Englisch Abitur PDF

Title Englisch Abitur
Course Englisch
Institution Gymnasium (Deutschland)
Pages 10
File Size 137.1 KB
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eine Zusammenfassung, die das wichtigste beinhaltet....


Englisch Abi Aufgabe 1) Summary/Outline Summary: The extract from the (text type) “title” written by (author) and published in (year) deals with/ is about…. Ort vor Zeit! - present tense - keine Interpretation - keine Zitate - Aufzählungen vermeiden - ⅓ des Originaltextes Outline: bestimmte Aspekte Aufgabe 2) Analysis characterisation: - outward appearance/ job / background - what language does the character use - explicit/ implicit -> explicit: wird direkt erwähnt ->implicit: muss von Verhalten, Sprache hergeleitet werden - evtl. mit Stilmittel belegen Adjektive:

anständig- decent, moral verträumt- dreamy aufmerksam- attentive launisch, gestresst- moody,stressed-out bescheiden- modest eingebildet- conceited ehrgeizig- ambitious herablassend- condescending ehrlich- honest gewalttätig- violent einfühlsam- sympathetic streitsüchtig- quarrelsome einsichtig- reasonable mutig- courageous fleissig- hard-working optimistisch- optimistic friedlich- peaceful reif- mature fröhlich- cheerful, happy rücksichtsvoll- considerate gefühlvoll- sentimental selbstsicher- self-confident großzügig- generous temperamentvoll- vivacious gemein- mean, rude verständnisvoll- understanding hässlich, abstoßend- ugly, repulsive, disgusting verschlossen, zurückhaltend- secretive, reserved vorsichtig- careful vernünftig- reasonable egoistisch- selfish, egotistical mutig- courageous rachsüchtig- vindictive hat viele Vorteile- prejudiced eifrig- eager thoughtful

atmosphere: Adjektive: desolate- trostlos gloomy- düster haunting- quälend hopeless- hoffnungslos hostile- feindlich ? lonely- einsam nightmarish- alptraumhaft scary- beängstigend tense- angespannt threatening- bedrohlich

cheerful, joyful- fröhlich harmonious-harmonisch peaceful- friedlich tender- zärtlich, liebevoll vivacious- lebhaft calm- ruhig friendly- freundlich romantic- romantisch

violent- gewalttätig to evoke an atmosphere / to create an atmosphere pictures: STEP 1: Introduction ● What type? (drawing, painting, photograph,cartoon) ● Where is it from, who made/took it? When? ● What does it roughly show? ● Why was it drawn/ taken? ● black-and-white, coloured STEP 2: Description ● from centre to the corners ● from foreground to background ● systematically, e.g. from the left to the right ● details ● striking objects ● characters: appearance, body language, facial expressions, gestures ● setting/ situations ACHTUNG: Present progressive benutzen!!! -> they are talking, they are listening, she is talking... STEP 3: Analysis ● message/ effect ● which elements are used to produce the effect, get the message? ● how do the elements interact? STEP 4: ● message effective? gut dargestellt? auch für target group? ● Eigene Meinung

vocabulary: in the centre, at the bottom ,at the top, in the foreground, in the background, on the left, on the right, behind,between, in front of, next to, in the top left-hand corner, in the top right-hand corner, in the bottom left-hand corner,in the bottom right-hand corner Cartoon

narrators ● first- person narrator -> ?-> limited perspective ● third- person narrator -> omniscient (allwissend) -> selective (thoughts, feelings, opinion of one or more character) -> objective (unbiased point of view in order to achieve neutrality) statistics Introduction: ● What type? (pie chart, table, line graph, bar chart) ● Where is it from? When was it published? ● What is the topic? ● What point/ period of time? ● numbers or percentage? Description: ● development? ● highest point (peak), lowest point ● What is striking? Explanation: ● reasons for development? ● What predictions could be made? ● background knowledge vocabulary: The diagram shows/ presents/ reveals A tiny minority / The vast majority A third of / a quarter of / half of more X than Y to reach a peak/ low point to remain constant a gradual increase/ growth / rise a drop/ fall occurred in the year a slight decrease X axe, Y axe

3) Discussion comparison of characters: 1. introduction In the novel “...” written by … the protagonist … shows various similarities and differences to … from the novel “...” written by … . 2. main part comparison, either step by step or first similarities and then differences 3. conclusion sum everything up -> Having worked on the differences and similarities between X and Y, one can safely conclude that X has ….. compared to Y. -> In a nutshell, the way X copes with… is more convincing than… vocabulary: - the two protagonists, characters are similar in regard to… - they are comparable in their behavior towards… - a point of comparison can be - the similarity between the two allows to … - to make a clear distinction between - there is a fundamental difference - unlike X, Y is more… writing an article: 1. headline -> catchy, refers to the topic, appeals to target group 2. Introduction -> anecdote, question, explanation of the purpose of the article -> define topic, focusing on purpose the article should serve -> make clear why the issue is important 3. Main part -> directly address the readers -> focus on most important details -> structure with paragraphs -> well- founded, convincing arguments and refute counterarguments -> refer to evidence, examples, facts, personal experience 4. Conclusion -> sum up position, most important point points, final statement, give an outlook for the future

writing a speech: 1. Preparation ● which audience? what occasion? toppic? ● what purpose ? -> comment, offer solutions to a problem, ask for support ● highlight important information/ arguments in material 2. Introduction ● begin with thank you for invitation, audience for being there ● address listeners -> joke, anecdote, question to raise interest ● Introduce topic and points to cover 3. Main part ● main arguments / points in detail ● support arguments/ points / ideas with information, facts, examples, general knowledge 4. Conclusion ● sum up most important points ● make sure audience gets message ● thank audience for listening Remember! using clear structures using appropriate language giving convincing reasons maybe use rhetorical devices

