Activities on the life and Works of Jose Rizal DOCX

Title Activities on the life and Works of Jose Rizal
Author Sheila Dolipas
Pages 8
File Size 18.4 KB
File Type DOCX
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I. Time Frame : I.5 hrs II. Objectives : 1. To let the students realize that Rizal was an ordinary human being, and not God or God-like; 2. To be more critically aware of the patriotic objectives of Rizal course as stipulated in R.A. 1425; 3. Encourage students to work together as a group with a min...


I. Time Frame : I.5 hrs II. Objectives : 1. To let the students realize that Rizal was an ordinary human being, and not God or God-like; 2. To be more critically aware of the patriotic objectives of Rizal course as stipulated in R.A. 1425; 3. Encourage students to work together as a group with a minimal instruction from the teacher; III. Suggested Material(s) : Copy of the R.A. 1425 IV. Suggested Activities: 1. Lecture – The teacher discusses R.A. 1425 2. Discuss Chapter 1 as a spring – board for group dynamic activity 3. Group Dynamics Procedures: a. Divide the class into three groups. Give each group a topic to discuss among the members. (Choose from the following topics listed) i. What are the characteristics of God vis-à-vis hero? ii. What are the characteristics of a Victorian hero vis-à-vis Modern day hero? iii. What are the ideas / ideologies of Rizal that are still applicable today? b. Ask a representative from each group to report on their conclusions about the topic assigned to them. c. After the presentations, a discussion by the teacher should follow which should clarify the following: i. What does it take to be a hero? ii. Rizal should not be treated like God but treated as human beings so that his ideas are attainable. iii. Rizal, undeniably has weaknesses, but he responded to the challenge of conquering these weaknesses that catapulted him into a heroic stardom. V. Exercise 1. Ask the students to accomplish exercises 1-1 and 1-2 (see pages 9 & 11) 2. The teacher collects the same exercises. 3. The teacher uses the "impression / subjective approach" in giving points. VI. Assignment 1. Ask the students to draw a family tree of Jose Rizal 2. Ask the students to compose their own version of the Poems: a. To the Child Jesus b. To the Virgin Mary (Note: the composition must contain two stanzas of four lines each stanza) Lesson - 2 I. Time Frame : I.5 hrs II. Objectives : 1. To trace the genealogy of Jose Rizal. 2. To sharpen one's consciousness of the religiosity of Jose Rizal in his early years. 3. To draw inspiration from the "Parable of the Moth."...

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