Ad Critique Part A(ADVT 7508) PDF

Title Ad Critique Part A(ADVT 7508)
Course Communication Management
Institution University of Queensland
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Ad Critique Part A 1. Overview of the chosen ad. "Never say no to Panda " is a 2010 series of television commercials produced in Egypt by Arab Dairy, manufacturers of Panda Cheese. This advertising are uploaded to the Internet and become a virtual internet hit, and Panda cheese also is familiar by people. One of the advertising is impressive. Characters Location Action

A father and his son, a panda A supermarket, dairy area 1.The father and son are shopping in the supermarket


2. A panda hit their cart 1. People can find panda cheese in the supermarket dairy area. 2. Children like panda cheese 3. Panda cheese is so good, parents cannot refuse to buy it. 4.Introducing


panda cheese Son wants to buy Panda cheese, but father refuses. Then, a panda suddenly appears in front of them and hit their

cart. Panda cheese are introduced in the end. The target group of this advertisement is traditional families in Egypt, so the color of the entire video screen is green and an old visual effect, giving people a healthy and warm feeling. And convey that panda cheese is a traditional family food. In addition, the panda in the advertisement does not use animation, but chooses a real person to play the upright panda, giving people a sense of reality, this panda can kick your ass. (Madge, 2020)

2. Target Audience The target audience of this advertisement is Egyptian families, especially children. When a father takes his son to shop, it is a scene in every family in daily life, and the child asks his father to buy panda cheese, showing that panda cheese is welcomed by kids. Cheese has a long history in Egypt and is the traditional food of every Egyptian family. Cheese accounted for 28.2% of the Egyptian food market in 2009. (Pillars Consultancy ,2020) And cheese can

provide nutrition to children, so parents will treat cheese as a snack for their children or put it in their children's lunch. (Walther et al.,2008) Therefore, the taste of the child will affect the parents' choice of cheese brand.

3. Creative Strategy According to the Wisconsin Specialty Cheese Institute, a family chooses cheese in the grocery based on one or more qualities behind the cheese brand, such as exotic taste, design, limited supply and so on. (Food Processing Centre and University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2001) And Panda Cheese chooses to use a cute panda as its brand image to attract children's attention. Hence, children will ask their parents to purchase panda cheese. In the end, the panda was angry because of his father's refusal. It was very much like a person who felt angry when he heard that others hated their favorite food. This was also a message to the audience that panda cheese was delicious.

In this advertisement, message strategies, brand image, resonate, generic and per-emptive, are used. There is no doubt that the brand image of the grumpy panda in the advertisement is profound. The panda suddenly appeared in front of the father and son and kicked over the shopping cart, after the father refused to buy panda cheese from his son because the shopping cart was full, it highlighted that cheese as a category is more important than any product in the shopping cart and resonate with customers by daily situation. And the advertising slogan that never says no to panda cheese shows that panda cheese is above all products, and consumers should put it priority.

In term of executive technique, slice of life and humor is the technique used in this advertisement. Father and son shopping in the supermarket is a very common situation in life. Fathers refuse to buy the goods they want for their children, which is usually seen in supermarkets. But the dramatic thing is that the

panda that suddenly appeared after the father refused the child, accompanied by the music of ‘True love ways’, rudely knocked over the shopping cart. Finally stepped on a few naughty feet. This makes the whole advertising looks funny and humorous. Obviously, this advertising uses humor appeal approach to connect with the audience. Customers always think of the violent panda when they are buying panda cheese.

4. effectiveness In the advertising, father and son shopping and children asking parents for things are closely connected with daily life and have a strong resonance with consumers. Panda is the name of the brand. The anthropomorphic panda in the advertisement closely unites the brand image and the brand name, making people think of panda cheese when they mention the symbol of panda. The name of panda cheese is mentioned many times in the advertisement, which conveys the product information well. In addition, compared to the docile and cute panda in people’s impression, the violent panda is more profound to people. According to the ELM theory, the meek panda in the original impression (favorable impression) became irritable (cognition changing) because others refused to buy panda cheese, expressing the panda’s love for the product. At the same time, it also used scarcity persuasion to tell consumers that if you don’t buy Panda cheese, you will miss a delicacy that made the panda change their temperament because of love. This is also using the operant conditioning method in behavior learning theory.

The value expressed by this advertisement is far beyond the product itself. Panda cheese is just food. It is a low-involvement product and belongs to the physiological stage of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The anthropomorphizing of pandas conveys that animals and people are of the same level, and we should respect and care for them. This is the Esteem stage in Maslow’s Hierarchy of

Needs. Overall, this ad is very effective. Reference list

Food Processing Centre and University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (2001). The Specialty



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Pillars Consultancy (2020) Cheese Market Review Egypt

Walther, B., Schmid, A., Sieber, R., & Wehrmüller, K. (2008). Cheese in nutrition and

health. Dairy



Technology, 88(4-5),


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