Test 1 Study Guide PDF

Title Test 1 Study Guide
Course Current Social Problems
Institution University of New Orleans
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Which entity determines what constitutes a social problem? Members of society Early in 2019, New York passed the “Reproductive Health Act,” which reduced restrictions on abortion in the state. A few short months later, Georgia became the first of several states to pass laws imposing strict restrictions on abortion, including in the cases of rape and incest. What sociological concept demonstrates why two states passed such dramatically different laws to address a social problem at roughly the same time? Social constructions of what is—and is not—a social problem vary from state to state In 1960, Lois Rabinowitz was ejected from a New York traffic court for wearing pants, which was considered indecent. In 2019, a federal judge struck down a dress code at a charter school in North Carolina that required girls to wear skirts, claiming that it was unconstitutional and discriminatory toward females. What conclusion can be inferred from this change? Perceptions of social problems change over time. Which term describes the rules, values, beliefs, and material goods of a society? Culture The government is an example of a social institution. What movement’s ideas, values, and beliefs emphasized reason an rationality? Enlightenment Which American sociologist for the early twentieth century used data to advocate fo policies to address social problems? Jane Addams The Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution were catalysts for the formation of sociology as an academic discipline. Jane Addams established one of the first settlement houses in the United States, Hull House, in order to provide social services for low income immigrants. Based on their life’s work, which sociologist can be described as a sociologist in action— using their sociological skills to convince people that social injustices are social problems to be addressed? W.E.B. Du Bois What did Jane Addams do with the research she conducted? She convinced policy makers to address social problems What researcher inspired W.E.B Du Bois’ data collection methods? Jane Addams Prior to the 2000s, portrayals of LGBTQ individuals in the media were overwhelmingly negative and hyperbolic. In a 2006 study, Edward Schiappa, Peter Gregg and Dean Hewes found that the TV show Will and Grace, which included more positive and “normal” portrayals of LGBTQ individuals than seen in years past, was successful in reducing homophobia. What does this study illustrate? Social problems are constructed and deconstructed by societies

Which statement about social problems is true? Powerful individuals and groups can influence what society believes to be a social problem Based on what you know about how social problems are constructed, which social issue is most likely to be considered a social problem? Several gang-related burglaries occur in a gated community In 2006, a poll conducted by Langer Research Associates for ABC News found that 85% of people believed that climate change was caused by human activity. In 2018, the same poll found that the number had decreased to 81%. Based on what you know about how social problems are constructed, which explanation is the most likely cause for the decrease? In recent years, powerful corporations have worked harder to influence public opinion on climate change in a way that benefits the corporations People with the most power have he most influence over what a society believes. Juanita is troubled by the rising number of shootings in her community. She lacks money and power, but desperately wants to make a lasting structural difference. If she is to be successful, what is the next thing she should do? Form an organized group of like-minded people You have identified a social problem you are interested in studying. According to the social scientific research process, what is your next step? Conduct a literature review What is one characteristic of a bad source of information to look out for when conducting a literature review? The researcher omits explaining data collection What is one characteristic of a good source of information for a literature review? The researcher explains in detail how data was collected Which factor indicates that a source is trustworthy? It includes information about who funded the research By following the steps of the social science research process, researchers can protect against bias.

What variables are used to determine an individual’s social class? Education, income, and occupation In spite of the fact that Aisha was born a Shudra, or a low-status worker, her Hindu faith tells her that if she is a good person, she will be reborn into a higher group. She focuses not on her daily struggles, but instead on the better life she will have when she is reincarnated. Aisha’s society is stratified based on which criteria? Caste

