Englisch - Formulierungshilfen PDF

Title Englisch - Formulierungshilfen
Course Pädagogische Psychologie
Institution Fachhochschule Bielefeld
Pages 6
File Size 122.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 91
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Englisch: useful phrases Nr.1: Summary/Comprehension • Einleitung: o W-Fragen o Thema einleiten o The text/excerpt/novel/short story “…” written by … and published on … in … - deals with - is about - discusses the question if … - presents the problem of … o The speech “…” delivered by … on … in … - addresses … - explores the question whether … - deals with … o The cartoon “…” created by … and published on … in … - is about … - deals with the problem of … - depicts an attitude towards … - presents a possible view on … •

Hauptteil: o Eigene Formulierungen o Keine Zitate o Keine Wertungen (à sachlich) o The author … / the reporter / the journalist - observes that … - adds that … - claims … - insists … - affirms … - declares … - remarks … - announces … - mentiones … - states … - refers to … - examines ... - leaves unanswered if … - does not consider …

Nr. 2: Analysis Ø


Einleitung • Bezug zur Aufgabenstellung o In the following, I will analyse … • These o The author’s intention in writing this article is to convince the readers about … o He tries to o He stresses view that … Hauptteil • Analyse o The language employed stresses the view that … • Belege • Zitate o Indirect: - the author … (cf. ll. 1-5) o Direct: - he says that “…” (ll. 1-5) • Wirkung

This particular choice of words underlines his view on … This metaphor employed highlights the difference between … This … attracts the readers attention This … invites the readers to sympathise/identify with … The point of view adopted - creates - evokes - estanlishes o A feeling of/ an … atmosphere • Intention o The author … - intends to - means to - aims to - aspires to o Convinces/persuade s/encourages/appeals to the audience o Of his view that … o Of his believe that … o To feel responsible for … o To stand up against / for … o To take action against / for … Schluss • Zusammenfassung • Bezug zur These o o o o o




Fictional • Atmosphere • Setting (place, time) • Characters / constellations / interactions • (Stage directions à Drama) • monologue / dialogue à who talks more? • (lyric speaker) • narrative techniques: - point of view - perspective - scenic / panoramic • structure / plot • tone - authors attitude towards the topic • rhetorical/stylistic devices • choice of words / word fields Non-Fictional • Communicative strategies • Message / intention • Rhetorical / stylistic devices • Techniques of argumentation / line of argument • Style, register, tone

Nr. 3: Comment (eigene Meinung) / ZeitungsKOMMENTAR Ø


Einleitung • Interesse wecken / Relevanz hervorheben o When discussing …, o We need to … o In order to achieve that goal, we need to … o Therefore, the question arises whether … Hauptteil • Eigene Meinung/These + Argumente • 1 Absatz pro Argument


o there are good reasons to support the view that … o Firstly … Secondly … Finally … o Additionally / Furthermore / In addition … o Both … and … o Compared to … o On the one hand … On the other hand … o Whereas … o As a consequence … / as a result … / therefore … o However … / Still, one must not forget that … o Even though …, it is important to mention that … o This view is not convincing because … o As a matter of fact, … o Undoubtedly … o Evidently … Schluss • Zusammenfassen o All in all … o In conclusion … o To sum up, … o Taking everything into account … o After having balanced the pro and cons, I come to the conclusion that …

Discussion (pro/contra + eigene Meinung) Ø Genau wie comment nur Pro-/Kontraargumente abwägen

Formal • • •

• • •

letter Eigene Adresse rechts oben Adresse des Empfängers links unten drunter Anrede: - Dear Mr .. / Mrs .. (Name bekannt) - Dear Sir / Madam (Name unbekannt) Schlussformel - yours sincerely (Name bekannt) - yours faithfully (Name unbekant) Voller Name Long forms (I am statt I’m) Formal, polite, complex

Personal letter • Anrede: - Hi / Dear … • Schlussformel - best wishes - all the best, - see you soon • Vorname reicht • Short forms (I’m) • Colloquial English (everyday English)

Letter to the editor • Datum rechts oben • Anrede: - Sir / Madam (à ohne “dear” !)

