Administrative Office Procedures and Management PDF

Title Administrative Office Procedures and Management
Course Office Administration
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
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Lectures in Administrative Office Procedures and Management ...


Explanation How Technology Influences Office Practices Major Parts of an Office -Organization and repetition Email -is still the primary method of communication -allows businesses to communicate and send these files quickly Internet -essential part of technology today How Employees Develop Understanding of Organization in which they work? Structure of the Organization Sole proprietorship -is a single owner of an unincorporated business. -may also be referred to as an independent contractor, consultant, or freelancer. -all responsibilities, profits, and losses belong to the owner. Partnership -consists of an association of two or more people as coowners of a business. -all profits and losses are distributed to the partners according to the terms of partnership agreement. -Partnerships are largely being replaced by limited liability company. Limited Liability Company -is a business formed from the tax advantages of a partnership and the limited liability of a corporation. -it must include two or more members. LLC can own property, loan money, enter into contracts, elect or appoint managers or agents. -Professional such as accountants, medical doctors and lawyers may operate as an LLC. Corporations -are legal entities formed by following a formal process of incorporation set forth by state statues. -It may be publicly or privately owned. -Owners are called stockholders, who owns shares of stock in the company. -S-corporations are type of corporation must have 75 or fewer stockholders.

Nonprofit organizations -are those that are formed to promote a civic, charitable, or artistic purpose. -these corporations are generally exempt from taxation on their income. -however, they do have responsibilities for reporting their income, assets, and activities. Governmental entities -are organizations founded and managed by a local, state, or national government. -Governmental units include city services, country services, state services, and national services. -there are numerous departments, commissions, bureaus, and boards in all governmental units. -these may be profit or nonprofit entities. Organizational culture -business has reflects on its key values, beliefs and attitudes that describe the organization and the way it conducts business. -It is sometimes called the personality of the organization. Ways to Obtain Information about the Organization Communication -is a process of delivering information within an organization whether it is verbal or nonverbal. -it is essential for linking all the staffs inside and outside of an organization. Effective Questioning -are questions that are powerful and thought provoking. -It is open-ended and not leading questions. -They are not “Why” questions, but rather -“What” or “How”. “Why” questions are good for soliciting information. Effective Listening -is the ability to listen to the answer and suspend judgment. -being intent on understanding what the person who is talking is really saying or what is behind their words. -There are 4 ways of effective listening: you can articulate; clarify; be curious; listen actively.

The Relationship of Office to the Overall Organization There are two concepts of office, the traditional and the modern concept. Traditional Concept -defines office as the place to perform all managerial and clerical activities. -it is the definite area in business. -all business functions are regulated and directed from office. -it collects and stores information of office. Modern Concept -office explains office as an activity rather than the place. -any place can be said as an office, if the official activities such as executive and clerical activities function are performed. What is the relationship of office to the overall organization? -An office is the center point of organization. -It is a place to perform different activities of a business organization. -The office is the brain of a whole organization. -It performs a clerical function such as information collection, recording analyzing, distribution of information and executive function such as planning, policies formulation, organization, decision making etc. Functions of office in an organization -Receiving and collection of information -Recording information -Analyzing -Storing Information -Distribution of Information Explain Employer Expectations and Factors Related to Developing Office Competencies Characteristics that can be possessed by all, regardless of their job title: -Positive Attitude -Dependability -Continual Learning -Initiative -Cooperation Competence -is the ability of an individual to do job properly.

Competency -is set of defined behaviors that provide a structured guide enabling the identification, evaluation and development of the behaviors in individual employees. Key Competencies -Teamwork -Responsibility -Commitment to career -Commercial awareness -Career motivation -Decision making -Communication Core Competency -The foundation of company competitiveness. -it can be defined as "a harmonized combination of multiple resources and skills that distinguish a firm in the marketplace". Core Competencies -Analytical Thinking -Decision Making -Computer Competency -Empowers Communication -Client Service -Evaluation -Creative Thinking -Excellent Communication -Foward Thinking -Flexibility -Conceptual Thinking -Conflict Resolution -Interpersonal relation -Project management -Interpersonal awareness -Risk management and assessment -Leadership -Persuasive communication -Writing skills Future Prospects for Employment Where Office Competencies are Valuable Key Competencies for Workplace Globalized -Cross cultural acumen, ability to work across borders. Collaborative: -Social intelligence -Ability to lead virtual teams

Digitized: -Sense-making -Computational thinking -New media library -Cognitive load management Agile: -Novel thinking -Design mindset -Transdisciplinarity Justin Reich -executive director at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Teaching Systems Lab. Tiffany Shlain -filmmaker and founder of the Webby Awards. William J. Ward -a university communications professor. Pamela Rutledge -director of the Media Psychology Research Center. Nathaniel Borenstein -chief scientist at Mimecast. The Office Competencies Word Processing -Creating written documents such as letters or reports by using software programs and computers. Data Processing -Collecting, organizing, analyzing, and summarizing data. The data is generally in numeric form.

