Abiturvorbereitung Englisch Othello PDF

Title Abiturvorbereitung Englisch Othello
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Institution Gymnasium (Deutschland)
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Othello – William Shakespeare

Introduction - Reading Othello 

written between 1603-1604

universal theme – love

destruction of a noble man

contrasting emotions – passion, hatred, envy, jealousy

a black mercenary marries a white aristocrat

overpowering lover turns to overwhelming jealousy

plays in Venice and Cyprus

Machiavellian villain

trough his characterisation of Iago Shakespeare introduces the theme of appearance and reality

Othello is a traditional tragic hero

racial stereotypes makes the play as relevant today as it was in the 17th century

dramatic irony (especially Iago) → never allows to relax

unusual – an heroic black Moor as tragic protagonist

→ various stereotypes (devil black man surrounded by the flames of hell, death) 

lots of perspectives (different views), war

in Othello, the villain (Iago) is a lone figure who relies on no one

Synopsis 

the Moor Othello, a respected general, has fallen in love (and secretly married) a Venetian aristocrat, Desdemona

when her father Brabantio is informed of this he angrily goes in search of Othello and protest at the senate

at the same time the Venetian council have been seeking Othello and send him to defend Cyprus from a Turkish invasion

Othello is dispatched immediately, having defended his actions successfully 1

Othello's ensign Iago accompanies Othello and Desdemona to Cyprus

he is angry because he has not received a promotion

a young Florentine soldier, Cassio, has been made lieutenant over him

Iago seeks to revenge himself on both Cassio and Othello with the assistance of Roderigo, a disappointed suitor of Desdemona's hand

Iago goads Roderigo into challenging Cassio, whom he has plied with drink

a fight ensues and Cassio is dismissed from his post

Iago persuades Othello that Desdemona is in love with Cassio

he “proofs” this, making use of a handkerchief which is found in Cassio's chamber

is was passed on to Iago by Emilia, his wife and Desdemona's lady-in-waiting

Othello comes convinced that Desdemona is a whore and is seized by jealousy

he seeks revenge on Desdemona and Cassio, so he asks Iago to kill Cassio

Iago persuades Roderigo to assist him but this attack does not go as planned

Iago kills Roderigo and Othello has smothered Desdemona in her bed

Emilia comes to inform Othello of the attack on Cassio and finds her mistress dead

Emilia is killed by Iago for speaking the truth, and Othello realises his own great and terrible folly

he kills himself, regaining some of the nobility that he has lost

Iago is led away for torture

Act I, Scene 1

Roderigo is unhappy with Iago for failing to promote his marriage to Desdemona

Iago and Roderigo inform Brabantio that his daughter, Desdemona, has secretly married the general Othello

Venice at night

Roderigo is displeased with Iago

→ feels he has been cheated because Desdemona has married Othello without her father's knowledge 

Roderigo has paid Iago to promote a marriage between himself and Desdemona 2

→ Iago has not worked hard enough 

Iago tries to restore Roderigo's faith him and describes how much he hates Othello

Iago has been passed over for promotion

instead, general Othello has made Michael Cassio his lieutenant

Iago is Othello's ancient

he is determined to revenge himself on the Moor for ignoring his experience and competence

Iago urges Roderigo to rouse Brabantio from his bed and inform him of the marriage

Brabantio appears at his window, annoyed at being disturbed

he has already told Roderigo that he is not an acceptable match for Desdemona

at first, Brabantio does not believe the tale that Roderigo and Iago tell, but Roderigo politely asks him to see whether Desdemona is asleep in her room …

Iago leaves and tells Roderigo that he must return to Othello

Brabantio appears again

he now wants to locate his daughter and the Moor, Roderigo leads him

Commentary 

the start of “Othello” is a conflict between two characters

confusion and intrigue is established, too

Othello is never referred by name → the audience does not know everything

but we know that Roderigo and Iago dislike the Moor (call him “thicklips” (65) etc.)

