Adecco Interview Tips - Other PDF

Title Adecco Interview Tips - Other
Author Anonymous User
Course Company Law
Institution University of Leicester
Pages 2
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Interview Tips

Being invited for an interview means you've effectively convinced a potential employer that you're capable of filling the role. A face-to-face meeting is your chance to show that you're the best candidate available - and decide if the role and the company are right for you. TRA: 0275/V01

Interview Tips pect

Making a great impression - your five-point plan 1. Arrive on time Plan your route in advance and allow time for bus, train or traffic problems. If you are running late, make that all-important call and contact your Adecco consultant or the interviewer direct to advise them of when you expect to arrive. 2. Look the part You never get a second chance to make a first impression - so make sure you look smart and business like for your interview. Shake hands with confidence, remember to smile and maintain regular eye contact. 3. Know your stuff Take time to find out about the company you're talking to: visit their website, brief yourself about their main products and services, recent performance, client base, competitors and brand values. Make sure you know how many people they employ and where they operate. And don't forget to ask your Adecco consultant what they know too. Come up with a couple of thought-provoking but relevant questions to ask the interviewer: 'How do you invest in people and career development?' 'How has the business changed over the past year?' 'What new products or services do you have in the pipeline?' Questions like these can help you stand out from the crowd. 4. Don't stop when the interview ends Try to leave the interview on a positive note. Thank the interviewer for his or her time and tell them how much you've enjoyed the experience. As soon as possible after leaving, phone or email your Adecco consultant to let us know how things went. 5. Tips to remember • Be polite, be honest, be yourself.

• Think before you answer any question. • Show your interest, enthusiasm and energy. • Accentuate the positive reasons for wanting to leave your current job.

A number of questions come up in almost every interview, so it's a good idea to think through answers that put your skills and experience in a positive light and rehearse them in advance.

• What do you know about our company? • What relevant qualifications and experience do you have? • Which of your previous jobs have you enjoyed most and least; and why?

• What have you done that demonstrated personal initiative? • Where do you see yourself five years from now? • What are your strengths and weaknesses? • Why are you looking for a new job? • Why do you want this particular position? • What attracted you to this company? • How would you describe yourself? Questions to ask A good interviewer will always give you the opportunity to ask questions. They may cover a lot of important information in their questions, but you should always consider asking one or two yourself. These may be about the role, or the company and its prospects.

• Who will I report to? • Who will I be working with and what are their roles? • What training and development opportunities do you offer? • What are the prospects for promotion? • Why has the job become available? • When will you be making a final decision? • Where does your company stand in any industry or sector league tables?

• Do you have any significant mergers, acquisitions or expansions planned for the short or medium term?

For more information visit /, or speak to one of our consultants.

• Explain what makes you unique and how you could make a positive difference.


• Don't be negative about past employers or colleagues....

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