Englisch Analysis (Abitur) PDF

Title Englisch Analysis (Abitur)
Author Hevi Akdag
Course Englisch
Institution Gymnasium (Deutschland)
Pages 3
File Size 200.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Analysis of fictional texts...


Englisch Abitur Zusammenfassung ! 1.ANALYSIS

Analysing fictional Texts 1) Summary ! Introduction: - author, title, text-type and theme ! - who?, what?, where?, when? ! Example: The novel, short story, poem ´title´ written by ´author´ deals with/ is about / tells the story ! Of …. ! 2) Body ! Überleitungssatz (Aufgabenstellung) ! Example: In the following I am going to analyse the plot, setting, characters .. ! Intention of the author: to provide information/ to entertain/ to convey a message to the target ! Group (young people, society, scientists) ! Analysis ! • Narrative techniques ! A) Structure Exposition: first part of narrative: gives information about setting, characters, plot ! Climax/ turning point: rising action, escalation of conflict or change of the conflict ! Falling action: pot comes to an end. Reader speculates abbot possible ending ! Ending: Surprising, abrupt or open. Resolution of a conflict, making the ending happy or tragic !


Other structural devices! Frame story: presents a story within a story ! Back story: gives history of characters, object, places or other elements ! Flashback: narrative is taken back in time ! Flasch-forward: clues early in the story -> gives hint to a future development !


B) Narrative situation - dialogues (direct speech) -> narrator tries to connect audience with the plot ! - Description/comments (indirect speech) -> distance to characters is created ! - Tense: present tense -> reader feels close to action, past tense -> reader feels distanced to action ! - Irony: distancing effect ! - Suspense -> created by not giving to much information !

- Interioir monologue: readers can identify with characters ! C) Narrative perspectives Third-person-omniscient narrator: ! The narrator is outside the story (not a character) but can see into the minds, thoughts and feelings of all characters ! -> reader feels distanced to narrator but close to the plot and can understand the development of ! the plot easier ! Third-person limited narrator ! The narrator is outside the story but can see into the mind of only one character and tells the thoughts and feelings of one character ! -> creates suspense: reader interprets thoughts and feelings ! -> biased unreliable information ! First person narrator ! The narrator is also a character in the story and uses me, my, we, our ! - is a witness or an observer ! - -> identification with protagonist, creates an emotional connection ! Types of characters ! - protagonist 8main character) ! - Antagonist (in a conflict with main character)! - Flat character (does not change, ha son depth) ! - Round character (changes are presented in detail) ! Types of characterization ! - direct: narrator or character tells explicitly what a character is like ! - Indirect: reader interprets a character by thought, feelings and behavior ! D) Characterisation - personal data (name, age , sex, nationality) ! - Outward appearances (body, face, clothes etc.) ! - Behaviour (towards other characters, actions)! - Attitudes/views (thoughts/dreams/emotions) ! - Relationships: (social background, family, friends)! E) Setting -> scenery, mental climate, basic mood, social mood, social environment, atmosphere ! Exp: peaceful, quiete, chatotic, careful, surprised, disappointed, liberating, hopeful, nostalgic, welcoming, harmonious, vivacious, idyllic, tense, gloomy, violent, insidious, threatening, desolate ! F) Language Tone: feeling or attitude of a narrator ! -> matter of fact, humorous, ironic, serious, emotional, critical, positive, negative, thinning, ! reproachful ! Register: choice of words and grammar used in text ! -> word fields like clothes or nature ! -> technical terms or scientific language ! -> positive or negative emotive language ! -> Syntax: parataxis, hypotaxis, ellipsis ! -> Leitmotifs !

Stylistic devices !


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