Iago feels that Othello's judgement is faulty too (Cassio as lieutenant)

Iago is a bitter and disappointed man, should we trust what he says of others?

says, I am “not what I am” (64)

he is a self-serving deceiver, a cynical malcontent

he takes money from Roderigo

he despises men who fail to look after their own interests 3

his energetic speeches are full of egoistical disgust

he also delights in making trouble (speaks to Brabantio), ans uses animal imagery when speaking of Desdemona's union with Othello

matchmaker for Roderigo, Iago is unable to understand love

but because of his speeches, he has exactly the effect he wishes to have

I,1 establishes Iago as a powerful and manipulative figure

he gets himself out of trouble → Iago knows when to make himself scarce

scene is laced with dramatic irony (centre = Iago)

Roderigo does not understand that Iago is a selfish fraud

Iago manipulates others

we also get to know that Othello is an extremely effective soldier, the best man the Venetian senate has (145-151)

key ideas of “Othello” are introduced → e.g. the contradictory p.o.w.s of the characters

Othellos otherness is established

trust is an important issue for all characters

→ Othello trusts Desdemona (marries her secretly), Desdemona trusts Othello → Roderigo trusts Iago → Othello trusts Iago 

jealousy is another important issue

→ Iago is jealous of Cassio → Roderigo is jealous of Othello

Act I, Scene 2

Othello is called to the Venetian council on urgent military business

Brabantio accuses Othello of bewitching his daughter

conversation and conflict 4

Iago recounts the events of the previous scene to Othello

→ emphasises Brabantio's negative reaction to his daughter's marriage 

Iago “wishes” to revenge the insults to the general, but Othello does not want that

Iago goes on and warns him that Brabantio is a popular figure who may use his influence

Othello is confident that his services to the state will speak for him, and emphasises the strength of his love for Desdemona

Cassio enters with a message from the Duke, Othello goes into the house

Iago informs Cassio of Othello's marriage, then, the soldiers set out for the council meeting

they are accosted by Brabantio and his followers, who are armed with swords

Othello commands the men to put away their weapons

Brabantio thinks Othello is a thief (57) who has stolen his daughter, he would like to see him imprisoned

Brabantio decides to go to the meeting too so the Duke can be informed of Othello's behaviour

Commentary 

further conflicts in the second scene

→ Iago's pretended loyalty, he evokes, focuses on issues that will trouble Othello 

Othello speaks with a measured calm in his first speeches

quite confidence and sincerity about his love for Desdemona → this is attractive

Othello is not the pompous creature described in the first scene, he prefers to be open about his actions

he is brave, dignified and authoritative (handles Brabantio)

Othello an Iago are polar opposites !!

Act I, Scene 3

the senate discuss the war with the Turks

Othello answers Brabantio's accusations and is sent to Cyprus on a military campaign

Iago starts to plan his revenge against Othello 5

council chamber

the Duke and the Venetian senator discuss the movements of the Turkish fleet

Montano brings further information that show that the Turks will attack Cyprus

Othello and Brabantio enter and the Duke immediately tells Othello to prepare to go to war

but Brabantio is more concerned with his private troubles and repeats his accusations against Othello

the Duke asks Othello to respond to the charges against him, Othello: “whole course of love” (92)

Brabantio says again that his daughter must have been bewitched

Othello says that he won her love fairly and asks that Desdemona be brought to the council to confirm his words

while they are waiting, Othello continues with his version of their courtship, which the Duke finally accepts

Desdemona confirms Othello's version of their courtship, but Brabantio is unable to accept Othello as a son-in-law

the Duke tries to persuade him to make the best of things, but Brabantio is still angry

he compares his loss of Desdemona with the possible loss of Cyprus to the Turks

the Duke returns to business and tells Othello to prepare

Desdemona asks to be allowed to accompany her husband and Othello is sure that her presence will not distract him from military affairs

finally, Brabantio warns Othello against trusting Desdemona, she has deceived her father any may one day deceive Othello, but Othello trusts his wife

the act closes with another conversation between Iago and Roderigo

Roderigo wants to drown himself, he has no hope to win Desdemona

Iago is impatient with him and tries to persuade Roderigo that Desdemona will soon look elsewhere for love when she is sated with Othello's body

Roderigo is cheered and falls in with Iago's plan

→ he accompanies Iago to Cyprus


alone on stage, Iago reveals his true motives: he wants revenge, he wants to take Cassio's place and decides that he can easily abuse Othello's honest and trusting nature

→ will try to persuade Othello that Cassio is too familiar with Desdemona 

Iago is very satisfied with his plan and looks forward to putting it into action

Commentary 

many conflicts and conflicting views

nevertheless, the couple Othello – Desdemona seems to be secure

→ Othello is sure that his wife will back him up and Desdemona does not want to be parted from Othello 

origin of their love: 

Othello says that Desdemona “loved me for the dangers I had passes / And I loved her that she did pity them” (168-169)

Desdemona was seduced by Othello's story-telling powers, while Othello was enchanted by the Desdemona's response to his history

Othello is sure that love and war can be combined

is Othello a little naïve?

his decision to place his wife in Iago's care is alarming, he is led by the nose

future: Brabantio warns Othello against trusting Desdemona → dramatic irony

future: Iago's soliloquy suggests that the manipulation of Roderigo and Othello is a prelude to more serious deceptions

