Abiturvorbereitung Englisch american dream Tortilla Curtain PDF

Title Abiturvorbereitung Englisch american dream Tortilla Curtain
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Institution Gymnasium (Deutschland)
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Download Abiturvorbereitung Englisch american dream Tortilla Curtain PDF



The American Dream 

important concept of living together in a society

idea of peaceful coexistence between people from different backgrounds/countries of origin

equal rights for everybody

many different views and ideas of what the American Dream actually is

being able to reach individual goals

if you work hard, you will reach your goal

→ attainability of success 

belief in progress (things change for the better → continual development

no matter from what kind of social background people come it is possible to attain wealth (no inherited titles, no aristocracy etc.) → equality

→ people for people, governed by the people (→ democracy) 

highest possible amount of individual freedom (→ i.e. religious belief)

If you fail it is your own fault → self-responsibility

U.S.A. as a promising new country to be shaped by or used as a basis for immigrants in Order to fulfil their dream (''NEW CANAAN'')

the idea that God has chosen the American people and it is now their mission to spread democracy all over the world


westward movement/ frontier

continual expansion, exploration of unknown territories → serves as an orientation mark for the American people 

it doesn't matter who you are and which religious you have

→ everyone can come to America → to get a better life

My definition of the American Dream 

imagination of rags to riches

people hope for a better life

new chances, new possibilities


can do the things you are always wanted to do


luxury, everyone is happy

everyone is equal, same rights/chances

people respect each other, even someone is a bit different

more life quality

Text “The American Dream” 

the American historian James Truslow Adams published a voluminous study which dealt with the American Dream

the term has become widely used, but nobody has been able to come up with a generally accepted definition

without the American Dream, there would not have been a difference to other countries

“The dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller of every man, with the opportunity for each according to his ability of achievement.”

it is not a dream of material things, but “a dream of a social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain” the maximum of their abilities (Fähigkeiten) “and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the circumstances (Umstände) of birth or position”.

The American dream has lured (anlocken) millions of people from all nations, because “it has been a dream of being able to grow to fullest development as man and woman”, no matter which barriers had slowly built in other civilizations

the old social orders were built for the benefit of classes and not for the benefit of one simple human being

in the US the dream became true more than anywhere else, but it is still not perfect

if the American Dream shall become true, people must become a part of the “Great Society”

it is allowed, that people play their own parts, but it is not good when there are classes and groups which have their own interests, because then, the US could become a normal “class society” and there could be classes which fight against each other, so people must become a part of the “Great Society” siehe oben

“We cannot become a great democracy by giving ourselves up as individuals to selfishness, physical comfort, and cheap amusement”

people have to share (it all depends on what is made of each


“we must all work together, no longer to build bigger, but to build better”

the dream is not to generalize, but without a dream size, population and America in general lose its glory

James Truslow Adams 


in the Us, life is better and everybody can benefit from it

it is not a dream of material things, but of a better social situation

everyone is respected and recognized, no matter who he is

you can do what you need to do to become happy and no social or political border can hinder you

life quality is higher, because people share → democracy does not fit with selfishness

US is a country where people work together to built something NEW

Other American Dream text 

religious, political and social expectations of European immigrants

a new promised land, with honey an milk, a new paradise on Earth

human equality, liberty and brotherhood for all

there is no universally acceptable definition

major elements: ◦ everybody can realize his highest ambitions ◦ God has chosen the American people to spread democracy all over the world (manifest destiny) ◦ westward movement, new borderlines (today, the moon and Mars), continual expansion, exploration of unknown territories ◦ government “of the people, by the people and for the people” (liberty, equality) ◦ immigrants of different nationalities/religious built a new nation (melting pot), peaceful life together, multiculturalism

if you work hard, you will reach your goal

belief in progress (things change for the better → continual development)

no inherited titles, no aristocracy etc.


if you fail, it is your own fault → self-responsibility

USA as a promising new country to be used as a basis for immigrants in order to fulfil their dream (“New Canaan”)