Responsible Teamwork -Teamwork involves combining the efforts of two or more people to accomplish a task or achieve a goal. Global Marketplace -More U.S. companies are selling goods and services abroad. Many companies are expanding through ecommerce. Diversity -It relates to organizations, means having a workforce with people from a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Competencies for the Office -Composing and formatting letters and reports -Creating spreadsheets and charts -Creating and maintaining databases -Creating and giving presentations -Keeping workstation organized -Keyboarding and proofreading accurately -Learning software programs -Listening and following instructions -Maintaining records and files -Meeting deadlines -Prioritizing tasks -Speaking appropriately by telephone -Using references such as the Internet, databases, and reference books -Working in teams effectively

Information Management and Transmission: Information management -refers to organizing, maintaining, and accessing data. Transmission -refers to sharing information both within and outside the organization.

Explain the Issues/Factors That Affect Achieving Company Goals Issues/Factors: Staff/ Employees -employees are a major part of your company's internal environment. -employees have to be good at their jobs, whether it's writing code or selling products

Developing Office Competencies Total quality management -means establishing and maintaining high standards in how work is done and in the creation and delivery of goods and services.

Money/ Financial -lack of money can determine whether your company survives or dies.

Continuous Improvement -being alert at all times to ways of working more productively. This concept overlaps the principles of TQM.

Company Culture: Internal culture -consists of the values, attitudes and priorities that your employees live by.

Cutthroat culture -where every employee competes with one another creates a different environment from a company that emphasizes collaboration and teamwork.

Ways to Improve Competencies -Coaching -Voluntary Training -Challenge

Competition -you fight against established, more experienced businesses in the same industry.

Definition of Information and how Business use Information Information -The English word apparently derives from the Latin stem (information) -nominative word (informatio): meaning concept or idea -verb informare (to inform) in the sense of "to give form to the mind", "to discipline", "instruct", "teach". -Information is any entity or form that provides the answer to a question of some kind or resolves uncertainty.

Economy -even a well-run business may not be able to survive. Politics -changes in government policy can have a huge effect on your business. Customers and Suppliers -customers and suppliers may be the most important people you deal with. Prepare a Strategy for Developing Office Competencies Word Processing -The production, storage and manipulation of text on a computer or word processor. Data Processing -A series of operations on data, especially by a computer, to retrieve, transform or classify information. Information Management and Transmission -Refers to organizing, maintaining and accessing data. -Refers to sharing information both within and outside the organization. General Managing and Communicating -is to infuse some essential skills that require an entrant to work. 10 Communication Skills -Listener -Non-verbal -Clarity and concision -Friendliness -Confidence -Empathy -Open-mindedness -Respect -Feedback -Picking the right medium

Information -is a central concept in our daily life. Information literacy -as a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed. How Business Use Information Customer Information -purchasing information they can get to learn who is buying what products and why. -modify products, combine them with other products, and maximize their benefits and attractiveness to consumers. -tell consumers about the availability of products that may interest them. -evaluate the marketplace by surveying changing tastes and needs, monitoring buyers' intentions and attitudes, and assessing the characteristics of the market. There are two major uses of customer information that make information valuable: -First, businesses use it to learn what customers’ wants and needs. -Second, they use it to more efficiently offer their products to customers. Sources of Information for Business Print Information Television and Radio Media Online Information

Information Systems -an organized system for the collection, organization, storage and communication of information. -use to collect, filter, process, create and distribute data -group of components that interact to produce information Important Use of Information Systems Organized Data Perspective on Your Business Future Information Storage Avoiding Crisis Easier Decision Making Analyzing and Planning Data Control Describe how the internet affects the way business acquire, use and share information Convenience Reach -can overcome barriers of distance. -can sell goods in any part of the country without setting up local outlets, widening your target market. Cost -Marketing products on the Internet costs less than marketing them through a physical retail outlet. -do not have the recurring costs of property rental and maintenance. Personalization -personalize offers to customers by building a profile of their purchasing history and preferences. -can make targeted offers that reflect their interests. Relationships -building relationships with customer and increasing customer retention levels. Social -enables you to be open for business around the clock without worrying about store opening hours or overtime payments for staff. Effects of Proper use of Information Information sharing Reduce Mailing Expenses Improved Efficiency Increased Business

Acquire Information Generate New Customer Crete Localized Content and Promotions Updated about the Country Investment Information Use of Information Show that you listen to and engage with your customers Uses Powers of Customers Testimonials Uses Customers feedback to make improvement List of Security Measures Information System The Information Security Triad Confidentiality -protecting information -we want to be able to restrict access to those who are allowed to see it. Integrity -the assurance that the information being accessed has not been altered and truly represents what is intended. Availability -information can be accessed and modified by anyone authorized to do so. Tools for Information Security Authentication -are used to ensure that the person accessing the information is, indeed, who they present themselves to be. Authentication can be accomplished by identifying someone through one or more of three factors: ● something they know ● something they have ● something they are Identifying someone through their physical characteristics is called biometrics. Access Control: -determines which users are authorized to read, modify, add, and/or delete information. Access Control List (ACL) -a list of users who have the ability to take specific actions. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) -Users are assigned to roles and then those roles are assigned the access. Backups

