Activity Plan Template PDF

Title Activity Plan Template
Course Elementary Physical Eucation and Health Methods
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 10
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Karen Ehresman C367

Evaluation of Lesson Plan

A. Fitness in the Middle Lesson Plan 1a. I feel that this lesson plan is not effective and could use some adjustments:  Anticipatory Set- The only introduction the students have is that they will be completing a set of tasks with partners. For the students to really understand what is going to happen the teacher needs to demonstrate the different physical tasks.  Presentation procedures for new information/Modeling- There is no presentation or modeling. They were only told to jog and meet their partner in the middle as the teacher calls out different tasks. This is where the teacher needs to model the different tasks that will be called out. To help with the demonstrating, the teacher can use different students to help model. This will help the students see what is to be expected.  Guided practice- There are a set of physical tasks the students can do with their partner as the teacher calls them out. For example: Give your partner a high five, or sit back-to-back, hook elbows, then push against each other to stand up  Independent practice- There is no independent practice for this lesson plan. In the variations portion of this lesson plan the teacher does suggest that the students come up with their own ideas, this would have been a perfect time for this activity.  Closing activity-There are no closing activities for this lesson plan. 1b. Differentiation for multiple abilities or interests- Though the lesson plan does offer some variations, it does not include any differentiation for students of different abilities. 1c. Alignment of Standards-This lesson plan does align with the standards that are written. It has the students demonstrate their abilities through

different movements and has the students work together in pairs which helps teach responsible personal and social behaviors. 1d. Promotion of healthy lifestyle or attitude- Though this lesson does helps promote physical activity while working with another person it does not promote a healthy lifestyle or attitude. 2. Identify three instructional changes you would make1. Include presentation of modeling 2. Closing activity 3. Differentiation for students with different abilities and/or intelligences. 2a. Justify each of these instructional changes1. The first change that I would make to the lesson plan would be to include modeling. Research has shown that it is important for teachers to use modeling in their lesson plans, it helps students learn and understand key concepts. For physical education, it is essential that interactive modeling is used to help students learn. According to Responsive Classroom, interactive modeling helps children get immediate practice, achieve longer lasting success at meeting expectations, and master the skills being taught (2013). 2. The second change that I would make to the lesson plan would be to have a closing activity. Having a closing activity helps students understand what they have learned, apply it to the world around them, and helps students retain the information beyond the learning environment (Lewis,2019). 3. The final change I would make is to have differentiation for students with disabilities. It is essential to have differentiation in lesson plans as it acknowledges students as individuals that have different learning needs, and differentiation helps set applicable learning challenges for all students (The PE Project,2020).

B. Activity Plan Template General Information Lesson Title: Personal Boundaries Subject(s): Health Grade/Level/Setting: 3rd Grade Prerequisite Skills/Prior Knowledge:

Students should be able to use simple nonverbal and verbal communication skills. Students will be able to read and write (or dictate if stated on IEP or 504) Classroom Rules and Procedures

Standards and Objectives State/National Academic Standard(s):

HE.4.3.1 Recognize effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance health.

Learning Objective(s):

Students will be able to use verbal and nonverbal communication cues in connection to physical boundaries with 90% accuracy.



What materials will the teacher and the students need in order to complete the lesson?

How will you use technology to enhance teaching and learning? (Optional: Use the SAMR model to explain the technology

Teacher: Book- Personal Space Camp by Julia Cook Personal Space Camp worksheet (5 pages) SMART Board Document Camera Whiteboard roduct/Personal-Space-CampRespecting-others-personal-space1754483


integration strategies you plan to use.)

The SMART Board will be utilized by projecting the book Personal Space Camp and the accompanying worksheets through the document camera.

Pencil Scissors Glue stick

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set Activity Description/Teacher

Teacher will ask questions and inquire what prior knowledge students have about personal boundaries and have students raise their hands.

Teacher will read to class Personal Space Camp by Julia Cook

Student Actions

Students will raise hands and share out loud what they know about personal boundaries.

Student will sit at their desks listening to the story and follow class expectations.

Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling Activity Description/Teacher

Student Actions

After the story the Teacher will discuss and ask questions with the class what physical personal boundaries might look like- for instance, comfort level of being touched, or not wanting to be hugged and asking for a hand shake instead.

Students will be engaged by raising their hands to answer questions on what personal boundaries are and what they might look like.

Teacher will then ask students for other examples to check for understanding

Guided Practice

Activity Description/Teacher

Teacher will pass out the Personal Space Camp worksheets. Teacher will guide the students through the first 2 pages of the worksheets. Teacher will ask students for examples of personal space and write them on the whiteboard to help fill out the first 2 pages.