=> orientation mark for American people

The Declaration of Independence 

Who: representatives of the US, people from thirteen different British colonies (e.g. Thomas Jefferson)

When: 4th July 1776

Where: Pennsylvania State House in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia at the Independence Hall

Why: to built an independent state with new and better human rights, to become independent of GB (the human rights were not for women, blacks and slaves)

most of it is about the independence from Britain, but also about the principles for the new state

people have to break out of old political systems and to take the rights that God has given to them

“We think it is self-evident that all people are equal that God gave them natural rights, for example life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness. People elect a government to save these rights and whenever the government fail, the people have the right and the duty (Pflicht) to chose a new government.”

What America Means to Me 

world's only superpower, leader in everything, high standard of living

the flag is not only red, white and blue, but there is also freedom on it and diversity a ◦ forgot that it stands for the states

chance to move ahead ◦ only if you have got the green card

freedom of speech, of religion, others will tolerate it ◦ but it is not the goal to tolerate, but to become something new together

can protest, elect (democracy), justice system, every person has rights, for example fair trial

the American Dream allows it to set goals and to reach them ◦ I think you MUST set goals, otherwise you are lost


with the melting pot system, different cultures mix and can co-exist in harmony ◦ this is not melting pot, this is salad bowl



Everyone is equal and free

everyone has a right to start a new life and a → to start a new life better life  America will be overpopulated new hope and equal rights  if you didn't take your chance → you will have nothing

You need a job to have money

not everyone will accept you → because of another culture

a lot of poor and rich people

→ but no middle class

James Truslow Adams – American Dream 

in the US, life is better and every person can benefit from it

it is not a dream of material things but of a better social situation

everyone is respected and recognized no matter who he is

you can do what you need to do to become happy and no social or political borders con hinder you

life quality is higher, because people share and everyone has his own task

→ democracy does not fir with selfishness 

US is a country where the people work together to build something new and to have hope

→ every human being should have the same right 

dream of a land in which life should be batter, richer and fuller

→ Text: American Dream by James T. Adams lesen

Declaration of Independence Wir halten diese Wahrheiten für selbstverständlich. Alle Menschen sind gleich geschaffen, von ihrem


Schöpfer ausgestattet mit sicheren, unwiderruflichen Rechten; unter diesen sind Leben, Freiheit und das Streben nach Glück. Die Regierungen sind von Menschen eingesetzt, um diese Rechte zu sichern, ihre Macht ist herzuleiten von der Zustimmung der Regierten. Am Ende ist es das Recht der Menschen, sobald irgendeine Form der Regierung diese Macht missbraucht, diese zu verändern oder abzuschaffen und eine neue Regierung zu bilden.

Ellis Island 

located close to Manhattan

headquarters of the US immigration form 1892 to 1954

name from James Ellis who sold the island

flood of immigrants in 1892 → necessary for the immigration department to move from Lower Manhattan to Ellis Island

20 million people entered the US through Ellis Island

1954 immigration authority moved back to Manhattan

now it is a museum (documents from four centuries of immigration)

Manifest Destiny 

America's mission to democratize the world (1839)

god has given the right to spread democracy

to justify its territorial expansion (Texas, California etc.) as well as imperialism (Latin America)

Uncle Sam 

nickname of the American government and for the people

first, during the war against England 1812

lost its negative connotations and became popular (bearded man dressed in stars and stripes for World Wars I and II

widely used

Multiculturalism 

started in 1980s when academics started to discuss in education and changing society

gays, lesbians and ethnic minorities asked for equal rights


assimilation (a bit like the Melting pot) and pluralism

has achieved more rights for minority groups, but also furthered cultural fragmentation

Frontiers 

line of settlement and civilization moved westward

when the frontiers reached the Pacific (1890) the geographical frontier was closed

Americans need new frontiers

today, the myth of frontiers is kept alive in American culture (western, science fiction etc.)