Which perspective considers economic inequality to be good for society? Davis-Moore hypothesis Which perspective theorizes economic inequality as an exclusive benefit to the wealthy and powerful? Social reproduction theory According to the Davis-Moore hypothesis, what is the cause of economic inequality? The fair distribution of societal rewards The richest one percent of people in the world own about one-half of the world’s wealth. If you want to calculate your wealth, you need to add up the value of everything you own, and subtract the amount of money you owe. Which Global North nation has the highest level of wealth inequality? United States Patrick graduated college and worked as a financial analyst for three years. The firm he worked for experienced a crisis due to fraudulent activity and he was laid off. He enjoyed a comfortable upper class lifestyle before he was laid off. After months of being unemployed, his house was under foreclosure and he suffered a devastating illness. Due to his special medical needs he went on government assistance and moved in with his brother’s family. Patrick’s shifting class position illustrates intragenerational mobility. Valerie grew up middle class. She became one of the best surgeons in the country and ran a successful private practice. Valerie’s parents and grandparents were public school teachers and taught her the value of hard work and education. What describes the mobility she experienced compared to her parents’ generation? Intergenerational mobility Valerie grew up middle class. She became one of the best surgeons in the country and ran a successful private practice. Valerie’s parents and grandparents were public school teachers and taught her the value of hard work and education. What describes the mobility she experienced compared to her parents’ generation? Social class reproduction What variable is the strongest predictor of the social class status an individual attains throughout their life? Parent’s social class Which perspective is characterized by a desire to lower taxes, weaken unions, decrease regulation, and increase the power wielded by corporations? Neoliberalism What policy calls for the government to move money from one group to another for the purposes of reducing economic inequality? Redistribution policies Which statement is true about education in the United States? High school graduates earn about half of what a college graduate earns How does social capital benefit people in the upper-class? They know people in power who can open up opportunities for them

Countries with an unequal distribution of income and wealth are more likely to oppress civil liberties. Social reproduction assumes that society is unfair and the Davis-Moore hypothesis assumes that society is a/an meritocracy. Which statement is true about countries with higher tax rates? They have less inequality and higher mobility rates How are minimum wage laws related to economic inequality? A stagnant minimum wage contributes to economic inequality During which period of time did the United States increase income and wealth equality through economic policy? 1930 to 1960

Race is a socially constructed identity based on various phenotypical markers. Professor Hermsen explained that race is a social construction. This means that race is not constant across time or location. Which statistical fact is true about racial grouping? There is more variation within any one group than between groups A sociology student asked how sociologists study race if race is not actually real. How would the professor answer? Race is real in its consequences Prejudice is to attitude as racial discrimination is to action. A person says, “I don’t prefer to speak about race. I accept all people no matter what color; it can be green, blue, or anything really.” This is an example of colorblind racism. Which sociologist directed attention to studies of racial privilege? Peggy McIntosh What was the purpose of the Naturalization Act of 1790? It gave American citizenship to Whites exclusively Which group received the most help from the government to acquire land and wealth throughout American history? Whites What was the consequence of the 14th Amendment? It made everyone born in the United States a citizen In addition to redlining, which other legal strategy was used to accomplish racial segregation? Restrictive covenants

Suburbanization caused most wealthy people to move out of the city. As a result, the residential property values in urban areas decreased. With fewer people looking to buy real estate in the city, the better investments were in the suburbs where demand for purchasing a home was high. As property values plummeted in urban areas, real estate investors bought former mansions for very cheap and turned them into luxury apartment complexes for students attending a university nearby. Low-income residents were forced out of the city as property values and investment begin to climb back up in certain areas. This describes the process of gentrification. Which factor is most influential in shaping wealth inequality in the United States? Government policies What is one reliable way social scientists measure the extent of racial profiling? State records of traffic stops and patrol by police Which term refers to redrawing boundaries of voting districts to neutralize the votes of racial and ethnic minority groups? Gerrymandering Sociologist Devah Pager conducted an audit study to document the process of landing a job interview. The study featured pairs of applicants equally qualified except for the status of race and criminal history. What were the findings of this groundbreaking research? Whites with a criminal record were more likely to be called back than Black applicants without a criminal record. According to data from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) since the election of President Trump hates crimes have increased. What is the most effective way to destroy stereotypes? Changing the opportunity structure Before World War II a popular stereotype about Jewish people was that they were naturally athletic. When the opportunity structure changed they gained access to whiteness and wealth and fewer Jewish people focused their time and energy on playing sports. As a result, this stereotype faded away. This historical example demonstrates how racial stereotypes are socially constructed. What is an easy way to address racism and racial inequality? Voting for candidates who propose ways to address them...

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