss results from your negligence.

The amount of money you are subscribed to pay is known as compensation.

Q25: Name four practices prohibited under RSA. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Customers who are under the age of 18 (minors) Customers purchasing on behalf of minors Intoxicated customers Customers affected by the consumption of illicit or other drugs.

Q26: What are two record keeping requirements of RSA? 1. 2.

Training records of staff participation in RSA training. An incident records.

Q27: Although state/territory government gaming laws and regulations vary slightly, the principles are essentially the same. Describe three of them.

  

Staff involved in gaming must hold a special employee license and undertake an Approved Responsible Conduct of Gaming Course. Gaming staff must also have training in how to approach and deal with customers who are suspected of having a gambling problem. Gaming establishment owners must display certain state / territory approved signs warning customers of the risks of gambling and help that is available. Laws dictate where these signs must be displayed, such as on poker machines, ATMs and at the cash exchange counter. Establishment owners must have responsible gaming and referral material available to give to customers who they think may have a gambling problem, or who ask for it. (This includes information in languages other than English.

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Q28: What two practices are prohibited when it comes to gaming?

 

Gaming operators should not permit a customer to play more than one machine at a time. Signs should be displayed stating this requirement and consequences (such as removal from the gaming area) should apply to customers who do not comply. Gaming operators must not offer alcohol as a reward or to entice or promote continued gambling.

Q29: The Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code is a mandatory code of conduct enshrined in the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991. State four of its basic principles.

   

Any food sold from the premises must be safe and suitable for human consumption. The premises (including the equipment, appliances and utensils used in the premises) must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. Prepared food is stored in a manner that protects it from contamination (glossary). Food handlers must take all reasonable measures to ensure the safety and suitability of the food they help produce.

Q30: Explain four ways a travel agent could support the Criminal Code Act 1995.

   

Establish a corporate ethical policy against commercial sexual exploitation of children. Train personnel in the country of origin and travel destinations to be aware of and report child sex tourism. Introduce clauses in contracts with suppliers, stating a common repudiation of sexual exploitation of children. Provide information to travelers through catalogs, brochures, in-flight films, ticket-slips, websites, etc

Q31: What maximum fine could a corporate body face if found complicit with sexual offences against children?

 

Fines of up to $825,000 25 years imprisonment for engaging in sexual relationship with a child over a period of time

Q32: Do you need a licence to be a travel agent? Yes/no One major change is travel agents are no longer required to hold a travel agent's license. However, they must still comply with all other laws, such as the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). The Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA) has developed a voluntary accreditation scheme, establishing industry standards for accreditation, education and training.

Q33: What are two objectives of the Queensland Tourism Services Act? 1. 2.

Establishing a registration system for inbound tour operators Providing for codes of conduct for inbound tour operators and tour guides

Q34: Does the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 apply to hotels, motels or temporary mobile homes? Yes/no They don’t apply to hotels, motels, or temporary mobile homes.

Q35: List two minimum standards the European Package Travel Directive lays out to protect customers.

 

Information provided to the customer Formal requirements for package travel contracts


Whose legal responsibility is it to ensure all staff have the knowledge and skills needed to carry out their duties in compliance with the law

A Manager.


Policies are an important part of managing regulatory compliance. Describe the components of a well-written compliance policy.

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     Q3:

State how your intent to comply with legislative requirements. Make sure the policy is relevant to the organisation’s overall vision, mission and objectives. State your commitment to continuous improvement. Nominate and define the roles and responsibilities of all parties in the workplace to ensure regulatory compliance. State your commitment to consultation with employees You’re opening a travel agency. List five policies and procedures you’d need to develop in order to comply with the law.

      Q4:

Accident and incident reporting Counselling and discipline Customer service Cancellations, refunds and exchanges EEO Food handing and hygiene Name two places you can keep policies and procedures so they’re accessible to all staff.

   Q5:

Reception Operation manager's office Intranet Identify two documents in which you should nominate the roles and responsibilities of personnel for regulatory compliance.

  Q6:

The documents act as a reference point for all employees involved. The documents clearly define what's expected of staff. Who should you distribute policies, procedures and legal information to?



Describe six ways you could distribute, communicate and share policies, procedures, legal information and updates in an organised way so staffs know their roles and responsibilities regarding compliance.

     

Set yourself a schedule and deadline for communicating compliance information and changes. Communicate compliance information and changes to staff immediately. You don’t want some employees working under the old system and some under the new. Conduct briefings prior to ...

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