Iago weaves a web and ensnare Desdemona and Cassio, too

Iago refers to hell and night in his last two lines → he is devilish

Act II, Scene 1

the Turkish fleet is destroyed by the storm

Othello, Desdemona and Iago arrive safely in Cyprus

Iago involves Roderigo in his plan to discredit Cassio

scene moves to Cyprus, where Montano awaits Othello


because of the storm, they cannot see clearly what is happening → again confusion

the storm is also a device by which Shakespeare can dispose of the Turkish threat

the Turkish fleet has been destroyed by the tempest and Cassio's ship arrives safely

Cassio is concerned about Othello's safety

Iago's ship lands too with Emilia and Desdemona

while Desdemona waits for Othello, she discusses women and their characters with Iago 

Iago thinks that women are talkative, indiscreet, lascivious and deceitful

Cassio touches Desdemona's hand, while he excuses Iago's bluntness

Iago says in an aside that he will use Cassio's innocent gallantry against him

Othello finally arrives and greets Desdemona warmly (he could die happily at this moment)

Iago remarks that their happiness will not last because he will set the couple at odds

when Othello etc. leave, Iago enlists Roderigo's help in his plan to discredit Cassio

he convinces Roderigo that Desdemona is in love with Cassio

when Roderigo disgraces Cassio, he could get Desdemona

he agrees to find an occasion to provoke Cassio into losing his temper later that evening

Iago is left alone and offers us more motives 

his hatred of Othello is combined with contempt for a “constant, loving, noble nature”(287)

be revenged on the Moor

Iago even suggests that Cassio has cuckolded him

Commentary 

principal characters now isolated in Cyprus

→ Iago is able to prey on all those around him 

the storm reflects the passions

we might also see the storm as being related to Othello and his emotions in particular

→ he is associated with sea imagery throughout the play


until Othello lands safely the mood of all the characters on stage is uneasy

but while the Moor's appearance calms their fears, it is impossible for the audience to relax because of Iago's asides, soliloquy and dialogue with Roderigo

Iago can even play the role of a bluff soldier in his exchange with Desdemona

this is a mark of his power, when he is most “honest”, he thought to be entertaining

Iago can only see women as false, mean etc.

the differences between Othello and Iago's characters become even more glaring if we compare Othello's words and actions with Iago's

→ Othello's speeches: generous, relaxed, joyful → Iago is full of hate and contempt, speaks of lust, preferment and profit 

the word love does not suit Iago, he redefines his feelings for Desdemona as “lust”, “partly led to diet my revenge”

jealousy dominates Iago's soliloquy, he wants Othello to suffer the same torment that rages inside him

→ the male protagonists could not be more different → but both men are prey to very powerful emotions: love and hate 

it is important that Othello greets Desdemona before moving on to speak to Montano


Desdemona is Othello's source of happiness, he seems almost overwhelmed by this feelings

Shakespeare emphasises Othello's love in order to prepare us for this jealousy later in the play

in this scene, Iago gets the first part he can use to poison Othello's mind: Cassio's gallantry

Act II, Scene 2

Peace is restored in Cyprus

there is to be a night of revels to celebrate Othello's marriage

a herald confirms the destruction of the Turkish fleet and prepares us for the celebration and consummation of Othello and Desdemona's marriage


Commentary 

the proclamation marks a return to civil order

but the audience is aware that the peace will shortly be disrupted by Iago, who will take advantage of Othello's generosity

linking of private emotions and public life

Act II, Scene 3

on the night of the wedding celebrations, Cassio is dismissed from his post for fighting when drunk on duty

Cassio bemoans his loss of status

at the castle, Othello instructs Cassio to ensure that the festivities remain under control

Cassio tells him that Iago is in charge; Othello and Cassio believe that “honest” Iago is reliable and capable

Desdemona and Othello leave and Iago enters

Cassio wants Iago to set out the watch but Iago wants to enjoy the revels

→ they discuss Desdemona and Iago urges Cassio to drink some more wine, out of courtesy Cassio agrees 

Iago wants to make Cassio drunk so that it will be easy to provoke him into quarrelling

Cassio lapses into drunkenness

Iago tells Montano that Othello should be informed of Cassio's weakness and urges Roderigo to follow Cassio

a few moments later, Roderigo strikes Cassio adversary and Cassio is angry

Montano tries to part them but is drawn into the fight

Iago tells Roderigo to cause further chaos by running and crying “Mutiny!”

and alarm bell rings and Othe...

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