Testimony Paper - Grade: A PDF

Title Testimony Paper - Grade: A
Author Nariah J
Course Intercultural Communication and Engagement
Institution Liberty University
Pages 3
File Size 69.2 KB
File Type PDF
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personal testimony paper...


Nariah Johnson Salvation Story

02/05/2021 EVAN 101-002

My life before I came to Christ. I grew up in a large family that believed in raising their children up with Christian morals and values and heavily believed in the resurrecting power of Jesus Christ. We would go to church every Sunday morning and be back again for evening service every Sunday night. I always knew who God was and that he was the creator of everything, and I loved reading the bible stories of miracles and marvelous works that God had done throughout time. Circumstances surrounding me becoming a Christian As a child, it was extremely hard for me to comprehend the wording of the KJV bible that I had grown up reading and many things I took quite literally. This made it hard for me to comprehend the concept of Jesus Christ’s life on earth as being fully man and fully God or just exactly how him dying on a cross saves me from my own sins. In fact, I did not even understand what being condemned to hell truly meant and I believed the way to stay saved was to be a perfect Christian. It was not until later in my teen years that I truly grasped the saving power of Jesus Christ after years of growing up in the church and learning more and more of what the gospel of Christ truly means and his sacrificial death on mount calvary. I was about thirteen years old at a summer bible camp when I rededicated my life to Christ and accepted Jesus as my lord and savior. My Spiritual Growth Since I Became A Christian Ever since I accepted the gift of salvation, I have started to rekindle my relationship with God in that I no longer blatantly remove him from my life and rather lean on him more and more every day to guide my decisions and learn more about who God is as the ultimate creator rather than as my own personal genie in a lamp. I realized that in order to maintain a real personal

Nariah Johnson Salvation Story

02/05/2021 EVAN 101-002

relationship with God was to seek his guidance and fellowship with him through prayer and learn the truths and promises and behaviors of God through reading the bible. Creation All of creation begins when God spoke light into existence. In Genesis 1:1 the Bible tells us that in the beginning there was only God and darkness was the only thing that existed before he created our universe. Using only his words He formed the earth and the skies and every living creature that inhabits it. The Bible also states that it took him seven days to complete this creation. Toward the end of the seven days God looked at what he had made and was incredibly pleased, yet he knew that something was missing, to ensure that there was somebody to maintain his creation and all the creatures he had made, He communed with the holy trinity and decided to create man after his own likeness out of the soil from the earth. He called this man Adam and gave him a companion that he called Eve. He placed the two in the Garden of Eden where everything was without sin or transgression. They lived in the garden content and one with nature. Along with this perfect world, God also equipped Adam and Eve with the free will to make their own choices. God told them that they could do and eat anything they desired in the garden with the exception that they do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Fall They were submissive to God for some time and lived cheerfully till one day, but man was destined to sin against God, so one day while Adam was off fulfilling his duties in the garden Eve went on a walk. Satan once known as Lucifer the head angel of music, came into the garden as a snake set on fooling Eve into eating the fruit cursing mankind. once he had deceived Eve into eating the fruit, Adam was soon to follow being convinced by his wife that if he ate the fruit he too would be like God. Soon after God cased Adam and Eve out of the garden for their

Nariah Johnson Salvation Story

02/05/2021 EVAN 101-002

disobedience and cursed the earth so that man would have to struggle and damned mankind's souls to hell out of the presence of God forever. Rescue As a result of God's endless love and kindness for us, God has always had a plan to save humankind from this horrendous fate. Through his son Jesus Christ's sacrificial life on earth, where he spread the gospel and the good news of his kingdom to all people, we are able to have our souls reconnected to God and be in his presents for all eternity. By believing that Jesus was and is the son of God and accepting that his death on the cross was meant to save us from our sins and believe in our hearts that he is Lord, we will be saved from our own sin nature and be promised a place in God's kingdom forever. Restoration Three days after Jesus had been buried in a tomb, he arose out of the grave and after a period of serving many individuals he rose into paradise leaving the spirit of God as a guide for the individuals who accept to follow him and a guarantee that he will return again to recover all his children and take them up to paradise and for the last time reestablish God's creation back to its unique, unadulterated form for eternity....

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