Office management PDF

Title Office management
Author Rekha 172
Course Front Office Operations - 2
Institution University of Delhi
Pages 16
File Size 579.4 KB
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Introduction and Importance of an office: An office is generally a room or other area where administrative work is done, but may also denote a position within an organization with specific duties attached to it. Office is a place originally referring to the location of one's duty or a business-related tasks done with all coordination.

Departments or functions:       

Production. Research and Development (often abbreviated to R&D) Purchasing. Marketing (including the selling function) Human Resource Management. Accounting and Finance. What is an office manager?

Functions, Duties and Characteristics of office manager: Office managers, also called administrative service managers, are business professionals who are responsible for a diverse set of administrative tasks. What is the duties /responsibility of a manager? Managers are responsible for ensuring that all employees are doing their jobs correctly, thoroughly, and on time. Office Manager is just like a Secretary PA. But he is not office administrator. Office administrator has higher authority than to Office manager. Job Duties: Maintains office services by organizing office operations and procedures; preparing payroll; controlling correspondence; designing filing systems; reviewing and approving supply requisitions; assigning and monitoring clerical functions. The job can range widely in duties and responsibilities, from reception, copy editing and support, to handling a specific type of paperwork or filing for a specific department

1. Staffing An office manager is requested to recruit and select the office staff by the top management so he will conduct the tests and select the right personnel.

2. Leadership Being a leader of office, he is in charge of public relations and helps other departments to achieve their goals set forth.

3. Training The need of training has been decided by office manager. Training or course programme is provided to staff.

4. Coordination The various activities of office staff Senior to junior are coordinated by the office manager.

5. Work Measurement An office manager devices methods of work measurement in terms of the output of the staff. It is a difficult task.

6. Motivation The efficiency of staff is increased by providing proper motivation by Office manager, so he can promote any staff.

7. Discipline The implementation of rules and regulation of office is in the hands of office manager. He also attends grievances with no personal biasness of office staff. In this way discipline is maintained.

8. Accounting He has thorough knowledge on accounting. Every figure should be kept in finger tips.

9. Stationery Control Office manager has to exercise proper control on stationery purchase and issue.

10. Secretarial Services All the accounts books are kept under the custody of office manager. An officer manager is responsible to conduct meetings, drafts reports and minutes etc. on behalf of secretary. In this way, he does the functions of secretary.

11. Costing He also maintains costing records and do the costing work.

12. Organizer The office work has been assessed and assigned to office staff according to their knowledge, ability, experience, qualification liked by the office manager.

13. Supervisor The office manager supervises the office. Characteristics of office manager

An Office Manager must have skills to run the business of the company or office he joints, where are as under: i.

Outstanding Organizational Skills


Clear and Consistent Communication


Intensely Intelligent


Calm, Cool And Collected


Committed and Charismatic

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Office layout /office spaces/Office design/ Office structure There are many different ways of arranging the space in an office. The office building is to provide a workplace and working environment provided with desks, PCs and other equipment they may need within these areas. These vary according to function, managerial fashions, and the

culture of specific companies. It includes how many people will work within the same room.

At one, each individual worker will have their own room; at the other an open plan office can be made up of one main room with tens or hundreds of people working in the same space and they can improve short term productivity, i.e. within a single software project. An office building will be divided into sections a reception area, one or several meeting rooms, singular or open-plan offices, as well as toilets, kitchen facilities and a staff room, Serviced Office Spaces : Many office spaces are now also serviced office spaces, which means that those occupying a space or building can share facilities. It is not always easy to select the right office spaces/office design. One can distinguish three different types of office spaces: work spaces, meeting spaces and support spaces, project rooms and so on..

1. Office layout/ Work spaces Work spaces in an office are typically used for conventional office activities such as reading, writing and computer work. There are nine generic types of work space, each supporting different activities.

 open office

 team space

 cubicle

Open office: An open work space for more than ten people, suitable for activities which demand frequent communication or routine activities which need relatively little concentration Team space: A semi-enclosed work space for two to eight people; suitable for teamwork which demands frequent internal communication and a medium level of concentration Cubicle: A semi-enclosed work space for one person, suitable for activities which demand medium concentration and medium interaction

 private office

 shared office

 team room Private office: An enclosed work space for one person, suitable for activities which are confidential, demand a lot of concentration or include many small meetings Shared office: An enclosed work space for two or three people, suitable for semiconcentrated work and collaborative work in small groups Team room: An enclosed work space for four to ten people; suitable for teamwork which may be confidential and demands frequent internal communication

 study booth

 work lounge

 touch down Study booth: An enclosed work space for one person; suitable for short-term activities which demand concentration or confidentiality Work lounge: A lounge-like work space for two to six people; suitable for short-term activities which demand collaboration and/or allow impromptu interaction Touch down: An open work space for one person; suitable for short-term activities which require little concentration and low interaction

2. Meeting spaces Meeting spaces in an office typically use interactive processes, be it quick conversations. There are six types of meeting space, each supporting different activities.

 small meeting room

 large meeting room

 Small meeting space Small meeting room: An enclosed meeting space for two to four persons, suitable for both formal and informal interaction Large meeting room: An enclosed meeting space for five to twelve people, suitable for formal interaction Small meeting space: An open or semi-open meeting space for two to four persons; suitable for short, informal interaction

 large meeting space

 brainstorm room

 meeting point Large meeting space: An open or semi-open meeting space for five to twelve people; suitable for short, informal interaction Brainstorm room: An enclosed meeting space for five to twelve people; suitable for brainstorming sessions and workshops Meeting point: An open meeting point for two to four persons; suitable for ad hoc, informal meetings

