Addictive Personality Test and study guide PDF

Title Addictive Personality Test and study guide
Author arely miralles
Course Nursing
Institution Louisiana State University
Pages 4
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study guide to help with LPN nclex exam chapter questions are based off the nursing fundamentals book....


Care of the Patient with Addictive Personality. Test Miami Lakes Educational Center PN Class

1- When a patient denies any problems related to addiction, what is the nurse’s most therapeutic response? a- “What do you call this hospitalization?” b- How can anybody help you if you don’t see a problem?” c- “Would your family agree that you have no problem?” d- “Can you think of any time your behavior created an unpleasant situation in your life? 2- What age of onset of alcohol consumption is most predictive of alcohol addiction? a- 8 or younger b- 10 or younger c- 12 or younger d- 14 or younger 3- What should the nurse do to decrease the damage of bruxism seen in a patient who has been abusing the drug ecstasy? a- Turn the patient to his right side b- Elevate the head of the bed 30 degrees c- Provide the patient with a pacifier d- Administer a muscle relaxant 4- The nurse explains that Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) consists of abstinent alcoholics who help other alcoholics become and stay sober. What is the foundation of AA? a- Psychotherapy b- A 12-step program c- Treatment center d- Individual counseling 5- The nurse reminds a group of high school students that most states have laws limiting blood alcohol levels of drivers. What is the legal blood alcohol serum level in most states? a- 0.08% b- 0.20% c- 0.40% d- 0.50% 6- The nurse should assess a patient for which criteria of addition? (Select of that apply) a- Excessive use of the substance b- Increase in social function c- Uncontrollable consumption d- Increase in economic function e- Psychological disturbances 7- The nurse is performing an initial assessment on an alcoholic patient. Which of the following actions by the nurse would best ensure honest answers?


Not asking personal questions Having a nonjudgmental attitude Including the family Promising the patient not to tell anyone

8- What must a patient in the late stages of dependence do in order to recover? a- Gain insight into the addiction b- Receive treatment for substance abuse c- Pledge to lead a completely different lifestyle d- Seek a nondrug-oriented support system 9- While creating a methadone protocol for a patient rehabilitating from heroin addiction, the nurse explains that the patient will take methadone for what length of time? a- Daily for the rest of his life b- Daily until stabilized, then gradually reduce the dose to zero. c- Weekly for at least 6 months, then decrease the dose to once a month. d- Monthly for 6 to 10 months, then decrease the dose to zero. 10- A patient seems bewildered when he confides in the nurse that all of his friends and leisure time have been centered on a drug culture. Which would be the best response by the nurse? a- “What other sort of activities might you enjoy?” b- “You will need to get new friends” c- “Returning to those activities will get you back here and in trouble.” d- “You need to get a hobby” 11- What stage of dependence is described by a patient when he tells the nurse that he has tried to stop his drug habit, but he does not feel “normal” without it? a- Early b- Prodromal c- Middle d- Late 12- The nurse concludes that a significant goal of the care plan for an alcoholic patient has been met when the patient makes which statement? a- “I drink because I’m lonely.” b- “All my difficulties are related to my drinking.” c- “I wouldn’t need to drink if I had my family back.” d- “My drinking helps me cope with the stress of my job.” 13- A 60-year old man was admitted for cholecystitis that resulted in a cholecystectomy. On his third day of hospitalization, he begins to sweat profusely, tremble, and has a blood pressure of 160/100. Based on these findings, what focused assessment should the nurse complete? a- Cardiac problems b- Respiratory problems c- Withdrawal problems d- Circulatory problem 14- A pregnant adolescent tells the nurse that she “only drinks a little.” How many drinks per day can cause an adverse effect in an infant?


One drink a day Two drinks a day Three drinks a day Four drinks a day

15- What should the nurse do when suspecting a co-worker of abusing drugs while at work? a- Confront the abuser b- Report observations to a supervisor c- Call the state board of nursing d- Discuss the problem with another co-worker 16- During the detoxification period, what does the nurse aim to achieve when designing interventions? a- Enroll the patient in Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) b- Keep the patient safe from aspiration and seizure c- Help the patient interact in nonaddictive activities d- Help the patient gain insight into the addiction 17- A nurse suspects her a co-worker is abusing drugs. Which of the following symptoms, noticed in the coworker, would contribute to the suspicions? (Select all that apply) a- Spending more time with co-workers b- Frequently absent from the unit c- Rapid changes in mood and performance d- Increased somatic complaints e- Patients report they did not receive their medications 18- What is the best response by a nurse when a patient inquires how alcohol acts so quickly on his system? a- Alcohol is digested quickly b- Alcohol is converted to glycogen immediately c- Alcohol is metabolized into ethanol rapidly d- Alcohol is excreted in urine slowly 19- A 22-year-old patient presents in the emergency department with the characteristics of severe Parkinson disease. The nurse should suspect an overdose of what drug? a- Marijuana b- Cocaine c- Amphetamines d- Valium 20- The nurse cautions that a person who chronically abuses drugs may experience mental impairment. The area of the brain that can be affected and permanently damage is the limbic system. 21abcd-

Which statement describes the impaired nurse who is in a peer assistant program? The nurse has a revoked nursing license. The nurse does not have to notify her employer. The nurse will be allowed to work as a nurse under supervision. The nurse will be reported to the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Bank.

22- What should the entire health team focus on during the rehabilitation phase? a- Establishing a support system.

b- Seeking and maintaining employment c- Abstaining from drug use d- Addressing the problems related to addiction 23- Which of the following assessment findings in a patient’s health history supports a diagnosis of substance dependence? a- Numerous legal problems and interpersonal conflicts b- Continued tardiness and absenteeism from work c- Withdrawal symptoms when not using the substance d- Impaired judgment and risk-taking behaviors 24- A patient presents to the clinic with a report of fatigue and difficulty concentrating. Which additional statement made by the patient would alert the healthcare provider to possible marijuana use? a- “I feel anxious and have trouble sleeping” b- “I’ve noticed that my eyes are red lately.” c- “I feel nauseous and don’t feel like eating.” d- “I keep having really vivid and scary nightmares” 25- A patient who has a history of chronic back pain requires a higher dose of an opioid medication in order to achieve adequate pain relief. The healthcare provider suspects that these findings are a result of which of the following? a- Tolerance b- Addiction c- Pseudoaddiction d- Dependence 26- A patient is admitted to the medical unit after experiencing chest pain. Which of these additional findings would support a diagnosis of cocaine abuse? a- Jaundice b- Profuse diarrhea c- Perforated nasal septum d- Hypotension 27- Which of the following goals would the healthcare provider identify as realistic for a patient with a substance abuse problem? a- Explore genetic anomalies associated with substance abuse b- Focus on how craving can be eliminated by enhancing willpower c- Identify situations that trigger a desire to use the substance d- Use the substance only in moderation and in certain situations 28- A patient is brought to the emergency room by a family member. The patient has been agitated for the past several hours and has alternated between grandiosity and expressing a desire to commit suicide. Upon examination the patient is diaphoretic, hypertensive, and tachycardic. Intoxication with which of the following substances would contribute to these symptoms? a- Benzodiazepine b- Methamphetamine c- Alcohol d- Marijuana...

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