- with reference to your article “…” published on …, I want to … - I am writing you with reference to your article “…”, published on … Meinung wiedergeben + Bezug zum Artikel - After stuying the article carefully, I am sorry to say that I do not agree with the author’s view that … - I read the article with deep interest and therefor would like to take the chance to express my support for the author’s view that … Schlussformel einfach nur Name, Wohnort

Speech/talk/debate statement • Ähnlich wie Comment: eigene Meinung • Sprache abhängig von Publikum • Direkte Ansprache des Publikums • Rhetorische Mittel/kommunikative Skills einbauen • Anrede - Good evening/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen - dear fellow speakers … - I am deeply honoured to have the opportunity to speak to you - it is a regard pleasure for me to be here and to talk about such an important issue - as … said, you don’t ask what … . Ask instead what … • Hauptteil à comment • Schluss o Appell, Aufruf, Frage - All my evidence points into one direction: - Looking at all the facts, I have to draw the conclusion that … - Let me conclude with … - If we don’t act now, we’ll … - I put my trust in you that …

Interview • Gesprochene Sprache nacheifern à question tags, Füllwöter (ehm, well…) • Einleitung - Hello, … . Nice to meet you. Thanks for coming. – nice to meet you too. - good evening. Tonight, we have … on our show. Hello … ! – Thank you for inviting me tonight. - our topic tonight is … • Hauptteil Fragen! à Details erfragen, nachhaken, Begründungen einfodern - To start off, would you like to say something about … - could you tell your listeners something about … - I’m not sure if I understood that correctly - could you rephrase that? - you just said … . How does that fit into your previous statement about … -What do you mean by … -I’m glad I brought that up, because … -Let me explain that in some more detail -That’s a good question, let me try to explain why … -Lets get back to my original question … • Schluss Bewertung, Kommentar, Danken -I’m sorry to say that our time is up -Thank you …, it was a pleasure to talk to you -the pleasure was all mine, I’m glad I had the chance to present my views -You’ve given us some great insight into …

Article / report • Objektiv !! • Einleitung: - Knappe Überschrift • Hauptteil: - W-Fragen - Informationen - Zitate / Beispiele / Fakten - it is believed that … - the police confirmed that … - eye-witnesses report that … - people are concerned / worried about … Opening statement • Auch so wie comment/discussion • Einleitung: Thema interessant einführen à Interesse wecken à Fragestellung / Problem darlegen à Zuhörer ansprechen • Hauptteil: eigene Meinung • Schluss: Zusammenfassen à möglicherw. eine Lösung vorschlagen Nr. 4: Mediation • Sinn übertragen (nicht Wort für Wort) à nur das Wichtigste • Aufgabenstellung: - Adressat - Welche Informationen genau - entweder: letter, email, speech, article

Rherotical / stylistic devices & communicative strategies Rhetorical/stylistic devices • Anaphora à gleiches Anfangswort (Nobody … . Nobody … . And nobody …) •

Alliteration à gleicher Anfangsbuchstabe (“red rose” / “bigger box”)

Contrast/antithesis à Gegenteil („hot“ – „cold“)

Enumeration Aufzählung (“a banana, an apple, a plum and a strawberry”)

Exaggeration / hyperbole à Übertreibung (“We’ve heard this a thousand times”)

Metaphor à Verbildlichung

Personification à Personifizikation (“the sun is laughing”)

Parallelism à Parallelisierung (“look at you. Look at us.”)

Comparision à Vergleich (“red like blood”, “dark like the night”)

Rhetorical question à rhetorische Frage

Communicative strategies • Inclusive language à Publikum miteinbeziehen (“we”, “our”, “all of us”) • Direct address à “you”, “my friends” • Emotional language à referring to emotional connoted words (“love”, “family”, “friends ”)...

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