ADHD Final Essay (1) - Grade: A PDF

Title ADHD Final Essay (1) - Grade: A
Author Shauna Floyd
Course English Composition 1
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
File Size 93.6 KB
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Rhetorical analysis of ADHD CDC Webpage using ethos, logos, and pathos...



How the CDC Effectively Informs Caregivers About ADHD

Shauna Floyd College of Education, Grand Canyon University UNV-105 English Composition Mary Petty November 8Th, 2020

2 More than six million children nationwide have been diagnosed with ADHD (CDC, 2018). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does research and gives information about conditions, diseases, and many other illnesses in order to ensure that Americans are knowledgeable and safe. ADHD is theorized as a neurological and behavior disorder that causes high levels of hyperactivity, attention deficit, and several behavioral deficiencies (CDC, 2018). The CDC’s “What is ADHD” webpage gives focus to many things including the symptoms, types, treatments, and ways to manage and find support. The goal of the ADHD webpage is to provide information to the public, primarily caretakers. The CDC effectively uses logos, ethos, and pathos to appeal to caregivers in order to educate them on ADHD. To begin, the CDC effectively uses logos on the ADHD webpage by appealing to the readers reasoning using simplicity and being straight to the point. Logos is defined as using logic and reason to persuade or connect with an audience. Information is provided in sections which makes the website easily understood and easy to navigate. The sections state what information is provided which allows someone to find a specific piece of information with ease, further appealing to logic. Another big piece of information that appeals to logos is the references. The CDC reiterates their expertise by showing the reader that they did not come up with information on their own, rather they worked with various reliable people and companies to create a completely accurate source of information. This easily understood presentation of information effectively appeals to readers much more than an informational source that may be unorganized or bias. In addition, the CDC effectively uses ethos by using their own name and giving recognition to various partners who helped with research. Ethos is defined as appealing to

3 readers by showing the authority or credibility of the creator. While the CDC is widely known and respected as a research and informational organization with a goal of keeping Americans safe, they still work with various institutions, organizations, and other sources that help them do research. The footnotes on the page are a great example of this. It is noted at the bottom of the main “What is ADHD” page “Content Source: National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities” with a link to the centers page for more information (CDC, 2018). As previously mentioned, they do not display bias. The CDC has a “goal to protect and inform Americans of health and safety concerns no matter the disease, or where it started” (CDC, 2019). Expressing any kind of bias would take away from their appeal to ethos. The CDC effectively displays credibility on their website as well as the other platforms they use when presenting information to the public. Furthermore, the CDC effectively uses pathos by appealing to the readers emotions through the use of pictures and tone. Pictures of mothers hugging their children appeals to a comforting nature. The CDC shows that they sincerely care about children with ADHD and want them to get the help they need. They mention that despite research, there is no known cause for ADHD. The condition may be genetic, but they cannot know for sure (CDC, 2018). Sensitivity is shown in their explanation of there not being a cure, further appealing to pathos. They also show compassion through their page by urging parents to find their own support such as the NRC. They state that “CDC funds the National Resource Center on ADHD (NRC), a program of Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD). The NRC provides resources, information, and advice for parents on how to help their child.” (CDC, 2018). While reading the “get help” section of the webpage, there is a personal tone to be noticed. The CDC shows that they care and genuinely think it is important to seek help when

4 facing this condition. Through the use of tone, pictures, and research backed information, the reader will notice an appeal to their emotions. In conclusion, the CDC effectively captures the interest and educates caretakers on the subject of ADHD. The CDC makes their webpage approachable by keeping it to the point and easily understood. They show their credibility not only by being the CDC, but by displaying resources and credentials of all research partners and organizations. Finally, they show that they care about the seriousness of the condition by using pictures and tones that greatly appeal to the readers emotions. They have effectively displayed their competency, and care for people with all conditions and in all adversities.

5 References CDC. (2018a, September 19). What is ADHD? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC. (2018b, September 21). Data and Statistics About ADHD. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC. (2018c, December 20). Symptoms and Diagnosis. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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