Course Community Relations
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Finals Review

ADMJ 5 – Multicultural Challenge for Law Enforcement (F2014) ADMJ 5 – NOTE GUIDE – PoIntroduction: U.S. in the 21st lice Response to Terrorism Century -We are the most cultural in the I. Historical world I. Mixing of races, cultures, and ethnic groups


a. Pre-

a. “Melting pot” 1. Mind-set of myth - Forget your ancestry, and culagencies ture, and to commit into the American dream. -we thought of terrorism hap-

pening somewhere else

-gov thought of it as a tradi-

tional crime issue b. Reality is a “mosaic” or “tapestry” - Numerous really had training for colors that come together to form -never war on drugs an image - numerous racial groups b. coming together without forgetting Post 9/11 their cultural history 1. c. Accepting multiculturalism Paradigm shift to “We are at war” 1. Criticisms of immigrates - different food, culture -

how you think about something/ how you view something

2. 3rd Generation and beyond no toleration for the ethnic groups

any terrorist act would be burden upon local police department (before 911 happened)

d. Voluntary migrants vs tragedies of refugees economic for a better life or refugees

-Major issues when it comes to multiple diverse society: Fear of deportation

ADMJ 5 – NOTE GUIDE – Militarization of the Police (Rise of the Warrior Cop) I. Historical a. Root cause b. Castle Doctrine -A man was in charge of his castle, do what he has to do to protect his house -Government must give their authority and must state their purpose as why they are led into their house c. 1953 - Warren Court (USSC) -Earl Warren - by protecting your constitutional rights / miranda / exclusionary rule - unreasonable search and seizure / privacy - d. 1963 – USSC Ker v. California - Unless there are emergency circumstance / knocking can be ignored e. 1965 – Watts Riot One of the biggest riots - a step towards militarization Richard Nixon running for president - used watts riot as a campaign issue - gets elected- racially motivated Darryl Gates- realized LAPD was not equipped to handle it = comes up with a swat team - special weapons and tactics SWAT - ready to take on high risk situations f. 1966 – University of Texas @ Austin Tower Shooting a high bell tower and goes up a tower and shoots civilians Austin police did not have the right weapons, had to go home and retrieve hunting rifles to shoot suspect g. 1968 – Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -numerous riots of african americans across the USA h. 1960-1970 – Nation-wide view & Pres. Richard Nixon

national/federal government issue


thinking about it in a local level


fed and local government

trying to work together II. Impact of diversity means more complex police activities social media - training for a. Lack of knowl- finding terrorists edge and effective communications - information to fight terrorists - embrace diversity

a. 1964 – Pres. Lyndon Johnson: War on Poverty -attack causes of crime, attack poverty and crime b. 1965 – Pres. Johnson: War on Crime 1033 program - extra equipment from war are given to police departments - started in early 90s and is still present 1977 - hollywood bank shootout c. 1971 – Pres. Richard Nixon: War on Drugs

d. 1981 – Pres. Ronald Reagan and 1992 – Pres. Bill Clinton: War on Drugs

III. Disturbing trend in threats IV. Organizational culture change

f. SWAT team responses terrorism was police job swift from police to national problems increase high risk teams

b. Law enforcement paradigm shift and

e. 2001 – Pres. George W. Bush and 2008 – Pres.

18,000 law enforcement agencies 500 swat teams in 1975 80-90% of police departments have swat teams 1500 % increase in swat teams high risk that officers and innocent people will get hurt Mission creep - slowly creep from old missions to present missions Using swat to check for barchecks for underaged drinking it’s illegal to use the military against the citizens without presidential order III. Police perception of mission and Society

a. Missions: 1. Military - neutralize whatever the threat is

-destructive conflict- both sides want to win, one side wants the other to lose -Dealing with conflict management - dealing working with a community to resolve an issue to defuse problems -officers can be effective in deescalation of situations -Finding alternatives to enforcement (making an arrest) not every answer is to arrest -arresting can be inconsistent with the philosophy -police must operate of a community, not apart from -conflict management must happen occur a conflict occurs ; must

