ABC chart PDF

Title ABC chart
Author Christine Goodwin
Course Strategies for Success
Institution Fleming College
Pages 7
File Size 342.7 KB
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How to write an ABC chart...


Friday, January 22, 2016 Anxiety Disorder Date


Friday, January 22, 2016 11:00pm

In my bedroom at residence

Friday, January 23, 2016 11:30pm

Up stairs in my friend’s room

Antecedent -About to fall asleep -Feeling sick -Friends came down to see me -Told me that another one of my friends didn’t want me to be invited - they wanted to go to a party


-Starting to stress -Feeling like I could not breath -wanted to know why -didn’t talk much -Went to the party and wanted to go home. -Felt alone -Panic -Was going to talk to the girl who was mad at -Tried to get her to get up me -Started over -My friend just passed out after having a seizer thinking everything in my head -Tried to find the best way to get her up -Couldn’t think straight

Consequence -Left the party -Yelled at my boyfriend for what he did -didn’t talk to my friends -talked it out with her while she was drunk -People started to help me calm down -Wasn’t able to help her -She finally got up


There was a lot of things going on that day but I felt like it couldn’t control. The whole day I was feeling sick and didn’t want to do anything. But when my friend came downstairs feeling upset it was hard for me to say no. I tend to forget about myself so I can help others. I wasn’t a big help for her that day when she was talking about her problems because all I could think about was Lauren being mad at me. I didn’t understand why some would be mad at me for what my boyfriend did. Plus, it wasn’t even a big deal and I wasn’t sure why it was so out of hand. When I went upstairs to talk to Lauren I found my other friend passed out. I was already sick and distracted thought it was hard for me to figure out what to do. They were two people fighting in the other room, one person passed out on the bed, everyone was drunk, hey Lauren was mad at me. Everything came at me at once and I didn’t know who to help first. Thank God Jen came home

Saturday, January 23, 2016 Anxiety Disorder Date Saturday, January 23, 2916 3:15pm

Saturday, January 23, 2016 4:00pm

Setting Study/laundry room

My room

Antecedent -Doing some homework -Waiting for my laundry to be done -Asking for help

Behavior -Freaked out that I did my project wrong -Tried to fix it -Didn’t understand how to change it -Freak out that -Two of my friends everyone hates came over -Wanted to know what me -Feeling like I an was happening all alone between me and the -Cry other girl

Consequence -Stopped doing homework -Went home -Had a nap

-Not talking to any of my friends -Yell at everyone just because -Making myself more alone then I already was


On Saturday I wanted to have my room cleaned, clothing clean, and homework done. I didn’t think that was going to be so much work than it really was. I started with my clothes while they were washing I worked on my homework in this study room. I thought I fully understood what this assignment was asking me but I guess not. I talk to the teacher previously and got a whole different understanding than what she wanted. When I emailed her I realize I made a mistake and have to do the whole project all over again. This got me so stressed out that only wanted to do was go home. I started to look on Facebook and YouTube to distract me until my clothes are done. As soon as they were done I got them and what straight home. I went to bed and woke up at 5 o’clock and didn’t feel like doing anything. My friends came over to see if I was okay after last night which made me even more stressed. I didn’t feel like I accomplished anything that day and them coming down reminded me of my problems. I told them to leave as it went back to bed.

Sunday, January 24, 2016 Anxiety Disorder Date

Setting His room

Antecedent -Had a bad weekend and wanted to see my boyfriend -He didn’t want to see me but also told me to come. -We had a fight in his room.

Behavior -Ran away to not be able to talk to him. -He followed

Consequence -Cried in my room as he talked to me -Wasn’t able to breath and calm down as I was so stressed -Tried to help myself calm down by using a fan

Sunday, January 24, 2016 7:30pm

My room

-He started talking about what is going to happen after school -Saying we should move on

-Was trying to hide from the world -Someone had to come calm me down

Sunday, January 24, 2016 9:00pm

Walking up the stairs to my friends room

-Friend told me that she wasn’t going to here next year

-Covered my head -Started to cry -Felt really sick -Started to feel alone -Started to walk slower -Didn’t really answer or talk to her -Feeling more alone

Sunday, January 24, 2016 6:15pm

-Started to talk to other people -Stayed out of most of the conversations

Comments This is one of the worst days of the weekend. Everything was shot at me at once and I couldn’t Control myself. I try to walk away I tried to call myself down but nothing was happening. I felt like everyone was just leaving me and I couldn’t understand why. I just met all these amazing people and I have to say goodbye to them in less than 3 months. My boyfriend was going to leave I thought it was best for us to break up my best friend here wasn’t coming back to the school next year but I just felt really hopeless. I’m not sure why you decided to tell me so early I think it was because he was scared. He wasn’t sure how we are going to last because we had a 4 Hour Drive just to see one another. My best friend just heard back from her

apprenticeship opportunity where she lives. She didn’t tell anybody that she applied because she didn’t want I Us to feel hurt before we even knew that she was leaving. I’ve only known my friend and my boyfriend for less than one year I feel like it’s going to be really hard next year without them. Monday, January 25, 2016 Anxiety Disorder Date Monday, January 25, 2016 1:00am

