Abnormal-Psychology - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title Abnormal-Psychology - Lecture notes 1
Author James David
Course Abnormal Psychology
Institution Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
Pages 54
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Warning: TT: undefined function: 32 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY: The scientific study of mental disorders. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY: Applied branch of psychology that seeks to understand, assess, and treat psychological conditions in a clinical setting ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY: the branch of psychology that studies unusu...


ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY • PSYCHOPATHOLOGY: The scientific study of mental disorders. • CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY : Applied branch of psychology that seeks to understand, assess, and treat psychological conditions in a clinical setting • ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY: the branch of psychology that studies unusual patterns of behavior, emotion and thought which may or may not indicate an underlying condition. • HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY: field of psychology involving the effects of mental processes to physical health and how it can be changed to improve a person’s chance of physical recovery • DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY: study of changes in abnormal behavior that occur over time CRITERIA FOR NORMALITY NORMAL BEHAVIOR • One’s behavior is similar to the behavior of other people in the society • Ex: Two men kissing is normal in other countries. ARBITRARY DECISIONS • Problem in average normality • Certain group of individuals define what is socially acceptable and conforming • Sometimes, those which are statistically significant may not be significant in actual situations. (Ex: Depression Scales: 49 as normal and 50 as depressed) • Ex: Board Exam Rates: Passing and Failing (74. 8 and 75) NORMALITY IS SOCIAL CONFORMITY • Some behaviors are non-conforming, yet normal • Problem of Criminality: violations of social norms (Ex: Hair Color Policy) • Problem of Social Standards NORMALITY IS PERSONAL COMFORT • Ex: Sadness is okay because one needs to be • Ex: Paraphilia is normal because it is not Paraphilic Disorder; Sado-masochism • What may be pleasing to one may not be pleasing to other (Ex: Mania) NORMALITY IS A PROCESS • One may be normal today but not tomorrow and vice-versa. • Everyone goes under adjustment and coping • It is a spectrum with ends of normality and abnormality 4 D’S DYSFUNCTION • If this is present, the behavior is already abnormal • to a breakdown in cognitive, emotional, or behavioral functioning • It interferes with daily functioning. It so upsets, distracts, or confuses people that they cannot care for themselves properly, participate in ordinary social interactions, or work productively.

• Ex: Worrying leads you to locking yourself up in your room; Behaviors that prevent you to sleep and to eat DISTRESS • Clinical Disorders: distress to the individual (Ex: OCD: Taking 5 to 7 showers everyday) • Personality Disorders: distress to others (Ex: OCPD: Sorted colors of rubber bands and pushpins) DANGEROUSNESS • Some behaviors and feelings are of potential harm to the individual, such as suicidal gestures, or to others, such as excessive aggression. DEVIANCE • Unusual behavior not just from the society, but from the person’s usual behavior as well • Ex: Extraverted person suddenly became quiet • NORMS: stated and unstated rules for proper conduct. CULTURE • A people’s common history, values, institutions, habits, skills, technology, and arts. • Thin line that separates normality from abnormality. • Atypical behavior should be observed in this context. • Examples: ▪ More severe depression cases for males because they do not admit their emotions ▪ Sex problems are embarrassing for Filipinos ▪ Going to faith healers instead of psychologists because of their beliefs • Psychomedical Tradition: faith healing (Ex: Concept of “usog”) • Behaviors caused by medical conditions, such as diabetes, are not abnormal. Only if they are part of a mental illness. • FAMILY STUDIES: researchers check for behavioral patterns in the family context TORTURE TECHNIQUES • STRAPPADO: using a rope • GUILLOTINE: using a metal blade • GAROTTE: using a metal wire or metal string • PEARL OF ANGUISH: using a metal ball • LOBOTOMY: impairing blood to flow to certain parts of the brain; insertion of icepick into • BLOODLETTING: surgical removal of the patient’s blood • TREPANNING OR TREPHANATION: removing part of the skull bone CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR 1. Abnormality as Norm Violation (Ex: Feeble-mindedness and intellectual giftedness) • NORMS: stated and unstated rules for proper conduct 2. Abnormality as Statistical Rarity 3. Abnormality as Personal Discomfort


ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY 4. Abnormality as Deviation from an Ideal 5. Abnormality as Maladaptiveness HIPPOCRATES AND GALEN: HUMORAL PSYCHOLOGY • First stated that the brain can also be diseased • Body fluids and temperaments • HIPPOCRATES: father of modern medicine 1. PHLEGMATIC: Phlegm, water, sluggish 2. MELANCHOLY: Black bile, earth, sad constantly 3. CHOLERIC: Yellow bile, fire, angry all the time 4. SANGUINE: Blood, air, cheerful and friendly person, and good humor 19TH AND 20TH CENTURIES: MORAL THERAPY • PHILLIPPE PINEL: France • WILLIAM TUKE: England • BENJAMIN RUSH: United States • DOROTHEA DIX: Mental Hygiene Movement • SYPHILLIS OF THE BRAIN: organic factors underlying general paresis; one of the most serious illnesses of the day • PENICILLIN: drug used to cure syphilis THOMAS SZASZ (1920–2012) • Emphasized on society’s role that he found the whole concept of mental illness to be invalid, a myth of sorts. • According to Szasz, the deviations that society calls abnormal are simply “problems in living,” not signs of something wrong within the person. • Definition is only used to control deviating, distressing, dangerous, and dysfunctional behavior. MARTIN SELIGMAN AND STEVEN MAIER: LEARNED HELPLESSNESS THEORY OF DEPRESSION • People become anxious and depressed when they decide that they have no control over the stress in their lives • The depressive attributional style is • CAUSES: Coercive, ineffective, inconsistent parents, media violence, and peer rejection ▪ INTERNAL: in that the individual attributes negative events to personal failings ▪ STABLE: in that, even after a particular negative event passes, the attribution that “additional bad things will always be my fault” remains ▪ GLOBAL: in that the attributions extend across a variety of issues • Most studies support the finding that negative cognitive styles precede and are at risk for depression • Ex: Battered Woman Syndrome HOPELESSNESS THEORY • Expectation that desirable outcomes will not occur and that the person has no responses available to change this situation.

• Rumination is defined as a tendency to repetitively dwell on sad experiences and thoughts, or to chew on material again and again. • The most detrimental form of rumination may be a tendency to brood or to regretfully ponder why an episode happened. AARON BECK: COGNITIVE THEORY OF DEPRESSION • Father of Cognitive Therapy • COGNITIVE BIAS: tendencies to process information in certain negative ways • DEPRESSIVE COGNITIVE TRIAD: depressed people make cognitive errors in thinking negatively about themselves, their immediate world, and their future • BECK HOPELESSNESS SCALE: to know if the person has negative attitudes towards the future • NEGATIVE SCHEMA: an enduring negative cognitive belief system about some aspects of life • IN A SELF-BLAME SCHEMA: individuals feel personally responsible for every bad thing that happens • WITH A NEGATIVE SELF-EVALUATION SCHEMA: they believe that they can never do anything correctly • FALSE-CONSENSUS EFFECT / FALSE-CONSENSUS BIAS: is an attributional type of cognitive bias whereby people tend to overestimate the extent to which their opinions, beliefs, preferences, values, and habits are normal and typical of those of others (Ex: that others also think the same way that they do) NEGATIVE COGNITIVE STYLES (DO PSALMM) 1. DICHOTOMOUS OR ABSOLUTIST OR BLACK AND WHITE THINKING • seeing only the extremes of things, never the middle • symptom of many mental illnesses, including borderline personality disorder (BPD) • Ex: You think that people are either good or bad. 2. OVERGENERALIZATION • making generalizations about a negative aspect • Ex: After you failed the quiz, you think that you will now fail quizzes in all other classes. • Ex: When you embarrassed yourself in public speaking and you now think that you will always embarrass yourself when speaking to anyone. 3. PERSONALIZATION • a tendency for individuals to relate external events to themselves, even when there is no basis for making this connection • Ex: This is like when you blame yourself for something you didn’t do. 4. SELECTIVE ABSTRACTION • focuses on the negative



ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY • a detail is taken out of context and believed whilst everything else in the context is ignored • Ex: When one fails in an exam but has perfect scores on the other exams 5. ARBITRARY INFERENCE • evident when a depressed individual emphasizes the negative rather than the positive aspects of a situation • Ex: you believe that someone doesn’t like you without actual information to support that belief 6. LABELING AND MISLABELING • involve portraying one’s identity on the basis of imperfections and mistakes made in the past and allowing them to define one’s true identity • Ex: You screwed up in the past, and now you think you are an evil person. 7. • • •

MINIMIZATION downplaying the significance of an event or emotion a common strategy in dealing with feelings of guilt Ex: You failed a test worth 25% and you think that this will not impact your grade.

8. MAGNIFICATION • effects of one's behavior are magnified • Ex: When you make a small mistake and you think that you’ve made a really big one HANS SELYE: GENERAL ADAPTATION • Used to understand relationship between stressful events and the body’s response to stress • ALARM: fight or flight response; the body goes through predictable responses regardless of the type of stressor • RESISTANCE: coping mechanisms • EXHAUSTION: body’s defenses or adaptational resources are depleted • EUSTRESS: the body eventually adapts to any stress in a positive manner ALBERT ELLIS: RATIONAL EMOTIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY (REBT) • Called as the grandfather of cognitive behavior therapy • COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY: Treatment approach that involves identifying and altering negative thinking styles related to psychological disorders and replacing them with more positive beliefs and attitudes – and ultimately, more adaptive behavior and coping styles • INTELLECTUAL INSIGHT: basically cognitive; one's irrational beliefs are irrational and rational beliefs are rational; usually does not facilitate change

• EMOTIONAL INSIGHT: basically a full, emotionally-felt and deep understanding; does impact on one's feelings, behavior, and subsequent thinking; marker of significant change FRITZ AND LAURA PERLS: GESTALT THERAPY • viewing humans as a whole rather than as a sum of discretely functioning parts • Deals mostly with patients who have experienced unfinished business, lack of sense of closure and has a tendency to have a fixed figure-ground relationship • initial goal is for clients to gain awareness of what they are experiencing and how they are doing it • focuses on the here and now, the what and how, and the I/Thou of relating • is lively and promotes direct experiencing rather than the abstractness of talking about situations • FRITZ’S TWO PERSONAL AGENDA: moving the client from environmental support to self-support and reintegrating the disowned parts of one’s personality • A basic assumption of Gestalt therapy is that individuals have the capacity to self-regulate when they are aware of what is happening in and around them. • PARADOXICAL THEORY OF CHANGE: we change when we become aware of what we are as opposed to trying to become what we are not JOSEPH WOLPE: SYSTEMATIC DESENSITIZATION / GRADUATED EXPOSURE THERAPY • gradually introducing objects patients fear • for phobia treatment • IN VIVO EXPOSURE: involves client exposure to the actual anxiety-evoking events rather than simply imagining these situations. FLOODING • Another form of exposure therapy is flooding, which refers to either in vivo or imaginal exposure to anxiety-evoking stimuli for a prolonged period of time. • IN VIVO FLOODING: consists of intense and prolonged exposure to the actual anxiety-producing stimuli. • IMAGINAL FLOODING: is based on similar principles and follows the same procedures except the exposure occurs in the client’s imagination instead of in daily life. FRANCINE SHAPIRO: EYE MOVEMENT DESENSITIZATION AND REPROCESSING • involves imaginal flooding, cognitive restructuring, and the use of rapid, rhythmic eye movements and other bilateral stimulation to treat clients who have experienced traumatic stress STEVE DE SHAZER: SOLUTION FOCUSED THERAPY • aim to understands the present, and future focused • goal-directed and focuses on solution


ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY RICHARD LAZARUS : STRESS-APPRAISAL / COGNITIVE APPRAISAL THEORY • stress is a two-way process • it involves the production of stressors by the environment, and the response of an individual subjected to these stressors PRIMARY APPRAISAL • In the stage of primary appraisal, an individual tends to ask questions like, “What does this stressor and/ or situation mean?”, and, “How can it influence me?” • According to psychologists, the three typical answers to these questions are: "this is not important" "this is good" "this is stressful" SECONDARY APPRAISALS • Involve those feelings related to dealing with the stressor or the stress it produces. • Person starts to assess internal and external resources available to solve problem. • POSITIVE SECONDARY APPRAISAL: Uttering statements like, “I can do it if I do my best”, “I will try whether my chances of success are high or not”, and “If this way fails, I can always try another method”. • NEGATIVE SECONDARY APPRAISAL: “I can’t do it; I know I will fail”, “I will not do it because no one believes I can” and, “I won’t try because my chances are low” BOWEN’S THERAPY • To reduce family stress levels and help members achieve differentiation PHASES OF STRESS-INOCULATION TRAINING 1. CONCEPTUAL PHASE 2. SKILL ACQUISITION PHASE 3. APPLICATION PHASE OTHER PEOPLE RELATED TO PSYCHOLOGY • WILLIAM FRANKENBURG: developed Denver Developmental Screening Test • JAMES BRAID AND FRANZ MESMER: Popularized hypnosis • JOHN P. GREY: insanity was always caused by physical illness • MANFRED SAKI: created insulin shock therapy to help patients to calm down • EMIL KRAEPELIN: developed a psychiatric classification system BIOGENICAMINE THEORY DOPAMINE (excitatory) SEROTONIN

HIGH Schizophrenia, Mania Mania

LOW Parkinson’s, Depression Depression; Anxiety; Eating disorders


Acute stress; Sleep disorders


PTSD and Anxiety, Mania


Psychosis; Neuron death Relaxation

Huntington’s Disease Anxiety; OCD Dementia Eating disorders

• INVERSE AGONIST: a chemical substance that produces effects opposite those of a particular neurotransmitter • REUPTAKE: when a neuron reabsorbs a recently released neurotransmitter • AFFERENT NEURONS: sensory neurons that carry nerve impulses from sensory stimuli towards the central nervous system and brain • EFFERENT NEURONS: motor neurons that carry neural impulses away from the central nervous system and towards muscles to cause movement SOCIOGENIC FACTORS • Unemployment • Poverty • Crime • Poor educational level DIATHESIS-STRESS MODEL • Psychological disturbances stem from a genetic predisposition triggered by stress • Biogenicamine and Sociogenic • PREDISPOSING FACTOR: causes of a disorder when it develops (Ex: 2 students failed in a subject, one student manifested a symptom, and the other did not.) • PRECIPITATING FACTOR: factors that allow disorders to develop (Ex: 2 individuals has a relative with schizophrenia, the other was abused by a parent while the other was not, the abused developed schizophrenia.) • TWIN STUDIES: most likely to show genetic contributions in terms of psychopathology RECIPROCAL GENE-ENVIRONMENT MODEL • claims that people with a genetic predisposition to a disorder may also have a genetic tendency to create environmental risk factors that promote the disorder BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL APPROACH • Current approach being used in the study of psychopathology taking into account all possible causes of a mental disorder • MAINTENANCE TREATMENT: combination of psychosocial treatment, medication, or both designed to prevent relapse following therapy


ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY CATEGORICAL AND DIMENSIONAL MODELS “KIND” vs. “DEGREE” • Dimensions instead of categories • By a dimensional model individuals would not only be given categorical diagnoses but also would be rated on a series of personality dimensions • “Emerging measures and models” FIVE FACTOR MODEL OF PERSONALITY (“BIG FIVE”) • Openness to experience • Conscientiousness • Extraversion • Agreeableness • Neuroticism • Cross-cultural research establishes the universal nature of the five dimensions PERSPECTIVES IN VIEWING ABNORMALITY 1. PSYCHOANALYTIC PERSPECTIVE: all behavior derived from unconscious childhood experiences PSYCHOANALYSIS BY FREUD A. PRE-GENITAL STAGES (ORAL AND ANAL) determine behavior. ORAL STAGE • EARLY STAGE: pleasure is derived from SUCKING; LIBIDO is concentrated in the MOUTH; time for NOURISHMENT • Whatever the child sucks, he swallows. Whatever he intakes becomes a part of himself • LATE STAGE OF ORAL PHASE: Getting pleasure from biting • ORAL RECEPTIVE OR ORAL INCORPORATIVE CHARACTER: fixation that is tied up with clinginess and dependency; free loaders and gullible; will more likely develop DEPENDENT PERSONALITY DISORDER • ORAL SADISTIC OR ORAL AGGRESSIVE CHARACTER: frank, harsh, war freak, good debaters, smoker; will more likely develop ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER ANAL STAGE • EARLY STAGE OF ANAL PHASE: pleasure is driven from EXCRETION • LATE STAGE OF ANAL PHASE: pleasure is driven from RETENTION; not physically interpreted as holding the feces; the child gets pleasure from not RECEIVING ANY PUNISHMENT for wrong excretion • FECES is considered by Freud as the child’s gift to the mother because they can control it • ANAL EXPULSIVE: messy, spontaneous, generous; will more likely develop BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER • ANAL RETENTIVE: organized, neat, possessive, stingy; will more likely develop OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER

• Compatibility is manifested in a relationship of an oral receptive and anal expulsive. B. GENITAL STAGES • Phallic, Latency, and Genital are already considered. TRANSFERENCE • Battleground of repression • Once encountered, continue the therapy sessions 2. BEHAVIORAL PERSPECTIVE: improper learnings results to disorders • COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE: offshoot of behavioral perspective; pioneered by Albert Bandura 3. HUMANISTIC-EXISTENTIALIST PERSPECTIVE: humans who can’t fulfill own potentials develop disorders 4. NEUROSCIENCE PERSPECTIVE: disorders are caused by imbalances in the neurotransmitters 5. MEDICAL PERSPECTIVE: treats disorders as sicknesses • Origin of the symptoms, syndromes, DSM-5, etc. 6. SPIRITISTIC PERSPECTIVE: most ancient and animalistic perspective TECHNICAL ECLECTICISM • Therapist combines several techniques from different psychotherapies without necessarily following any theoretical position PUBLICATION BIAS • Just publishing positive significant results PATIENT UNIFORMITY MYTH • Immediately believing that a treatment for a particular disorder will be effective for all types of clients regardless of individual effectiveness DETERMINANTS OF ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR A. BIOLOGICAL: genetic make-up, neurotransmitter imbalances, brain injury, etc. • GENETIC FACTORS: heredity; genes carry different traits (Ex: Alzheimer’s disease skip one generation) • BIOLOGICAL DEPRIVATION: lack of a biological need (Ex: Malnourishment may lead to emotional regulation or retardation) • OBNOXIOUS AGENTS: also called TERATOGENS; toxic chemicals that might affect the development of the fetus (Ex: Alcohol Intake during pregnancy may lead to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) • Accidents (Ex: Case of Phineas Gage)


ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY • BODY CONSTITUTIONS: state of the physical body which is problematic (Ex: Conversion Blindness of a child who witnessed the death of his parents because he has a weak vision) • BIOCHEMICAL FACTORS: neurotr...

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