Melting Pot 

Crèvecoeur essay 1782: “Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men...”

the “product”: something NEW

cake not salad

Declaration of Independence 

was passed on July 4, 1776 by all thirteen colonies

the day is celebrated since 1777 with parades, public readings and during the 19 th century, the celebration turned into a popular spectacle with fireworks etc.

today, July 4th is an important holiday – although the true meaning of this holiday is often lost in the hype

The Stars and Stripes (“Old Glory”) 

name given to the American flag

was first designed in 1777 (featured thirteen red and white stripes and thirteen stars on a blue background – they represent the founding states)

colours had a symbolic meaning: white stood for purity (Reinheit), red for endurance (Durchhaltevermögen) and bravery and blue for justice (Gerechtigkeit)

1818, the Congress decided to limit the stripes to the number of thirteen (they had been added for every new state) and decided to simply add a star for every new state


today, it displays fifty stars (the last for Hawaii in 1960)

New Canaan 

in the Old Testament it is the land west of the Jordan

the country to which Moses led his people

in the 17th century writers who fled to the US from religious persecution spoke about their “Promised Land”

Individualism 

I am the master of my own luck.

central concept how the Americans see themselves and are viewed by others

self-reliance (Selbstständigkeit) and responsibility (Verantwortung) for one's own fate (Schicksal), idea since the 17th century

ideas or the Enlightenment (Aufklärung) → If a person is given the freedom and opportunity to develop he/she will necessarily prosper (blühen, florieren)

the American tradition of scepticism about any kind of government (or church) guarantees a great degree of personal freedom, but makes it also almost impossible to set up welfare programs: “If you work hard, you prosper – if you fail, it is your own fault.”

The tension (Spannung) between the individual and the community are key factors in American culture

The Puritans 

social and religious movement in 16th and 17th century (English Protestantism)

they wanted to clean Church of England from the influence of Roman-Catholics

read the Bible literally (purify the message)

wanted the abolition (Abschaffung) of ornaments, decorations, ceremonies and of the church hierarchy etc.

between 1620/40 more radical groups emigrated to New England and founded settlements

they believed that America was the promised land (look at New Canaan)

they shaped (formen) many aspects of the US civil religion: education, work, individual freedom etc.


strict moral principles

rejection (Ablehnung) of any kind of amusement/entertainment (open sexuality, alcohol, dancing etc.) → so it is also a term for extremely conservative people

Elections USA


Direct election system

Party electoral system

majorty elections:

proportional representation: ◦ a party gets the number of seats it deserves in proportion to the votes

◦ in an election district wins the candidate who receives the most votes ◦ all other votes are unimportant 

directly elected members are independent in their party

deputies often vote against their own party

the atmosphere in their own electoral district is more important

presidential system

government is indirectly elected by people and acts independently of the majority in parliament

majority voting

deputies are dependent on the party

they have to fight for their place

→ therefore, no deputy defends against his party leader

parliamentary system

government is dependent on Parliament

people do not elect the chancellor or president, but both are determined by the Bundestag

proportional representation

◦ most voted party gets all mandates 

regulations vary from state to state

there are open primaries and caucus system

in some states a Republican can vote for a Democratic candidate (siehe oben)

everywhere the same

people are focused on the personality

only closed primary

states vote at different times 

a CDU candidate cannot vote for a SPD

◦ siehe oben


candidate 

people are also focused on the ideas

elections at the same time

Electoral system and elections in the USA 

on all state levels candidates for public offices are chosen by elections

→ in most European countries does exist only one single electoral system which is used on all public levels 

the constitution governs not only the affairs of state, the fundamental civil rights and responsibilities, but also nearly all foundations of a successful republican model

huge pluralism on all political levels

The majority voting system 

only two parties dominate the USA → two-party-system

→ Republicans and Democrats → only one can win the elections, majority is clear 

in the majority vote every elector only has one voting decision

→ the winner takes it all, all other votes forfeit 

person's election: elect the candidate due to the candidate's personality

→ candidate independent from his party 

less known parties are not able to participate actively in the political process

→ party coalitions are not necessary → political decisions can be realized faster How to become President of the USA 

qualifications 

has to be born in the USA (today, this is questioned)

has to live at least 14 years in...

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