ADHD Paper - Grade: A PDF

Title ADHD Paper - Grade: A
Author carie dearing
Course Psychopathology
Institution University of Phoenix
Pages 6
File Size 85.4 KB
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Research-Based Interventions on Stress Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Conduct Disorders, and PSYCH/650 June 11, 2018 Mary A Newhams




Research-Based Interventions on Stress Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Conduct Disorders, and ADHD Paper The following paper will cover attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which is actually known as ADHD. This is a disorder that affects both children and adults and has to do with the brain. Research regarding this disorder will be covered as well as the treatments and interventions that seem to work best for the ADHD patient. Also discussed will be how they use the diathesis stress model from a psychological perspective when it has to do with this disorder. Research Studies and ADHD There have been many different types of research studies that have been done for the disorder. These research studies are done in order to try and get a better perspective on the disorder and to get a better understanding. This is a disorder that makes children and adults have symptoms that may seem normal to others but are more severe to them. Such as having a shortened attention span, they may seem to be more hyper and have more energy than others and, they may act on impulse more so then others would. This usually starts at a younger age and while some seem to be able to cope with it more than others they seem to handle it better when they are adults. These research studies are also conducted by the CDC and they use them in order to see what the causes are of ADHD. There are also some studies that help pinpoint what the best treatment would be for ADHD. They also use this research in order to compile information to help those who are living with the disorder have better resources and tools to use (“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention”, 2018). There have been studies that have been done regarding the brain function of children that have ADHD. These studies have been done in order to find out how children and adolescents who suffer from this disorder also can get extremely irritable, insomnia, sadness and, even anger.



Their moods seem to change and it can cause great frustration in them at times. The studies are done to see when these patients that are in the study exhibit this type of behavior do their brains function differently than others who do not have this disorder ("National Resource Center On Adhd", 2018). Diathesis Stress Model and ADHD While there are many mental health professionals who feel that ADHD is a disorder that affects the neurological system in a person only there are some researchers that have been studying this disorder and believe that the environmental factors can play a large role in ADHD. This is where the Diathesis Stress Model can come into play and will help in examining how it can all tie together. It will take how it can be inherited and vulnerable and interact it with the environmental factors that are present. By using this theory it can show how there are some people depending on their environment who can develop these mental illnesses then others. This diathesis stress model has actually shown where unlike other mental illnesses such as depression and such ADHD can actually start at birth and what the environmental factors can do is add to the severity of the illness or disorder (“Mental Help”, 2015). Treatments and Interventions for ADHD ADHD is a very common disorder that you hear about all of the time. It seems that when children are just starting school is when it seems to be noticed by someone and then the parent ends up having the child tested for it. This can take some time as there are many different ways that they may test for it. Children can have this disorder on different levels as some may not be as severe as others. There are interventions that have been shown to work on some and that would be behavioral therapy. There seems to be two significant therapies that can help a child when it has to do with managing their symptoms that they may struggle with. Some of these



symptoms can be impulsiveness, hyperactivity and, inattention. What these therapies can do is teach the child on how to deal with their symptoms ("Child Mind Institute", 2017). There are also interventions that can take place at school since this is where there are a lot of children who have this disorder seem to have a lot of frustration and issues. There interventions that can help on the school level is where they can be graded each day on how their behavior is. When they are seeing a positive reward for how they behave this can give them the encouragement that they may need. In order for these types of interventions to work the parents and teachers both have to be involved. Medication is another form of treatment that children with ADHD have the option of using. There are many parents out there that when their child is first diagnosed with ADHD they seem to struggle with the possibility of putting them on a medication that can help them with the disorder. There seems to be a lot of controversary over the medication that children are put on for ADHD as they are actually stimulants and some parents are scared of this. Research has shown that a stimulant medication has a very high success rate for children who have this disorder. It can help them with being able to concentrate among other things. It actually changes the brains chemicals to where they react differently. It can help in changing the dopamine in one’s brain which it will function differently. There are several different forms of the medication that can fit with the child’s needs (“Child Mind Institute”, 2017).

Conclusion This is a very popular disorder that has had a large amount of research done on it to see what can work and what does not work for ADHD. There are many children who have this



disorder as it is very common and can be treated well with interventions and sometimes medication depending on how severe the disorder is. As with any disorder the severity can be on many different levels. People with this disorder learn how to cope and deal with it by using the tools and resources as well as medication.

References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(2018). Retrieved from


Child Mind Institute (2017). Retrieved from Mental Help (2015). Retrieved from National Institute of Mental Health(2018). Retrieved from National Resource Center on ADHD(2018). Retrieved from


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