Act 2 similarities - Human Resource Management Activity PDF

Title Act 2 similarities - Human Resource Management Activity
Course Bus Readings
Institution La Salle University
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Human Resource Management Activity...


Using a table, show the comparison in terms of cooperative principles and cooperative powers and capacities between Republic Act No. 6938 AN ACT TO ORDAIN A COOPERATIVE CODE IN THE PHILIPPINES and Republic Act No. 9520 AN ACT AMENDING THE COOPERATIVE CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES TO BE KNOWN AS THE “PHILIPPINE COOPERATIVE CODE OF 2008”.

Table 1. Cooperative Principles

RA 6938

RA 9520

Open and Voluntary Membership - membership in a cooperative shall be voluntary and available to all individuals regardless of their social, political, racial or religious background or beliefs.

Voluntarily and Open Membership- the availability of cooperative membership to all individuals regardless of their social, political or religious background or beliefs.

Democratic ControlMembers of primary cooperatives shall have equal voting rights on a one member-one-vote principle. Cooperative Education- All cooperatives shall make provision for the education of their members, officers and employees and of the general public based on the principles of cooperation.

Democrative Member Control -characterized by the democratic principles of rule of the majority of one-member-one-vote. Education, Training and Information- cooperatives provide education and training for their members, elected and appointed representatives, manages and employees, so that they can contribute effectively and efficiently to the development of their cooperatives. Cooperation among Cooperatives- Cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, national, regional, and international structures. Member Economic Participation- Members contribute equitably to, and democratically control, the capital of their cooperatives. Members allocate surpluses for any or all of the following purposes: developing the cooperative by setting up reserves, part of which should at least be indivisible; benefitting members in proportion to their patronage of the cooperative's business; and, supporting other activities approved by the membership.

Cooperation Among Cooperatives - All cooperatives, in order to best the interest of their members and communities, shall actively cooperate with other cooperatives at local, national, and international levels. Division of Net Surplus- Net surplus arising out of the operations of a cooperative belongs to its members and shall be equitably distributed for cooperative development, common services, indivisible reserve fund, and for limited interest on capital and/or patronage refund in the manner provided in this Code and in the articles of cooperation and bylaws.

Tabl e2.Cooper at i vePower sandCapaci t i es RA 6938

RA 9520

To use and be sued in its cooperative name;

To the exclusive use of its registered name, to sue and be sued;

Of succession;

Of succession;

To amend its articles of cooperation in accordance with the provisions of this Code;

To amend its articles of cooperation in accordance with the provisions of this Code;

To adopt bylaws not contrary to law, morals or public policy, and to amend and repeal the same in accordance with this Code; To purchase, receive take or grant, hold, convey, sell, lease, pledge, mortgage, and otherwise deal with such real and personal property as the transaction of the lawful affairs of the cooperative may reasonably and necessarily require, subject to the limitations prescribed by law and the Constitution: To enter into division, merger or consolidation, as provided in this Code;

To adopt bylaws not contrary to law, morals or public policy, and to amend and repeal the same in accordance with this Code; To purchase, receive take or grant, hold, convey, sell, lease, pledge, mortgage, and otherwise deal with such real and personal property as the transaction of the lawful affairs of the cooperative may reasonably and necessarily require, subject to the limitations prescribed by law and the Constitution: To enter into division, merger or consolidation, as provided in this Code;

To join federations or unions, as provided in this Code;

To form subsidiary cooperatives and join federations or unions, as provided in this Code;

To accept and receive grants, donations and assistance from foreign and domestic sources; and

To avail of loans, be entitled to credit and to accept and receive grants, donations and assistance from foreign and domestic sources; To exercise such other powers granted by this Code or necessary to carry out its purpose or purposes as stated in its Articles of cooperation.

To exercise such other powers granted by this Code or necessary to carry out its purpose or purposes as stated in its articles of cooperation.

In your own understanding, why is there a need to amend the cooperative code of the Philippines? Cite at least two reasons: There is a need to amend the cooperative code of the Philippines because aside from the fact that the number of cooperatives is continuously increasing the standard and or the requirements of having or building its own cooperative must also change and improve. And of course, change is needed because day-by-day there is an additional information and that must be include and well-organize again....

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