3. Support spaces Support spaces in an office are typically used for secondary activities such as filing documents or taking a break. There are twelve generic types of support space, each supporting different activities.

 filing space

 storage space

 print and copy area

Filing space: An open or enclosed support space for the storage of frequently used files and documents Storage space: An open or enclosed support space for the storage of commonly used office supplies Print and copy area: An open or enclosed support space with facilities for printing, scanning and copying

 mail area

 pantry area

 break area Mail area: An open or semi-open support space where employees can pick up or deliver their personal mail Pantry area: An open or enclosed support space where people can get coffee and tea as well as soft drinks and snacks Break area: A semi-open or enclosed support space where employees can take a break from their work

 locker area

 smoking room

 library Locker area: An open or semi-open support space where employees can store their personal belongings Smoking room: An enclosed support space where employees can smoke a cigarette Library: A semi-open or enclosed support space for reading of books, journals and magazines

 games room

waiting area

 circulation space Games room: An enclosed support space where employees can play games (e.g. computer games, pool, darts) Waiting area: An open or semi-open support space where visitors can be received and can wait for their appointment Circulation space: Support space which is required for circulation on office floors, linking all major functions 4. A corner office is an office that is located in the corner of a building. Corner offices are considered desirable because they have windows on two exterior walls, as opposed to a typical office with only one window or none at all (windowless offices occupying a corner of a building are therefore not typically considered “corner offices”). As corner offices are often given to the most senior executives.

Office environment and its importance: The main purpose of an office environment is to support its occupants in performing their job with different people—preferably at minimum cost and to maximum satisfaction. Creating

a stylish office environment is one challenge, but turning that space into a productive office environment with all facilities can be even more difficult. The office environment is very important to a worker who joins the office. For a women employee, she first sees the office environment. It always increases the productivity of work. So office environment is an important factor for employees.


Allow employees to manage natural light


Make the office environment conducive for fun


Provide enough space for resting, meeting, and working


Encourage positive working – strike the balance between teamwork and individuality


Provide efficient and supportive technology


Reflecting your brand identity


Providing to the staff facility of cleanliness and health safety.

viii. Rooms of office must be ventilated as per the office work. ix.

Proper lights / ACs/ Fans and other facilities should also be there in the room.

x. Question 1. What Is An Office Procedure? Answer : Office procedure or system can be defined as the sequence of steps or operations in which activities are performed or done. Every organization does produce office manual or procedure manual which contain in a summarized form, all the activities or- things in an organization. xi. Question 2. What Is Filing In The Office? Answer : Filing means keeping documents in a safe place and being able to find them easily and quickly. Documents that are cared for will not easily tear, get lost or dirty. A filing system is the central record-keeping system for an organisation. It helps you to be organised, systematic, efficient and transparent. 1. Question 3. What Is Filing Process? Answer : Filing is a material removal process in manufacturing. Similar, depending on use, to both sawing and grinding in effect, it is functionally versatile, but used mostly for finishing operations, namely in debarring operations. Filing operations can be used on a wide range of materials as a finishing operation. Question 4. What Is An Alphabetical Filing System? Answer : Alphabetical filing is a fundamental way to organize documents in both your private and personal life. Filing documents in alphabetical order will allow you and others to find and replace each file quickly. Question 5. What Are The General Office Procedures? Answer : Office Clerks, General Career. Clerical duties may be assigned in accordance with the office procedures of individual establishments and may include a combination of answering telephones, bookkeeping, typing or word processing, stenography, office machine operation, and filing.


Question 6. What Are The Functions Of The Office? Answer : The basic functions are essential to the existence of the office. These include collecting, processing, recording, storing and furnishing information. The administrative functions are organisation of office activities, control of stationery, purchase of equipment, safe guarding of assets, management of personnel etc. Question 7. Why Should Organizations Have A Good Filing System? Answer : Documents that are cared for will not easily tear, get lost or dirty. A filing system is the central record-keeping system for an organisation. It helps you to be organised, systematic, efficient and transparent. It also helps all people who should be able to access information to do so easily. Question 9. What Is The Purpose Of Filing System? Answer : The most important purpose of a file system is to manage user data. This includes storing, retrieving and updating data. Some file systems accept data for storage as a stream of bytes which are collected and stored in a manner efficient for the media. 1. Question 10. What Is A Chronological File? Answer : Organizing and ordering documents and records in a dated sequence. This sequence can by according to their date of receipt, or date and time of their creation. The item youngest-by-date is usually in front of or on top of the previous items. 2. Question 11. What Are Office Practices And Procedures? Answer : A policy is a guiding principle used to set direction in an organization, while a procedure is a set of instructions used to implement organizational policies into action. Generally, office policies and procedures are contained in the organization's procedural manual. Question 12. What Are The Processes Of Administration? Answer : Administrative processes are the office tasks that are required to keep a company humming along. Administrative processes include human resources, marketing, and accounting. Basically anything that entails managing the information that supports a business is an administrative process. 1. Question 13. What Is The Use Of An Office? Answer : An office building, also known as an office block or business center is a form of commercial building which contains...

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