(trained in psych) to reduce the use of force - resolving conflict issues (like people with mental illnesses) - started in Memphis Tennessee (high rate officer involved shootings with individuals) -Police response to terrorism - talking about pre-9/11 - terrorist type acts were considered to be state crime issues handled by local law enforcement - not a terrorist act - just a criminal act. A

recovery after a terrorist threat or act -Terrorist acts are divided in to domestic (residents in the US) and international (funded and developed by outside groups - investigated by the cia ) -A switch from local to federal - local law enforcement has not been trained to handle terrorist act -local law enforcement going through a cultural shift -Community policing (deals with crimes) and terrorist acts are parallel - 2 different aspects 1. disrupt quality of life, threaten society, and 2. generate fear - exploit fear of the threat -Militarization of the police - a long continuous process - started out with the supreme court decisions that restricted tactics of law enforcement

uation -War on Crime - Lindon Johnson - training law enforcement to tackle the high crime rate, special training and equipment -Program that started the acquisition of military equipment 1033 program - pentagon transferring local weapons to local law enforcement to handle high risk situations -Mission creep - where there wasn't enough high crime situation -

2. Police 3. Failure of distinguishing

involved in low crime situations -Loss of perception - Mindset of being in way in a military type mission - police failing to recognize between the missions

b. “Wars” and Federal funding

-Hate crimes -Groups don't always get along well -crimes and incidences that are based on hate that is motivated by racial ethnic, and cultural intolerances

1. Tipping point

-1990 the federal hate crimes stats act was inacted in order to collect data on the hate crimes occurring in our society - local law enforcement has to collect hate crime information to the FBI that col-

a. Common parallel threats 2. 1st Peel’s Principle

c. Challenge is maintaining the balance

- using your discretion, use an alternative to resolving an issue d. Key to addressing challenges

to be in conflict -productive conflict - a balance in the forces where they can agree in an equilibrium - positive result

-Watts riot - law enforcement were unprepared to confront a major riot (tactic and equipment & training wise) -LAPD developed the first SWAT team to handle a military type sit-

2. Apply for “U” visa c. Understanding b. Appropriate training for officultural context in criminal inci- cers dents and criminal intent

come from & what they endured -Biases may influence their perspective of law enforcement based on the country they came from -conflict of management - a product of human nature - our nature

shift of thought - from a local issue to a national threat -Following investigations into 9/11, federal agencies weren’t working with each other. Dept of homeland securities brings in one management. In order to have a coordinated to terrorist acts, the

Barack Obama

evolution of strategies IV. Major issues fear of disrespect, dishonor in families a. Fear of deportation - major barrier between ethnic - need training to combat tergroups - those who are docurorism in every officers they train mented 1. Law enforcement cooperation c. Training can with federal authorities (ICE) be problematic b. Safe Reporting of Crime & the “U” Visa V. Community Policing and U-visa - If an individual is undocu- Homeland Security (Equal to mented- contacts and cooperates sec of state) with police - aides in investigations -being proactive - finding stuff what citizens would do - aide things in before it happens a resolution in a civil case- they can apply to the government for a U- - cannot leave out people’s constitutional rights - cannot Visa. Creates a legal visa, gives them stereotype the ability to work in the USA working to the path to becoming a legal resident 1. Victims of Trafficking & Violence Protection Act (2000)

-culturally aware of the various cultures to understand why certain crimes occur -Being aware of the environment or situation that immigrants

restorative justice (talking out whatever the issue is) -goal to restorative justice is to restore the victim before the crime happened -CIT team (conflict intervention team) - highly trained officers

- Beat cops have the best information

b. Level of comfort in interacting with community -building trust, building a relationa. Organizaship III. Impact of Cultural Diversity on tion’s culture is unique enforcement of law

-U-Visa - if an undocumented individual cooperates in an investigation, they can get a letter to get a U-visa = can legally work in the USA with a SS and an avenue for residency

have a structure, cant build it during a conflict -EX of conflict management techniques - issuing citations instead of arresting, diversion programs, negotiation vs confrontation,

II. “We are at war” mentality

II. Thinking and response to paradigm shift

a. shift in law enforcee. From celebra- Cultural ment tion of diversity to absolute intolerance