-based on how important the data is to the company -the ability of the company to replace any data that is lost Firewall (Anti-virus): -firewall protects all company servers and computers by stopping packets from outside the organization’s network. Hardware Firewall -is a device that is connected to the network and filters the packets based on a set of rules. Software Firewall -runs on the operating system and intercept packets as they arrive to a computer. Intrusion Detection System -configured to watch for specific types of activities and then alert security personnel if that activity occurs. Personal Information Security -Be smart about your connections. -Back up your data. -Secure your accounts with two-factor authentication. -Be suspicious of strange links and attachments. -Install antivirus software and keep it up to date. Identify Critical Components and Common Techniques in Improving Reading Skills Improving your reading skills -will reduce unnecessary reading time and enable you to read in a more focused and selective manner. 6 Essential Skills for Reading Comprehension 1.Decoding -is a vital step in the reading process. People use this skill to sound out words they’ve heard before but haven’t seen written out. -relies on an early language skill called phonemic awareness. (This skill is part of an even broader skill called phonological awareness.) Phonemic awareness -enable people to hear individual sounds in words (known as phonemes).

2. Fluency

-learners need to instantly recognize words, including ones they can’t sound out. Fluency speeds up the rate at which they can read and understand text. Word recognition -is the ability to recognize whole words instantly by sight, without sounding them out. 3. Vocabulary -Having a strong vocabulary is a key component of reading comprehension. -typically learn the meaning of words through everyday experience and also by reading. 4. Sentence Construction and Cohesion -might connecting ideas within and between sentences, which is called cohesion. -Knowing how ideas link up at the sentence level helps people get meaning from passages and entire texts. 5. Reasoning and Background Knowledge -So it’s important for people to have background or prior knowledge about the world when they read. -They also need to be able to “read between the lines” and extract meaning even when it’s not literally spelled out. 6. Working Memory and Attention -Working memory allows them to hold on to that information and use it to gain meaning and build knowledge from what they’re reading. -Working memory and attention are part of executive function. -The ability to self-monitor while reading is also tied to that. Techniques for Building Reading Skills 1. Teach Close Reading Skills -Guide learners in annotation by directing them to do more than highlight or underline. -Encourage them to have a conversation with the text by jotting notes on the text while reading. Annotations also help people identify which strategies work best for them as they try to process and understand information. Annotations can include: Defining new words Asking questions Coding recurring words and themes

Making personal connections to the text Citing current events Highlighting heading and subheadings Summarizing paragraphs Chunking Categorizing information Numbering and ordering Drawing pictures 2. Appeal to the sense -This can be further reinforced especially for visual learners by using a document camera or overhead projector to write questions, mark key words and phrases, and interact with a text. 3. Guide Students in Setting Reading Goals -Write a reader’s biography to gain insight into their reading habits, struggles, and successes; this serves as a foundation for discussions. 4. Vary Text Length -Approaching a particularly difficult text, break it up and offer it in shorter segments. -Smaller segments allows the students to digest chunks in pieces, acquire academic vocabulary, and build confidence. 5. Offer Opportunities for Choice Reading -the best way to improve reading is to read, and people are more likely to read when they have a choice in the reading. -Encourage people to take books for personal reading. Ask about their interests and make recommendations. 6. Assess Content and Skill -Students should be able to demonstrate their skills in assessment, whether it’s formal or informal, formative or summative. -Taking time to discuss and actively engage students in the process will keep skill development at the forefront of learning. Explain Common Techniques for Improving Reading Skills Reading skills -refers to the ability to understand written text.

4 Main Types of Reading Techniques Intensive Reading -“calls attention to grammatical forms, discourse markers, and other surface structure details for the purpose of understanding literal meaning, implications, rhetorical relationships, and the like.” Extensive Reading -is to carried out “to achieve a general understanding of a text.” -“occurring when students read large amounts of high interest material, usually out of class, concentrating on meaning, “reading for gist” and skipping unknown words.” Scanning -A quick reading, focusing on locating specific information. -is used when a specific piece of information is required, such as a name, date, symbol, formula, or phrase, is required. Skimming Skimming is a quick reading to get: -To know the general meaning of a passage -To know how the passage is organized, that is, the structure of the text -To get the author’s purpose The Nature of Writing Tasks at Workplace 10 Reasons Why are Writing Skills are so Important 1. Writing skills ensure effective business communication 2. Writing skills make the difference between “good” and “bad” employees 3. You demonstrate your intelligence 4. Good writers are credible 5. You can be more influential 6. Business writing conveys courtesy. 7. Writing skills help to keep a good records. 8. You boost your professional confidence. 9. You promote yourself and your career. 10. Business writing builds a solid web presence. Effective writing -is the ability to communicate a written message clearly and concisely. Workplace writing

-you are writing for the organization, your department, your manager to express an organizational point of view. Personal writing -you are writing to express a personal thought or point of view. Preparin...

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