Student Actions

Students will be given the Personal Space Camp worksheets to work on at their desks. Students may give examples of personal space. Students will work along with the teacher on the first 2 pages of the worksheets. Students can use the examples from the board or come up with their own.

Independent Student Practice Activity Description/Teacher

Teacher will ask students to work on their own for the last page of the worksheet by cutting out the choices and using their glue stick to put in the correct box (this will be used as the summative assessment). Teacher will then engage with students by walking around the room asking questions and checking that they understand the work.

Student Actions

Students will work independently using their scissors by cutting out the choices and placing them in the correct box by using their glue sticks. Students can raise hands and ask questions while the teacher walks around the room. Once students are done with their worksheets, they will follow the classroom procedures to turn them in.

Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity Activity Description/Teacher

Once the students are done with their worksheets and turned in, the Teacher will bring the class together on the carpet for group discussion.

The Teacher will ask the students what they learned. The Teacher will then give scenarios

Student Actions

Student will gather on the carpet for group discussion. Students will raise their hands to answer questions.

Student who would like to volunteer may raise their hands.

and ask for student volunteers to show how they might ask another person not to be in their personal spaceverbally and nonverbally.

Differentiated Instruction Consider how to accommodate for the needs of each type of student. Be sure that you provide content-specific accommodations that help to meet a variety of learning needs. Gifted and Talented: There will be a space at the bottom of the second page

worksheet that these students may give real life scenarios of personal space and the teacher will use them for closing discussion.

ELL: The worksheets will be in English and their native language.

Students with Other Special Needs: The students in the class who have learning

disabilities and who are on IEP’s will have their worksheets accommodated by having the questions read to them and will be able to draw pictures instead of writing.


Formative: During the guided practice the teacher will observe as students work independently on the worksheets. To help support students the teacher will ask probing questions on personal boundaries. During closing discussion, the teacher will observe students as they act out real life scenarios. Summative: During independent practice the students were given a worksheet where they needed to paste choices in the correct boxes. This will need to be done with 90% accuracy.

C. Justify the following aspects of the lesson plan you created in part B. 1.Presentation or modeling of new information: I choose to discuss and ask questions about personal boundaries after reading the book because it assists students in the thinking and processing of the material that is being presented. Research shows that “asking questions help students practice new information and connect new material to their prior learning” (Rosenshine,2012). 2.Differentiated instruction: Gifted and Talented: Having my gifted and talented students come up real life scenarios actively engages them with the content and promotes growth. According to “the emphasis on depth and complexity should allow students to move into unique learning experiences that help them develop sophisticated solutions for real world problems” (2019). ELL: By reading a book that has pictures about personal boundaries will help my ELL students connect the content to its meaning. Also, by having the worksheets in English and their native language will help them develop and acquire reading skills for both languages. Research has shown that “with exposure to appropriate and sophisticated instruction—much of their native language reading skills can be applied to their reading in the second language” (Center on Instruction,2006). Special Need Students: For my students who are special needs, I will be following what their IEPs require by law according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and will also accommodate by reading them the questions on the worksheet and having them draw pictures instead of writing (IDEA,2020).

3.Assessments: By choosing to ask questions throughout the lesson for my Formative assessment, helps check for understanding of the material and allows the students to reflect on what they have learned. This also gives me an opportunity to give any clarifications needed while discussing the material. By doing a worksheet for the Summative assessment, this keeps the lesson fun and stress free for the students as I check their proficiency of the subject (Vicki,2021).

Resources: Cook, J. (2020). Personal space camp. Differentiation in physical education. (n.d.). Physical Education Pedagogy, Resources & Ideas | The PE Project. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). (2021, August 24). Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Lewis, B. (2019, July 7). Writing a lesson plan: Closure and context. ThoughtCo. Oregon Department of Education: Health : Health : State of Oregon. (n.d.). State of Oregon : : State of Oregon. Personal space camp- Respecting others personal space. (n.d.). Teachers Pay Teachers. Researched-Based Recommendations for Instruction and Academic Interventions. (2006). U.S. Department of Education.

Rosenshine, B. (2012). Principles of Instruction. AFT - American Federation of Teachers - A Union of Professionals. Summer Institute for the Gifted. (2020, February 28). Igniting the fire in gifted education. SIG Student Blog. Vicki. (2015, October 1). Why assessing in PE is important. What is interactive modeling? (2017, June 2). Responsive Classroom.

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