Midterm of 2021-life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal- 10 activities PDF

Title Midterm of 2021-life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal- 10 activities
Author Aries Boy Borja
Course Life and Works of Rizal
Institution Data Center College of the Philippines
Pages 13
File Size 190 KB
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Research and define the terms “fully functioning person” and “healthy personality.”  Fully functioning person is one who is in touch with his or her deepest and innermost feelings and desires. Some characteristic of a fully functioning person. Openness to experience, Lack of defensiveness, the ability to interpret experiences accurately, Unconditional self-regard, does not feel the need to distort or deny experiences, Lives in harmony with other people. While healthy personality is capable to experience and express emotions, confident in their own abilities, emotionally stable, fairly resilient to stress. A healthy personality has a positive outlook on life, has a sense of humor, thinks about the nice things that can be done for you.


Compare Dr. Rizal’s characteristics with the characteristics of a fully functioning person. Did he have a healthy personality? Explain and support your answer with specific examples.  Dr. Jose Rizal has a healthy personality, because he thinks about the best things that can be done and even sacrifices his life for the sake of our country and his fellow.


Compare your own personality characteristics with the characteristics of a fully functioning person. I can proudly say that I possessed some of the characteristics of a fully functional person, such as I am open to all experiences; I embrace life, get curious and seek to learn new things. Plus, I have the freedom to choose the life I want to live, the things I want to do, the people I want to spend my time with, and the freedom to make my dreams come true. As soon as I realize that I am free, I will do whatever I can to change, to create something that will last long after I am gone.


What are the beneficial effects if majority of Filipino citizen will be able to develop a healthy personality?  If majority of Filipino citizens will be able to develop a healthy personality Any society would benefit if most of its people develop a healthy personality, not just Filipinos. People like that are usually respectful of other’s opinions and won’t contradict everything he or she disagrees with.


Review the pictures in a newspaper/magazine; choose a picture which could symbolize the functioning of an individual with a healthy personality. Cut and paste the picture in a bond paper and explain why you choose it.

 It shows the combination of traits and patterns that influence their behavior, thought, motivation, and emotion. capable to experience and express emotions they have confident in their own abilities.

ACTIVITY 2 I. ASWER THE FOLLOWING. 1. State the relationship between the primary healthy personality characteristics and the characteristics of an ideal Filipino citizen –socially concerned, productive, morally upright and patriotic.  The relationship between my chosen primary healthy personality characteristic and the characteristics of an ideal Filipino citizensocially concerned, productive, morally, upright, and patriotic is they are both concerned to the relationship between people as well as to have peace and order to the society. 2. Trace the origin of the primary healthy personality characteristics that will enable an individual to be an ideal Filipino citizen like Dr. Jose Rizal.  The primary healthy personality characteristic that must be developed first, in order could also be developed that the others is respecting other people’s life and opinion. Respect is a positive view that you form of how someone is living their life; self-respect is your view of how you’re living your life. Respecting yourself means giving and defining your own worth and value as a human being. 3. List down your strengths and your weaknesses and explain how these developed. Strengths:  My Family  Self-motivation  Dedication Weaknesses:  My family  Taking criticism  Lack of confidence

My strengths developed in a way that people around me sustain and maintain those and never ever get tired of supporting me and never get tired of me with my personality. My weaknesses developed by using it as my motivation to strive harder and use it as a tool to become a better person.

4. What is the importance of having a positive self-concept?  The importance of having a Positive self-concept would be others Point of you to you without an Evidence would be nothing but for them it can destroy you. But If you had this kind of positiveness, they will be like a gloomy day for you not to be notice anymore. 5. Give the relationship of a positive self-concept with the characteristics of persons with a healthy personality and ideal Filipino citizens.  The relationship of Having positive self-concept w/the person who have a healthy characteristic would be that They can't always allow a gloomy and aloofness. 6. Examine carefully Dr. Rizal’s important traits and virtues, compare them with your own traits and virtues, and decide if you would like him to be your role model.  I am confident that I am processing some of Dr. Rizal traits and virtues. And I want that Dr. Rizal is my role model because I want to be strong as Him and I want to fight for the right and peace for our Republic as he did. 7. What is the advantage of having Rizal as a role model? Will it increase chances of becoming an ideal Filipino citizen and successful professional?  I think It's not an Advantages having Rizal being one of us (Filipino). Because Rizal had this rare kind of virus and traits. And we can't use Rizal for us to be successful because he is way different from us. Maybe his words only gave us this kind of motivations to pursue our vicinity.

8. Who is your personal hero? Does she or he have Rizal’s traits and virtues?  My personal hero? Maybe others would be going to write their Father or Mother but For Me? my Personal hero would be myself. Yes, Myself because no one would lift me up and pull me up when I'm at the edge of giving up. It’ll be myself only to fight of what I want in life. I’m the only hero for myself.


List down 10 Rizalian values which you have to learn in order to increase your chances of becoming a good Filipino citizen. Explain your answers fully.

         

Love of God Purity and Idealism Noble Conduct Love of Fellowmen Love of Parents Charity Love of Country Courage Will-Power Honesty These are the values that I have to learn in order to increase my chances of becoming a good Filipino citizen. We need to love our parents first and love of God because you can’t love your fellowmen if you don’t know how to love your parents and God first, and if you have the love of fellowmen, you can love your country too. You need to have will power, courage and noble conduct to be come a good Filipino citizen, and most of all you need to be honest.

