ACCG100 HW - This is homework. PDF

Title ACCG100 HW - This is homework.
Course Accounting in Society
Institution Macquarie University
Pages 2
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This is homework....


Ahmed Aslam - Tutorial HW 14.3.19 1. Explain what it means to behave ethically. Have you encounter any ethical dilemmas in your life (e.g. in the workplace, etc.)? What did you do in the situation? Behaving ethically deals with human conduct in accordance to moral absolutes and what differentiates the right from wrong and forms the application of values to decision making. These values include honesty, fairness, responsibility, respect and compassion. In academic life plagiarism is a concurrent ethical dilemma which is presented towards every student. This has been prevalent in my own academic career, and the enormous pressure that is placed on students often accelerates this dilemma. However, to deal with this situation these values of being honest, fair, responsible, respectful and compassionate ultimately override this impulse, whereby the satisfaction of hard work is greater. 2. Carlon et al, 2019, Financial Accounting: Reporting, analysis and decision making, 6th Edition, Chapter 1: BBS 1.8 (p. 92) AGL Limited Sustainability report - Outline the company’s approach to sustainability AGL is guided by two key strategic imperatives; prospering in a carbon-constrained future and building customer advocacy. AGL publishes an annual sustainability report to provide a transparent account of our performance in relation to the social, environmental and economic challenges facing their business, industry and community. The report aims to initiate conversations cantered around performance, policies, and approaches to issues, which are pivotal to their stakeholders in governing their future options. Summarise AGL’s achievements in health and safety and the environment for the current period. Include a discussion to how these achievements were measured? AGL measures and tracks safety performance using a number of lagging performance indicators based on reported safety incidents. AGL also track’s leading indicators to provide insight into trends to inform AGL on current and future programs. -

The total injury frequency (TIFR) for employees decreased from 2.0 in FY17 to 1.2 in FY18, which met their target of ≤1.7. The total injury frequency rate for contractors decreased from 5.4 in FY17 to 4.7, which did not meet our target of ≤4.6. The combined TIFR for both employees and contractors decreased from 3.1 in FY17 to 2.4 in FY18. The occupational injury frequency rate (OIFR) for employees decreased from 1.8 in FY17 to 1.0 in FY18, and likewise the OIFR for contractors also decreased from 1.0 in FY17 to 0.5 in FY18. The combined OIFR for both employees and contractors decreased from 1.5 in FY17 to 0.8 in FY18. 3. Please read the following article Based on the article, identify the ethical issues and discuss why the activities are alleged to be inappropriate. Imposed a $US25 million ($31.8 million) fine over a hospitality program to entertain 176 foreign government officials at the Beijing Olympics in 2008 – whereby BHP invited government officials to the Olympics, creating a heightened risk of violating anti-corruption laws, and the company failed to implement sufficient internal controls to address that heightened risk. The company has since introduced a policy whereby hospitality and entertainment involving government officials is overseen by the board's audit and risk committee.

Ahmed Aslam - Tutorial HW 14.3.19


With reference to APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, discuss the ethical issues that may arise in each of these cases. SECTION 220 - Conflicts of interest create threats to compliance with a number of fundamental principles, such as objectivity, confidentiality and professional behaviour. Conflicts of interest may arise by BHP Billiton’s affiliation with offering attractive holiday packages for bribery which will affect interests or relationships with clients or third parties. SECTION 260 - gifts and hospitality, whereby BHP offered three and four-day hospitality packages that included event tickets, luxury hotel accommodations and sightseeing excursions valued at $12,000 to $16,000 per package, which was sparked by self-interest. SECTION 290 – Independence audit and review engagements, whereby BHP excluded financial information regarding the monetary worth of the trips....

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