IV. Development of a perfect storm a. Society transformation b. Gov. attempts to control social issues

lects and stores them -The information shows that racial hate crimes are the highest percentage (49%) based on race issues are the highest, sexual orientation, religion, and national origin -In order to have a hate crime there must be a criminal action against a person, place, or segment of society. Motivated by bias or hate in those categories. -PC 422 - The hate crime act in California - person must be threatened with great injury or death even if the person has no intention of carrying it out - as long the individual believes it would be carried out -threat can come in any form, verbal, written, electronic -2 types of hate: rational hate - build on hate build against you /ir -

ADMJ5Hat eCr i mes ADMJ5Confli ctManagement 1. Hi s t or i c al l ywear et he • I nt r oduct i on:Confl i ctwi t h i n mos td i v er s ecount r yi n t hec ont e x tofl a w enf o r c et hewor l d me ntt heneedt or e sol v e . a. Mostcul t ur al l ydi v er s e b. Feder al Hat eCr i meSt a• Ke y:How doespoi ntof t i s t i csAct s( 1990)-gav e vi e wa ffecti nt er pr e t at i on t her es ponsi bi l i t yt ot he andr eact i on? fi bt oac cumul at ehat e 1. Confli ctandhumannat ur e i nf or mat i ondat a-l ocal 1.I dent i f yi ngwhatt he l awenf or c ementar er es ponsi bl et os t or edat a confli cti s-separ at eal lt hepeopl e ofhat ec r i meands end 2.Comeupwi t ha t oFBIt hei rdat at oputi t st r at egyt odi ffusewhat ev ert hes i t ont hei rdat abase uat i oni s c . FBIonl yget swhatl o cal PDs endst hem -wehad a. At t empt satopencommuni 6khat ecr i mes-maj or i t y cat i oncanr esul ti nconfli ct oft hehat ec r i mesar e b. Confli ctca nbepr oduct i ve r aci al l ymot i v at ed49% / ordest r uct i ve s exualor i ent at i onand 2par t i esc omi ngt o get hert oa t t e mptt o r el i gi onar et her es tof t hatper cent age r e s ol v i ngani s s ue ,hav i ngabal anc e wi t hwha teac hs i deneeds-wi nwi n 2.Hat ecr i me( Bi ascr i me) s i t uat i on-ac onfl i c tt hati spr oduc t i v e a. Cr i mi nalAct i on-some Des t r uc t i v e-needst owi nt hanr es cr i mi nalvi ol at i on 2.Confli ctcanbepr oduct i v eas agai nstaper son, gr oup,soci et y ,e t c wel lasdest r uct i ve b. Mot i v at ed-t hei nt ent a. Ma j orpar tofpol i cewor k mustbeapar tofi tor 2. Ma nagementf ocuseson t hewhol et hi ngt oi nwor k i ngwi t ht hecommut i mi dat eorhar m anot hergr oup ni t y . c . Off e n d e r ’ s b i a s b.Office r scanbeeffect i veconfli ct d. bECAUSEOF deescal at or s(candot heopposi t e e. El ementof422PCi ft heydonothandl ei tr i ght ) Hat eCr i me( Cal i f )t hr eat enanot herper s on 3.Confli ctmanagementandal t er w i t hdeat horbodi l y nat i vest oar r est h a r m e v e n i f t h e s uspect know whatt odobef or eacondoesnoti nt endt odot he fli ctst ar t si fyoucan act( t er r or i s tl awactt hr eat ) - y ouwantt obeapar toft he 1. Thr eat enPer son communi t y-apar toft hesol u2. Ev eni fsuspect t i on 3. Thr eatt ak ens er i ous l y a. Soci et yst r i vest ounder 4. Thr eat sv er bal ,el ecst andar r e st t r oni c,emai l ,canbea w h a t i f t h r e a t c. Ar r esti snotal way sconsi s5. Reasonabl ef orv i ct i mt o t entwi t hcommuni t ypol i cbel i ev et hatt het hr eat i ng wi l l bec ar r i edout-r ea4.Effect i vemanagementr equi r es s onabl et hatt hi st hr eat wi l l occ uri nt henearf upar t ner shi p t ur e a. bal anci ngact d. pol i ceaspar tofandnota 273. 5PC-domes t i cvi ol ence ,Any par tf r om per s onwhowi l l f ul l yi nfli ct scor poe. communi t ymustknow r al i n j ur yr e sul t i ngi nat r aumat i c c ondi t i onuponavi ct i m des cr i bed f . managementst ar t sbef or e i ns ubdi v i si on t heconfli ct Ther eoccur r i ngt heme-knowl edge 3.Whati shat e ? oft hecommuni t yyouar egoi ngt o a. Char ac t er i st i c s beapar tof r at i onalh at e: i r r at i onal hat e:hat ebaseds ol el y 5.Exampl esofconfli ctmanageonr ac e,or i gi n,r el i gi on mentt echni ques a. war ni ngorci t at i on b.Res ear c handl awenf or c ement g. di v er si onpr ogr am dat a 1. Hat ecr i meoffender s h. negot i at i onsver s escon( 20132014) f r ont at i on 6. Hat ecr i mev i c t i ms 1. goali st or eser ve d.r est or at i onj ust i cepr ogr am 4.Howhat ec r i mesaffects oc i e t y Res t or at i v ej us t i c e-as i t uat i onwher e a. Li k et er r or i sm hat e c r i mesar et her et os end y o uar edi v er t edoutt hec our ts y s t em amess aget oaspeci fic e.Cr i si s/confli cti nt er ve nt i ont eam gr oup-y ouar eanex ( CI T) ampl et oy ourbi gger 40hr sofs pe ci al i z edt r ai ni ng gr oup f . Offender suse - de al i ngs omepeo pl ewi t hment al g. Dest r oycommuni t i es i l l nes s t hr ough t r y i ngt osol v eani ss uewi t hout an y onege t t i ngh ur t 5.Hat ecr i mesaffectonl awenf .Si mpl easbei ngpr esent f or cement a. St r ongdemand 6. Aspect sofconfli ctmanagement h. Dr ai nr e sour ces i nt er vent i on i . Hi ghmedi aat t ent i on a. I dent i f yconfli ct j . Pol i c er eput at i on i . i nt er v ent i on k . St r ongpr i orc ommuni t y pol i ci ng c.I ni t i alr el i eft ocommuni t y t hr oughdef usi ng Whatpeopl edonotunder st and, d.Pol i cemustl ookbeyondt r a di t heyt endt ohear ; whatt heyf ear , t i onalmet hods t heyt endt ohat e . 7.Confli ctmanagementi scr i t i calt o pol i cecommuni t yr el at i ons a. Bui l di ng j . Devel opi ng k. Def usi ng l . Offic ersaf et y m. Effect i veuse