Setting My room

Monday, January 25, 2016 9:00am


Monday, January 25, 2016

My Room

Antecedent -My boyfriend came to see me -Wanted to know if I was okay -Started to talk about the future -Tried -Wanting to go home -Being asked a question in class

-my computer was not working -All I wanted to do was my homework -Couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t turn on

Behavior -Started crying -Asked him to leave -Wanted to be alone

Consequence -Fell asleep crying -didn’t want to be touched -Couldn’t calm myself down

-having no idea what was going on -Being asked if I was ok -Watery Eyes because I knew I was not -Stopped doing homework -Cried

-Started to colour -Didn’t listen to teacher

-Fell asleep

Comments My boyfriend five coming to see me everything will get better. But it didn’t I started crying more and I still couldn’t feel anything that day during class I couldn’t focus all I was thinking about was that terrible weekend I just had. I was tired frustrated and just did not want to listen to anyone when my teacher asked me a question snap on her couldn’t answer and just started coloring to calm myself down. The coloring didn’t help a lot and I didn’t feel stressed stressed as I did before. When I got home I was determined to the homework I was supposed to do on the weekend. For some reason my computer was not working I tried everything in my power to turn it on. I got so frustrated he slammed the computer down through the floor and fell asleep. By now you can probably save the falling asleep as my go to when I’m stressed.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Anxiety Disorder Date Tuesday, January 26, 2016 10:30am

Setting School D-Wing

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:15pm


Tuesday, January 26, 2016 3:00pm

My room

Antecedent -Studying for Test -Feeling like I was going to fail -Didn’t know what I would get -Couldn’t think straight -Forgot to finish my homework -was due in that class today -Was scared I was the only one that didn’t do it -Waiting for by boyfriend so we could talk -Didn’t think he was going to come -Started to get frustrated

Behavior -Stopped studying -Started to just think to myself

Consequence -Self talk

-Pretended that I did it when the teacher came around -Started to write it in the class while the teacher was talking -Wanted him to come already -Tried to do something to get my mind off of it

-Learned nothing -Got myself more stressed -Didn’t do my best on the project -Fell asleep

Comment On Tuesday we had a major quiz that I was very stressed out about. I didn’t think I was going to pass, my classmates around they were also nervous which made me even more scared. As a kept asking me questions I started to realize I answered them all correctly. I decided to calm myself down by telling myself I can do this. After the test I felt confident because of the common self Down it was able to do what was asked of me. In the next class I realized I didn’t do the assigned homework. The teacher was going to collect it after class throughout the whole class I did my assignment I didn’t listen to anything the teacher said. I was really stressed that when I got home that day I knew I was going to talk to my boyfriend and figure out the problems we are having to Make sure I wasn’t going to be anxious I fell asleep.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Anxiety Disorder Date

Setting Wednesday, My Room January 27, 2016 10:00am

Wednesday, January 27, 2016 5:45pm

The Market place

Antecedent -Waiting for a phone interview -called my friend to help me before the interview -She asked me a few questions and helped me -Said Umm -Waiting with my boyfriend to get his juices -Friends waiting for me at the gym to play volleyball

Behavior -Stressed out -Didn’t think I was going to be able to do it felt sick

Consequence -Didn’t do as well as I could of during the interview -Said things that I would never say -Said umm a lot

-Didn’t want to make them wait -The line was taking to long -Stressing out -Wanted to get to the gym as fast as possible

-Boyfriend didn’t get his juices because I couldn’t sit still -Ran to the gym -Fell

Comments I’ve never had a phone interview before, I wasn’t sure how to answer questions so I can look professional. On the phone finally rang after half an hour of waiting I was already too scared to answer. I was shaking and so stressed out. What I was talking to the interviewer I wasn’t myself which made my anxiety worse. That same night my friends want to go play volleyball at the gym my boyfriend wanted to get a juice before we went but My friends were waiting for us. I was so scared they’re get mad because we were late. I felt so bad that he couldn’t get his juice because I was so nervous. I think that made my anxiety even worse.

Thursday, January 28, 2016 Anxiety Disorder Date Thursday, January 28, 2016 11:45am

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Setting My Room

In the halls of Fleming college

Antecedent -Going to be late for class -Didn’t hear my alarm and sleep in -Class starts at 12pm -Having no time to put makeup on -Getting a call from another place I applied for -Being in a loud place to even pick up the phone -Not ready to talk to someone

Behavior -Rushing to get out the door -Didn’t feel prepared for class -Didn’t get to have a shower that I really needed. -Starting to worry about not picking up -Asking myself over and over why I didn’t -Felling as if I didn’t get the job because I didn’t pick up my phone

Consequence -Went to class feeling gross -Was late by 3 minutes -Didn’t feel like I was my best in that class -Listen to the message and didn’t have much anxiety any more -Feeling like I could have a chance to get this job.

Comments I always feel so rushed in the morning, for some reason I’m always late to my noon classes instead of my 9 AM. I had no time to do my morning routine so I just got up and went to class. I felt so rushed I didn’t feel like I was prepared for class the rest of the day I felt really gross and didn’t really do the best I could of. During the day and I got a phone call from one of the companies I applied for. I felt so flustered that I couldn’t even pick up the phone. It was so much going on and everything felt like it was getting louder that it actually was. After listening to the message I felt even worse for not picking up the phone but at least I could still have a chance to get that job....

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