ACTIVITY 4 1. Examine carefully Dr.Jose Rizal’s important traits and values, compare them with your own traits and virtues, and decide if you would like him to be your role model. • I am confident that I am processing some of Dr. Rizal traits and virtues. And I want that Dr. Rizal is my role model because I want to be strong as Him and I want to fight for the right and peace for our Republic as he did. 2. Is it important for an individual to have a role model? Explain your answer.  There must be a greatness that we should wish to achieve if we want to have even a mediocre amount of success in any aspect of life. All great leaders, sportsmen and high-achievers have one thing in common they all have positive role models whom they strived to emulate in some way and eventually end up doing better than their role models. 3. What is the advantage of having Rizal as a role model? Will it increase chances of becoming an ideal Filipino citizen and a successful professional?  Dr. Jose Rizal was known as our National Hero. He is also considered as the greatest hero of the Philippines as he fights against Spaniards. The advantage of Rizal as a Role model is he advocated liberty using peaceful means rather than fighting or rising violence. And I think it will increase a chance to all of us in becoming an ideal Filipino citizen and a better person in a near future. 4. Who is your personal hero? Does she or he have Rizal’s trait and virtues?

• My personal hero? Maybe others would be going to write their Father or Mother but For Me? my Personal hero would be myself. Yes, Myself because no one would lift me up and pull me up when I'm at the edge of giving up. It’ll be myself only to fight of what I want in life. I’m the only hero for myself. ACTIVITY 5  Explain the following: 1. Explain the meaning of the saying “No man is an Island “  The phrase (Saying) No man is an Island for me is We can't leave all alone we're necessarily depend on one another. We are required to accompany and support each other. 2. Should we limit our “service for others” to our “significant others” or the people who are close to us, either by blood relationship or through friendship? Explain your answer.  Yes. We needed to limit those service to others because too much cam leads us into a slave not a volunteer server anymore. We need to teach them to serve their selves. That self-service would be needed to patriotic. For them to learn more 3. How did Rizal do his share of “serving others?” Enumerate specific examples of how Rizal was able to do his social responsibility.  Dr. Jose Rizal had known this, and for him, the people are duty-bound to be involved in the task of good government. In one of his writings, he said: “Peoples and government are correlated and complementary, an aimless government would be an anomaly among a righteous people, just as corrupt people cannot exist under just rulers and wise laws. 4. How can you do your share of “serving others? “Explain your answer.  . We could help others everyday by doing simple things, it doesn’t need to be in a big way. Helping without asking for return is the best way of serving others


 Discuss and explain each question 1. Differentiate positive love of self and negative love of self or selfishness.  The difference between positive love of self and negative love of self (Selfishness) is Self-Love encourages healthy boundaries. We encourage other to treat us with respect, and we treat others this way, too while Selfishness pushes us to violate other people's boundaries for our benefit. It also encourages us to violate our own boundaries to feed our addictions and compulsions. 2. Is it possible for a selfish person to be truly patriotic, socially concerned, morally upright, and productive? Support your answer.  Selfishness is all about thinking about oneself and putting one's needs and desires over everyone else. The very concept of selfishness means that a selfish person cannot be truly patriotic, socially concerned, or even morally upright. Thus, selfishness does not interfere with productivity. [Solved] Is it possible for a selfish person. 3. In our present society, what seems to be the root cause of the following: graft and corruption, terrorism, and environmental destruction?  The root of cause of graft and corruption is an educated mind and being treated by selfish people from their past that why they're doing it too. To those terrorism who destroying environment and other people’s lives they are the one who's treated un equal and didn't hear their personal thoughts.

4. What is the relationship between Rizal’s positive love and his desire to help his fellow Filipinos? Explain.  Dr. Jose Rizal who has consistently demonstrated in a very public way exemplary courage and dedication to save the lives of entire nations, communities, and complete strangers at the risk of their own lives and comfort.


 Answer questions carefully 1. Define the term “creativity” and “progress” how are they related to each other? Explain.  Creativity means the use of imagination or those original ideas to create something and Progress is completing your ideas or the process of improving your creative. That’s how creativity related to each other if you create something and they have an improvements or betterment. Creativity focuses on the quality of work and the development of new ideas – giving little thought to time. Productivity on the other hand, is about putting the wheels in motion – it focuses on getting things done and reaching goals in the most effective way, in the least amount of time. 2. If you are given the following items: illustration board, charcoal, crayons, seeds, colored sands, tissue paper, egg shells, how will you make use of them?  You can use it as your art materials because, you don’t need expensive materials to mold or to make beautiful artwork you just need a good mindset that you can make or made beautiful artwork using the given materials, and some of the artists are using the materials given and they made so beautiful artwork.

3. How does Dr. Jose Rizal become a creative and productive person? Explain.  Dr. Jose Rizal became a creative person because he is inspired by his parents and the Filipino people.

4. How can a person develop creativity?  You can develop creativity by innovating those unusual things or roaming around you self to gathered new ideas. 5. Explain why a family member, a professional, a community member and a person as an individual must develop creativity.  Because it was needed and it will be a No doubt, we all share a story of creative envy. Creativity is a vitally important facet to human. Only will improve our personal lives. 6.

What is the relationship of the topics discussed in the Rizal course with one’s development of her or his creativity and productivity?  I have learned that there is no obstacle that can stop a person from achieving his dreams and goal. Although Rizal is being harassed by Spaniards, he still pursues the things he like to do like become a painter and an author....

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