Personal letters/ E- mail letter: top right corner: no name, address, date 1. Salutation: Dear, Hi, It was nice to hear from you. I hope you are well. Sorry I haven't been in touch. 2. Referring to the last letter you received 3. Starting a new topic: Did I tell you that, Have your heard that, By the way, that reminds of 4. Ending: That's all my news, What have you been up to, Drop me a line when you have time, Look forward to hearing from you soon 5. Finishing: Best wishes, Best regards, See you soon, Name Formal letters letter: top right corner address, phone nr, e-mail, date left hand side: name and address of receiver on line below the date 1. Salutation: Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms + family name, Dear Sir or Madam 2. Giving the reason for the letter: I have been informed that you, I would like to respond to, I am writing to ask whether/ to say that/ to comment on 3. Ending: Thank you, I am looking forward to hearing from you soon 4. Finishing: kind regards, full name Letter to the editor: letter: top right corner: address, date: e.g. Jan 30, 2020 left hand side under date: address of receiver 1. Salutation: Sir, Madam, 2. Reference to the article: With interest, I have read your article “.....”, by …., published on….., 3. Consenting: I enjoyed reading…, I want to express my complete agreement with…, Thank you for pointing out that…, I am really glad that…, 4. Opposing: You miss the point when you say that…,It is not reasonable to…, I have doubts about…, 5. 6. Finishing: full name

Structuring a text


First of all, In the beginning, To begin with


Moreover, Furthermore, Besides, Additionally, In addition,

giving ideas in a sequence

firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, eventually


Despite, Contrary to, In contrast to, Although, Even if, apart from

showing cause and effect

because, since, therefore, that is why, as a result, the logical consequence is that, Consequently, therefore elucidating the impression that


above all, in particular, especially, significantly

giving examples

for example, such as, for instance, namely, this is an example of Unfortunately, Obviously, Doubtlessly

giving personal opinion

In my opinion, As far as I am concerned, It seems to me that, To my mind


To sum up, All in all, Considering..


Content: Q1: aims and ambitions The Terranauts Plot: -> siehe Hefter in E2: Dawn, Ramsay, Richard, Stevie, Diane, Gretchen, Tom, Troy Dawn Chapman: - has a degree in environmental studies - thinks she is better than Linda - narcissistic, egoistical, condescending - would not sell herself Linda Ryu: - fat, asian, nickname: dragon lady - wants the job really bad, ambitious - jealous, indispensable Ramsay:

Q2: Diversity -> in Language, Ethnicity, Religion, Nationality, Sexual orientation, Gender, Race, Job levels, Culture, Age, Experiences, Physical abilities Two Caravans ● plot: -> siehe Hefter ● Themen: - illegal workers - modern slavery - diversity in various aspects - discrimination ● characters: Yola: - Polish, Catholic, caucasian, 47 - job level: nursery school, supervisor, teacher - skills: flirting, leading, picking strawberries - experience: child with down-syndrome, was married, 7 years on the farm -> emotionally challenged Irina: -

Ukrainian, orthodox, 19 job: strawberry picker, student, unskilled labourer skills: judging people, waitress, men like her, english, wants to continue fathers career, high culture, english literature experience: got kidnapped, almost killed, father cheated on mother

Tomasz: - Polish, christian, 45 - job: strawperry picker - skills: singing, playing the guitar - Experience: worked at the chicken farm Vulk: -

east european, former jugo job: pimp, human trafficker -> chinese girls skills: threatening people, job finding, blackmailing, survival skills low cultured experience: streetwise, wants a lot of money, war, civil, prostitution

Emanuel - african, christian, from Malawi, 18 - strawberry picker - skills: fishing, singing, instruments, writing - experience: prison in Malawi The farmer Leapish - “helps” migrants with work, thinks that he is doing them a favor - sexist -> womens salary is less working conditions - they can eat as much strawberries as they want - some refer to garden of eden living conditions - women's caravan: smaller, more people, neat and organized, cosy, peaceful, bright - men’s caravan: bigger, stinky, clumsy, hiding things under beds ( Yolas knickers, letters, guitar), shower doesn’t work - doesn’t care about comfort of workers - greedy, stingy, profit orientated - watches women getting dressed -> sexual harassment living expenses: - farmer buys food - only one has a car, place is isolated social life: - Marta prepares food, Tomasz plays the guitar - they all have conversations

cultural appropriation: when someone takes elements from a culture not their own and remakes and reduces it into a meaningless pop cultural item cultural appreciation: truly honours our nations art and cultures. You take the time to learn and interact...

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