Res ul toft hedi s put ed pr esi dent i al el ect i onof1876 bet weenr ut her f or dhayes anddemoc r atsamuel t i l den,democ r at sconceded t heel ect or al v ot es 1878Poss eComi t at usAct endedr econst r uct i onand bar r edf eder almi l i t ar yper s onnelf r om enf or ci ngt he l aws The1894Pul l manst r i k e s aw12, 000f eder al t r oops depl oy edt obr eaka wor k er ’ sst r i k e 1957Ei senhowernat i onal i z edt hear kansasnat i onal guar dt oenf or cei nt egr at i on i nLi t t l eRoc k Pi nker t onswer epr i vat epol i cet obus tuni ons . Augus tVol l mers oughtt o pr of ess i onal i z et hepol i ceby r ef or mi ngi t sst r uct ur eand or gani zat i onal ongami l i t ar y model ofaut hor i t yandhi er ar chyunt i l t hi sday Moder nmi l i t ar i zat i on ev ent s Pr esi dentLy ndonJohnson s i gni ngt heOmni busCr i me c ont r ol andsaf est r eet sac t of1968-cr eat edaccessf or l ocalgovst odev el opand pur chasemi l i t ar yt yper es our c es Fac i l i t at edt hedev el opment ofSWATt hatdev el opedi n Phi l adel phi a,Los Angel es, et c 2.Pr esi dentNi x on-War onDr ugs-r ac i alov er t oneof t enass oc i at edwi t hbl ack s 3.9/ 11col l apseoft hedi st i nc t i onbet weencr i mi nal pol c i ng,i nt el l i gencegat her i ng,andpr ot ect i onofnat i onals ec ur i t y -l awssuc hast hepat r i ot acteffect i v el yt ur nedt he pol i cei nt oagent si nt hewar agai nstt er r or...

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