Title Aaa
Author Jeth Nangca
Course BS Accountancy
Institution Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
Pages 2
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Nangca, Marjeth V. I BSA-1/PSY100

Do you truly know yourself? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

How would you characterize your “self”? What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes your “self”? How has your “self” transformed itself? How is your “self” connected to your body? How is your “self” related to other selves? What will happen to your “self” after you die?

I characterized myself as a serious person as well as a jolly one, depending on the situation I am in. I am also a person who finish the task as soon as possible and make sure that it will bring a good outcome. I am not good in socializing with people but when they are the first one to approach, I entertain them. I can laugh loudly when I am with my very close friends and cousins, but when I am with random people, I stayed silent. Sometimes, I want to do things solely and sometimes I want to seek help from other people. That’s how I characterized myself. I believe everyone is unique in their own way, and I too, ofcourse, is unique in my own way. What makes myself are the characteristics that I possessed; the different attitudes that I am showing to different people and the acts that I do in front of others. We are humans, and humans are meant to continue growing. If it pertains to our physical selves, we are developing it biologically according to our age, but if we are talking about our inner “selves”, we have different ways of growing. Some people grow their selves through their experiences, some are through the influence from the things/people that surrounds them, and some are through their own choices. In my case, I think I develop myself through my experiences, either they are good or bad, those experiences give big effects in developing myself. I also think that the influence of my family helps me grow my inner self. Our “self” is connected to our body since whatever our body do or how our body reacts to certain things, it reflects to our “self”. The acts of our physical body somewhat explain or tells what we are like. Our “self” is related to other selves since they are one of the reason in our self-transformation. We tend to socialize with others that is why sometimes, we adapt their habits and way of living. For example, since we were children, we are always with our family. They taught us so many things and witnessed their way of living from the start, that’s why when we become an adult, we adapt those things and act depending on how our family raise us up. So that is the reason why maybe our self is related to other selves. According to biblical view, after we die, our souls are taken to heaven, because our sins are forgiven by receiving Jesus Christ. Just like in the teaching of Christians, they believe in an afterlife, and that while the body dies, each individual soul lives on and is raised to a new life by God. On the other hand, according to some researchers, many people report seeing a bright light at the end of a long dark tunnel after a near-death experience....

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